My Boss And Wife

It’s a story of my wife’s sexual journey and it’s written out in 2 parts . I hope you enjoy reading and don’t judge it . It’s lengthy story .

Hello, my name is Gaurav, and I am married to the love of my life. Tanvi is her name. She is the love of my life, and we first met in college. We persuaded similar subjects to be our common ground, and we began meeting up on a regular basis for lectures and other activities. This friendship grew into being best friends, and we soon realised we felt the same way about each other. We began our beautiful relationship two years before I got my first job. We had a normal relationship, but we had agreed not to have any intimate intercourse.

She came from a religious family and wanted to be pure until the day we married, after which she was comfortable. So before marriage, the only thing we could do was touch each other. She gave me a job after about 3 months of convincing. I had a decent 4-inch dick. She wasn’t sure how she’d react to this. I knew it was small, but it was the average size, so I couldn’t complain. She had her doubts, but because she had never had sex, she assumed that her sexual life really wouldn’t change dramatically after our marriage.

She thought she could live with me and my 4-inch dog. After two years, I got a job in a large corporation; I was happy, and my future was largely secure after only three months there. I had a good salary and a good relationship with my boss; he looked after me, and our bond was strong; we were like friends. I appreciated how he treats his employees.

After that, we decided it was the perfect time to get married, so we went to my house, where everyone was happy, and then my parents went to her house, where everyone was happy, and we were both the happiest. We married four months later.It was a nice day, and I invited my boss to our wedding as well. He was going to see my wife for the first time. For context, her skin is almost white, like that of a foreigner. Her height is amazing, and she stands out from other women because of it. She has the most beautiful face; if I were completely unbiased, I would rate her face a 9/10 if I didn’t know who she was. Her figure is one of her most defining features; she has long, silky legs, is moderately slim, has no fat, and works out regularly to keep her hot and sexy body in shape. Her boobs measure 34 B. Her waist measurement is 25 and her bottom measurement is 34. I genuinely believe she is far, far out of my league. She deserves a handsome model, a wealthy prince, or something similar as a partner. She is completely out of my league, and all I did was talk to her and hang out with her. She liked me for being myself and for treating her like the queen she is.

Back to the story, my boss came up on stage, shook my hand, and congratulated me, and he stood between me and Tanvi. The way she made that lusty face and bit her lower lip had given me an instant hard on, so hard that it hurt. I had no idea why she made that face on the stage while taking a photograph; I was completely overwhelmed. After the photograph, my boss shook my hand again, then shook her hand and told me I was lucky to have such a beautiful wife. We laughed, and he walked off the stage. I was dying to ask her what made her do that, but everyone was staring at her. It was embarrassing, but even more so was the growing bulge in my kurta.

After we had finished everything and all of the guests had left, we went to our bedroom, and before I even entered the room, she had changed into her casual outfit and was ready to sleep. But she’s too tired for sex, so I asked her to at least strip naked for me to masturbate. She then grasped her skirt at the crotch and began slowly pulling it up. I realised she had never shown me her boobs together in our two-year relationship. She had only shown me one at a time to touch and feel when I asked, but it was my first time seeing both of them. I was overjoyed.

She pulled them up, and I was thrilled, and a cold chill ran down my spine as I looked at the fantastic view of her both boobs exposed to me. He held her shirt up and looked at my pyjamas, asking if they were done already. I looked down and pushed my hand into my pyjamas to see if I had cummed in my pants. It was the most humiliating experience I’d ever had. I had been hard since the morning I saw her in that bridal gown, and it kept me hard; it was more like edging for me, and I finally got to see her boobs, which made me leak my cum.

She tried to hold back her laughter, but it slipped out, and she told me to go clean up, and we’d have sex tomorrow. I went inside to see if I had really done that. After shooting a lot of cum, I pulled down and noticed my dick was still throbbing. I cleaned my dick, put on another pair of underwear, and went out to find her almost asleep. I jumped into bed and asked for a kiss at the very least. I kissed her as she pouted. I kissed her and sucked her tongue like a lollypop for a long time. She grabbed my dick and asked if I was still hard or if kissing was making me hard. I could tell I was getting harder just from kissing. We cuddled and slept after that kiss. I awoke to her laughing again, and she told me to take a look at what I had done. I had cramps while sleeping. She said she felt something wet on her ass and was moved to see it. I was taken aback. I was embarrassed, but she took it in stride and laughed it off, saying I was too horny to sleep with a beautiful girl like her. We both laughed, and she left. I cleaned the sheet, as well as myself, and put on another pair of underwear.

I took a week off from work and couldn’t do anything that day because I was so horny. I was completely erect the entire time. I didn’t even have the courage to go in front of my parents with a bulge in my pants, but I had a very small penis, and it didn’t even look like I had anything there when I wore baggy pants.

Tanvi entered the bedroom after that day had ended, and I was so happy that I was jumping up and down with excitement and had a big grin on my face. She knew exactly what I wanted and told me to be naked when she came out of the restroom. She came in, and I quickly stripped naked and sat on the bed. She returned after a minute or so, fully naked, and I was so horny seeing her fully naked for the first time. No piece of cloth on her beautiful body was one of the most beautiful views I’ve ever had in my life. She seemed to me as a goddess. I wanted to worship her. She sat on the bed and gently spread her legs, and I was taken aback when she asked if I wanted to do it or if she could sleep. I quickly came to my senses and said no. I was wearing a condom when I got on top, and it was the strangest moment of my life. I pressed my dick against her pristine virgin vaginal opening. When I tried to open it, it was as tight as a rubber band. I pushed and forced my way in, but it wouldn’t let me in. She told me that I could do it if I pushed it hard enough and applied enough pressure.
She instructed me to get some Vaseline and apply it to both his dick and her pussy. I gently rubbed my dick and knew I’d cum if I even touched anything, so I waited a few moments until I felt like I could last and then applied Vaseline to her pussy. I massaged it and felt like I could now easily push my finger, so I placed it again and slowly applied pressure, seeing her face turn red and her best effort. She yelled at me to push in rage, and I panicked and delivered a powerful thrust. It went in without a second thought. She felt some pain, but she exhaled and was fine. I waited, then just tried to get moving and was trying to figure out how to do it. I didn’t know how to thrust or give pumps, so I pulled out and pushed in, and the third push was the one that got me over. I cummed and fell over to the left side, where she hugged me and we cuddled while my dick was still fully erect from shooting so much cum that my condom couldn’t hold it.
I threw it away, and we both went to bed. I had forgotten about the boss incident at our wedding at that point. As she fell asleep, she bit her lower lip, and the memories flooded back. I remembered her making that face and wanted to ask her, but I didn’t want to wake her up. I couldn’t sleep all night because my hard dick wouldn’t let me. I was too preoccupied with that, and I was extremely horny. I was alone with my thoughts the entire night until she woke up and noticed me staring at the ceiling. She asked if I was okay, and when she saw my hard dick, she asked if I needed a handjob. I looked at her and kissed her. She hugged me and said, “It’s all right and just sleep.” . She hugged me and told me it was alright to rest.

I immediately fell asleep as she gripped me in her arms. I felt good because her warmth was so comforting. When I awoke late in the morning, she was already dressed and preparing lunch for my mother. I awoke in my bed, thinking about the previous night, and the boss reappeared in my mind. After a few minutes, she entered the room and noticed me staring at the ceiling once more. She approached me and said good morning. I was too shy to ask her, but I was also very horny and jealous for some unknown reason. I held her hand and finally summoned the courage to ask her. I asked her what happened to her when we were taking pictures with my boss at our wedding, and she said I looked at her as she made that face. I knew what I saw: she had her eyes closed, her jaw dropped, her lips parted, and for a split second she bit her lower lip, and when she opened her eyes, her eyes were rolled all the way back. And she came to when the boss moved and shook my hand. It was strange, and she told me it was nothing and that she was just cold. I told her that I was not a fool and that she could tell me what had happened.

She told me she was having an orgasm on stage and had lost eye contact with me. She avoided eye contact and stated that she felt a tickling sensation, that her body felt like it was falling apart, and that she felt like there was an explosion inside her. She told me that her legs shook for almost the entire time after that, and she felt tired and exhausted, but she also felt relief and extreme happiness, as if she had accomplished something, and she felt pure bliss at that precise moment. She revealed all of this information about herself, and I was so relieved to see her face light up as she candidly and openly discussed her emotions.

I was happy for her and felt good about how she felt, but I forgot to ask her why she felt that way. There should have been a trigger or a series of motions, or she should have touched something or done something to cause that response. I noted that she didn’t explain the situation to me until the afternoon. I was prepared with my topic for the evening. I brought up the subject and asked her why she felt that way all of a sudden while we were in bed at night. I finally gave her a choice by asking if my boss had done anything nefarious. I asked if she was having any issues or if anything had happened to her.

Her eyes immediately opened up as soon as I said those words. Her ears picked up on what they were expecting to hear. She remained silent, so I questioned her once more if my boss had done anything improper. She remained mute once more when I asked her if she could talk to me about it because I was her husband and because I had no right to be angry with her if she hadn’t done anything wrong. She paused for a moment, and I assured her that it was fine if she didn’t want to tell me and that I wouldn’t press her or keep trying to ask her. She looked away from me after pausing for a short while to avoid making eye contact.

She admitted to feeling awful about it and being really humiliated, but she felt comfortable telling me in the hopes that I wouldn’t take it personally. She claimed that an incident occurred on the stage. She questioned whether I would be angry if she expressed how she truly felt. If she said something inappropriate, she offered her sincere apologies in advance. She confessed to me that she had a crush on my boss when she looked down the stage and felt an instant connection with him. She had just gotten married to me hours earlier and felt guilty about having a crush on another man while taking wedding photos on the same day. I understand that; as I said, it’s not a big deal. She took a moment to gather her composure before continuing. As my boss approached the stage, he gave her a lustful look, and when he shook her hand, she felt extremely nervous, and her body began acting very strangely. Tanvi informed me that he had his hand around her waist as he stood between her and myself. His hand was hidden because she was wearing a lehenga and had her dupatta on the side. She felt strange with his hand around her waist, so he shifted it and placed that into her butt. At that precise moment, she had an orgasm, which caused her to make that face, close her eyes, etc. He rubbed her butt before reaching out and pinching her navel again.

When the orgasm was over and her legs began to shake, she claimed that the pinch itself was so strong that she had almost completely lost control and was on the verge of dropping to her knees. She had felt that for the first time and assumed it was simply exhaustion, but when she went to the restroom, she discovered her pants were completely wet, and she was so saturated that her pussy’s grool was dripping down to her knees and even a few drips were falling onto the stage. She tried to forget this had happened since she was so ashamed and guilty about it, but when I brought up the subject, her memories came flooding back.

I should have been upset, but for some reason instead it made me horny. I was interested in some masturbation because it seemed like an excellent sex plot. Although she was my wife, I began to experience the same embarrassment as I was already leaking in my underwear and was horny as a result. For some reason, it seemed a million times hotter when I visualised my boss with her. It was indeed a brilliant move on his part to pinch her navel and then tell her that I was blessed to have such a gorgeous wife.

I acknowledged that she must be really horny for his touch to cause an orgasm. My research indicates that girls don’t frequently encounter orgasm; therefore, her doing so was highly unusual if she didn’t feel any particular emotions. She liked him more than just a crush, so he wasn’t simply a crush. It really hurt my arse when she became so horny that she experienced an orgasm. I was so horny that I lost track of the fact that I was her husband, leaving my wife to be the one who was affected. I felt bad because she was miserable only because she had such immense satisfaction. She was sobbing and distressed over herself. I gave her a tight hug while doing my best to hide the fact that I was having an erection as I was listening to it. But soon, as I was hugging her, she stepped back an inch, and her bottom touched mine. She chose to ignore it, and I kept reassuring her and cheering her up.

She was crying and her nose was dripping with snot when I turned her around to see this horrific expression. She inhaled deeply to take it all in while I laughed at it. I gave her a comforting hug after wiping her face and snot with my shirt while she smiled. I wanted to tell her how horny I was, but I also didn’t want to make a big deal out of the fact that she was just enjoying an orgasm. I reassured her that everything was alright and asked if she had actually enjoyed it. After a minute of silence, she finally responded, “Yes.” I now felt good. I advised her that if she appreciated it, there was no need to cry, and instead she should be glad she had a unique experience. She stopped sobbing and simply dozed off in my arms. After carefully placing her head on the pillow, I quickly dashed to the bathroom because I had already cummed in my pants at that time. I masturbated for around 20 minutes to get over my stiff dick despite feeling embarrassed and horny at the same time. I failed to make it soft.

When I returned, I discovered that she was sound asleep, so I grabbed my phone and began watching porn. I was already a fan of extreme and orgasm-themed porn, but I watched the category “cheating” because it contained so many videos that, despite being obviously fake, made me horny just thinking about them. I looked up “boss and wife” and other terms related to them, and I watched two jav porn videos that lasted almost two hours each. I was so eager and felt so connected. I had soiled my pants once more, so I had to wash myself. After cleaning myself up, I began downloading 4-6 JAV videos about the same theme and the boss and wife plot before going to bed.

Tanvi seemed to be avoiding me and still pissed off with herself as I woke up feeling really horny. My parents were in their room, so I took her by the hand in the living room itself and pulled her close before kissing her. I gave her a very passionate kiss, and we continued to kiss even after my father started shaking the newspaper. We continued to be lip-locked, and when he coughed loudly while sitting on the sofa behind me, we were alarmed, and she fled into the kitchen. It was both awkward and hilarious. He smiled, but he made every effort to hide it.
We didn’t discuss it, but after watching those videos for the entirety of the day in my room, I had no complaints. It was known as NTR. The other terms, such as hotwifery, cuckoldry, and others, came to light for me. I frequently saw these on porn sites, but they never sparked my interest. Instead, I always got the impression that hotwife was just a hot wife, and that was about it. I had no idea it was an entirely different topic.
Since I started watching porn the day I got my first phone, I have probably watched thousands and thousands of videos. I laughed at myself for this. When I had my own phone, I was watching three to five films, but I never developed an interest in cuckoldry. I viewed a couple films, and they immediately caught my attention. I sensed a connection to it. I kept this information from Tanvi. I was now getting into it. For the duration of that week, we engaged in only occasional masturbation. When it was my day to go to work, I was thinking entirely differently.

I sent Tanvi off at the train station because she would be staying at her parents’ place for a month straight. When I arrived at work, I saw that my boss had become more clear around me. He gave me frequent compliments on my work, paid closer attention to me and my surroundings, checked in frequently to see how I was feeling, and even set the AC to a setting that made me feel comfortable. Now that it was obviously apparent, he was sticking with me more frequently.

My emotions towards him and my wife as a couple were becoming more intimate. Now I could picture the two of them together. I had no intention of doing this, but as time went on, the way I viewed him changed. He was no longer my boss; instead, he was my wife’s crush and possibly her partner in crime. He called me two weeks after inviting me to a wedding, saying he would have my company and wouldn’t feel lonely there because he rarely knew anyone besides the groom. He didn’t ask for Tanvi’s name or anything. I accepted the invitation because I was bored at home, and he picked me up so we could go there. After some time, we had finished our dinner, and both of us needed to use the restroom. We entered a neighbouring public restroom after finding it. I had never been in the bathroom with him before. There were just two urinals close to each other when we entered the room after standing. He claimed that the bride’s mother was hotter than the bride herself, and we both laughed as I agreed. As a result, we had to stand next to each other. As he slid his chain down, I could see his fully extended dick. I was completely in shock, denial, and disbelief. That can’t be true. I was so shocked that I forgot I needed to go pee and instead just kept staring at his dick. He questioned, “What happened? Haven’t you seen a dick before?” as he turned to face me. I answered, stumbling over my words, “I have, but it’s too huge.” I giggled and asked him if he had had surgery or something as I began to urinate. He responded, “No, it’s entirely original.” He continued to touch his dick while saying that it wasn’t even completely erect, and I watched as it continued to grow. He was as thick as my wrist and around 9 inches in length. That was how thick it was—his dick could have worn my watch. I became surprised. After I finished urinating, he inquired how big my penis was, so I showed him. He made me feel bad by staring at my fully extended dick and asking how large it is when I’m fully hard. Inconveniently giggling, I said, “It’s really hard.” Oh, and while saying that, he took hold of his dick and shoved it into his pants like it was some sort of payback. I felt afraid. He told me positively that I’d be able to use my dick extremely effectively, so I got my zip on and we headed outside. As we sat in the car, he said that it was okay and that I could share this with him while I remained silent. He is dependable and has nothing to gain by knowing this; after all, it’s rather common, according to him.

He said that his wife had only been with him for two years when she suddenly left. She couldn’t handle the pain every time, so she cried nonstop for days before deciding to leave. He claimed he never wanted children since he wouldn’t have the time to care for them. So anytime he feels horny, he visits a whore to satisfy his needs. He claimed that he has to have sex roughly once a week and that missing out on it makes him mentally frustrated.

He was quite trustworthy in that respect, and he had always regarded me as trustworthy ever since I started working for him. I didn’t even go above and beyond to earn his trust; I simply did my job, and he was satisfied. Then he began to talk about how he has to become friends with people he sees every day because he doesn’t have time to meet them all. He thinks he could make a good buddy out of me, and I am one of those people. I thought he would turn me into a cuckold rather than a buddy. He inquired about my wife, and I said that she had been away for some time.

When my wife returned after 3 weeks, he decided it would be a good idea to invite both of us to a party.

I informed him that we were in the process of moving from my parents’ home to our own new house. He gave us some appliances, like a television, and assisted us with other things, like furniture and other stuff. Tanvi and I both felt quite appreciative for that. She confessed to me that she was unable to control her emotions and that she regrets that whenever he is around, she experiences strange feelings. She was completely obsessed with this man, and I knew it. I hated the fact that she was just feeling it right now and doing nothing. I couldn’t let her do it once because I was too excited. I wanted to know how it would feel to be cheated on by my wife and experience what that would be like. I wish I could experience what having a hot wife would be like. She never heard me say this. However, I never once screamed at her or ridiculed her feelings.

I begged her to do something desperately before receiving an invitation to a party from my boss. It was a tiny gathering; there were only a few guests there—probably between 30 and 40. and he made a specific request. With me, call my wife. Tanvi’s face was blank when I gave her the invitation, and she repeatedly told me that she didn’t feel comfortable meeting him. I assured her that everything would be alright, and then I accompanied her to a store where she could get some attractive clothing. Finally, I was going to do it—I was going to leave her behind, let my boss have his way, and see if she would cooperate. If not, I was going to stop it, grab her by the shoulders, and take her home like a man. Even if it’s my own boss, I wouldn’t care if she didn’t want it.

She expressed some hesitation towards the dress I chose. She wanted to wear a dress that was more covered, but I chose one that made her look seductive. She finally accepted defeat and accepted it after 30 minutes of nonstop discussion and debate. She noticed it looked suspicious, so I told her it was for making me horny and that she could remove her dress when we got back from the hotel. We’d have so much fun, and I’d love it so much. I also bought her a few new pairs of underwear and bras. We left after she also agreed and returned home. She actually resembled a porn star when she tried it; I’m not exaggerating. She simply needed the stocking that we missed. Her upper thighs were barely even covered by the short dress. Her bra and underwear were both black with net decorations. She was a princess. With it, she could seduce anyone, and after stripping off her dress, she would bang it without hesitation.
I made sure she put on makeup and looked as sexy as she could on the day of the party when I made her wear that. She didn’t require any makeup, so the lipstick was sufficient. bright red outfit and bright red lipstick. gorgeous hair and high heels. She had the appearance of a slutty princess.

When we arrived at the venue, she felt like she was the centre of attention because so many men were staring at her. She took care to stand as quietly in the corner as she could. Looking at Tanvi, many individuals wanted to be my friends. Unbelievable numbers of males simply feel no shame when they encounter an attractive girl. When I finally met my boss, he greeted me, and I could feel Tanvi beginning to become nervous and shake..As if I were her best friend, I encouraged her to talk to her crush. As soon as we finished speaking with him, she immediately pulled me away. I advised her to keep her cool and not stress too much before we stepped out. She started to shake now from nervousness. I advised her to enjoy herself and, if she so desires, drink some alcohol because it would help her feel better and calm down. That was what she realized. a good idea She drank around half the bottle. When my boss passed by, he witnessed the woman approaching her and talking with her in what appeared to be a friendly manner. At the moment, she was almost completely drunk. While I was talking to other individuals, I made sure she was on, and the female took care of her. All the guests eventually left, and my friend and I were left standing outside. She was in my boss’ arms as I peered inside. When he told her to stand up, she pulled her phone from her purse and dialled my number. When I picked up the phone, I was just outside. I knew her friend had long since gone home. She seemed to be less drunk now that she was experiencing dizziness. She mentioned that she had a tiny birthday celebration and that she would be spending the night at her friend’s place. I was aware that was the most ridiculous lie I had ever heard. However, my heart rate was increasing. If it was alright with me, I told her she could spend the night at her house, and I would pick her up the next morning. She thanked me and immediately hung up. When I went back in, everything was empty, with the exception of my boss and Tanvi. I was aware that today would be my wife’s first experience with something. I didn’t want it to happen this way, but I was still pleased with how the party turned out in general. When I got home, I imagined she was with my boss.

I was so horny and couldn’t stop thinking about her and my boss being together that I was unable to sleep the entire night. I was worried she might have issues with that massive dick of his, but I knew she would manage. I desired to see her once more and to hear her voice. I began to see her being fucked in the doggie position, at which point I cummed in my pants. I started watching some cuckold porn while it was still dark. I attempted to watch porn without touching myself, and thanks to my vivid imagination, I was successful. I simply could not fall asleep that night. My curiosity, jealousy, and urge to cry caused my throat to dry up, but all I was really feeling was aroused. Simply put, it increased my feeling of erection.

I stayed awake until morning. I expected a call but never got one. She wasn’t answering her phone when I called her, but it was ringing. After a short wait, she called to ask whether I was okay with picking her up the very next morning after staying overnight with her buddy. Before I could say anything, she abruptly ended the phone call after I said yes. So she was staying for a whole day with my boss. I got ready and headed to work. My boss wasn’t there, as I had expected; I asked the receptionist why, and she informed me that he was on holiday today.I understood his vacation’s intention. I went to my cubicle and sat there, wondering if I had made the correct choice. I only received a yes in response to that question. I got the impression that she was enjoying herself.

I then went home and masturbated till my dick began to hurt. I started masturbating to her photographs since I was so horny. I had to masturbate on the fully clothed pictures since I didn’t have any naked ones. For some reason, I was really enjoying how I felt like a cuck. I’ve never experienced such relief. Instead of feeling awful and unhappy about it, I felt good. I went to sleep, and the following morning she didn’t pick up again. After waiting for 2 minutes, she called back and asked me to pick her up from a bus stop an hour later. She will be waiting.
She was sitting there alone when I arrived an hour later. She had been messed up, her hair was all messed up, and she had marks on her body that she tried to cover but couldn’t. The woman was unable to walk. I was required to pick her up after she called. When I asked her what had happened, all she had to say was that she had slipped and injured herself. She pretended that her knee hurt from the inside and that the pain was coming from the bone when I noticed that she had scrapes on her knees that weren’t the result of falling. I just mentioned this explanation and then asked her if she preferred to go to the hospital to get it checked out by a professional or if she believed she could recover if she rested.
Naturally, she claimed that she would rest. I carried her home, had to lift her up and carry her into the bedroom, and temporarily gave her a walking stick. She recommended that I continue with my work and that there was no need for me to stop. I gave her some pills and a painkiller before heading to my office. When I first met my boss, he told me how much he had enjoyed the party and how he had to take a break to relax. I simply have a conversation with him. It was horrible the entire day, and I was worried about her so much that I wanted to be with her and take care of her. She insisted she was fine when I called her three times. She was still lying there when I got home as quickly as possible. She didn’t even eat anything or get any cleaner. I fed her as well as delicately prepared some food for her. She was seriously messed up. It was difficult to see her in that condition, but she was thrilled, laughing and smiling, and she began making up stories to tell about what she did and how much she enjoyed it. I only convinced her that I was paying attention to her and taking her up on her wild tales. After a brief nap, she said, she’ll take a bath. I immediately washed all the dishes and went into the bedroom to check on her as she fell asleep to see if she needed anything. She was sleeping when I just stayed there and stared at her. Her lipstick was gone, her face was dry, and her hair was all tangled and covered in dried mud, but she just pulled her hair to the side to make it appear as though nothing was wrong. I had a clear view of her butt because I was seated on the other side of the bed. I merely wanted to view her pussy out of curiosity. Yes, it was the cough; she had a small wet patch on both the bedsheet and her clothes. Just to be sure, I licked it. She had her pants missing when I lifted her shirtdress to peek. When I lifted her skirt, she became aware of it, moved while still asleep, and I was able to see a glob of guava oozing out of her pussy as it slowly dripped down. I was ashamed of how horny I felt. I was genuinely afraid since I wasn’t ready to have a child if she was indeed pregnant. I didn’t have any plans for it, and we’ve never even talked about it. I searched her purse to see if she had taken birth control pills or not; if not, I might be in trouble. I saw when I looked up. I felt relief when I noticed that three pills were missing from the strip of pills. She must have had a second one today, as I saw when I looked around the table.

After an hour, I woke her up to help her get bathed. Even though she wasn’t prepared, I took her in my arms and led her into the restroom. She was completely naked as I pulled her dress up, and I asked her where her bra and underwear were. After giving it some thought, she decided to add them to the laundry that we would later wash. I also took her to the shower, and when I exited, I noticed that she had numerous bruises. Her butt was severely bruised. I was horrified by how aggressively he treated her. I left her to comfortably take a shower without asking her any questions. When she was finished, I helped her dry off before bringing her into the bedroom. I forced her to go to sleep after changing the bedsheets. I once noticed how huge her pussy was when I looked at it. Her puss totally changed shape. It felt deflated and was now significantly larger.

My wife’s new, tight pussy were now gone. I entered and proceeded to engage in intense masturbation. She wanted to give me a hug and cuddle when she called. It was at that point that I realised she had reached sex satisfaction and was only showing me genuine love. We cuddled and slept together, and I really loved her. I wanted her to tell me what actually happened since I was waiting for her to be honest about this, but she didn’t tell me anything for a week. She was still getting better. After giving her ten days to recover, I eventually asked her what had truly happened. She began by telling the same story once more, and I assured her that she could be truthful because I knew everything. When I noticed her crying, she leaped on me and gave me a big hug.
I was aware that she felt bad about it, but I was curious as to whether or not she liked it. She eventually opened up and told me she enjoyed it after I reassured her and told her I was not upset about it. As she said these words, I noticed that she was blushing. She stopped crying and began sharing things when we walked to the bedroom and began talking. She originally assured me that she wouldn’t cheat on me again and that she didn’t want to. I informed her that she had never had sex with anyone besides me and that the recent encounter with my boss had been rather different. She acknowledged it and told me it was one of her best life experiences. She made it clear that I am unable to carry out activities at even 10% of my capacity. Knowing this, I questioned her about how it went and in detail what they did. When I questioned why she was facing the wall, she replied that she didn’t feel comfortable answering that question while looking directly at me. She just had sex with him, but she still loves me and wants me to be her husband. She doesn’t want to make me feel humiliated, and she doesn’t want to leave me or even consider having another man who is as respected as I am. I gave her a back hug in respect for this.

. I then urged her to continue by detailing everything that had happened that night.
I’ll just describe this in Tanvi’s words:When Gaurav left that evening with his friends and I stayed there with one of my female friends, the room started to empty and people started to leave. I was pretty intoxicated at this point, so I sat there for a while until his boss showed up. He sat next to me while we were having a conversation, and I was aware that I had started talking extremely dirty. Afterward, he stood up, I stood up, and I collapsed onto his arms. He gave me the idea to call Gaurav and tell him that I will stay with one of my friends for the night so that he can take me home for a fun night. He then gave me a very passionate kiss on the lips. At the end, he stood up, I stood up, and I fell over on his arms. I phoned him and told him this right away because I was very drunken and I adored his boss. once I had hung up. Only servers and staff were present in the completely empty hall when his boss told them to pack up and leave. He then took me to the parking lot and put me in the passenger seat.

We had another lengthy, intense, and passionate kiss that lasted for many minutes as he came and sat in the driver’s seat. He eventually allowed me to breathe, and then he began driving while playing with my boobs. I also wanted to see what was in his underwear. We soon arrived at his enormous mansion of a home. He led me inside and shut the door.

He led me into the bedroom and ordered me to undress. I did so, and when he saw me in my bra and underwear, he got horny. He then told me to dance for him. He showed me some music videos and instructed me to try to imitate them because I didn’t know how to dance. I was so drunk that I began acting strangely and did my best; I was now in need of a dick. I knelt down and began removing his pants’ chain. He allowed me to do it, and as I tugged down his pants, his enormous dick slapped me across the face.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅