My boyfriend and my daughter

I don’t know how long they’ve been doing it, but I’m terrified to confront them and tell them that I know what they’ve been doing.

I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend, Darren, age 42, for about 7 months, and it was a good relationship and everything was going really well, even my 12 year old daughter Mia liked him and got on like a house on fire.

One night the boiler broke and the heating was off and it was freezing inside the house, so Mia slept in my bed with Darren and I, Darren was at one side, I was in the middle, and Mia at the other side, we huddled together to keep warm.

In the morning I woke up, got out of bed and followed my usual routine, first I went to the toilet, then downstairs and had a coffee before heading upstairs to the bathroom and taking a shower, it takes me about 45 minutes to do all of that in a morning, but of course I forgot the boiler wasn’t working and got in to the shower and the water was ice cold.

So I quickly got out and walked swiftly back to my bedroom, I could hear strange sounds as I approached the door but didn’t really register them as I entered, and I got a very big shock.

My bed was a mess, the sheets had been kicked off the bed on to the floor, Mia was laying naked on her back, with her legs in the air spread eagle, and Darren was on top of her, naked from the waist down, between her legs, and he was enthusiastically fucking Mia on my bed, I stood in shock at the door watching and listening for a minute, they hadn’t realised I was there.

“Ungh – Ooh – A bit further – Ung!” Mia moaned.

“Like this?” replied Darren, thrusting his hips far forward.

“Yes – Ungh – That’s it – Ungh – Your dicks really big.” Mia moaned.

“Because you make me so hard.” Darren groaned.

At this point I started to have a panic attack and I was too horrified to speak up, so I quiet stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door, leaving it open slightly, I loved Darren so much and I couldn’t believe he’d do this to me, not only was he cheating on my with my underage daughter, but Mia was also cheating on me, in a way, they had both betrayed me.

I should have burst in to the bedroom, pulled him off Mia, and cut off his balls, she was only 12 years old, but hearing her being with him, it was obvious he wasn’t abusing or raping her, she was a willing participant, and so I did nothing.

I stood in the hallway listening to them fucking, their moans and groans got louder and louder until I heard Darren’s ejaculation groan, and it all went quiet.

A few minutes later I composed myself and walked casually in to the bedroom, they had picked up the bedsheets and got dressed, they were under the covers at opposite sides of the bed, with a big space between them, they both acted like nothing had happened, they were good liars.

If I hadn’t have seen them having sex with my own eyes, looking at them I never would have suspected anything had happened between them, they looked and acted perfectly normal, and that’s what really hurts, knowing that they’d probably been having sex together for quite some time, was it days, weeks, months – could they have been fucking the entire time I was with Darren?

I’ve kept quiet this whole time, not let them know that I know, it’s been nearly a month since I saw them having sex in my bed, and I know they still do it when I’m not around, I love Darren and don’t want to lose him, so I will keep quiet, act ignorant, and let their sexual relationship continue.

For now.