My first Gay sex experience with a man I met in a Pub

The first time I had sex with a man when I was nineteen. I knew I was attracted to other men and boys but in my very traditional family homosexuality wasn’t even talked about. I didn’t realise what my feeling meant. But that night, my first gay sex experience with a man changed everything.

I was at a pub having a beer when a strongly built man sat next to me. He ordered a beer and started chatting with me. He had tattoos on his arms and had a beard. But he was hot. So very hot. He caught me looking at him a few times and smiled. After he was done with the beer he asked if I wanted a ride somewhere. I agreed.

When we got into his car. He softly kissed me on the lips. I was startled at first, but I knew I wanted it. My first gay sex experience I wanted with him. I took the initiative and kissed him back – hard. He growled and nibbled on my lips and then our tongues met. I ran my palms over his arms and I could feel his tight muscles. We stopped to breathe, and I directed him over to my apartment.

Once inside my room, he took off his shirt and I saw all of him, so chiselled. He palms my balls through my shorts and I feel electricity run through me. He massaged my balls a little and then put his hand into my shorts to fondle me. “Touch me,” he whispered and that spurred me on to do the same to him.

I fondle his balls as we kiss each other. He takes off my shirt and I pull down my shorts. Naked we stare at each other and he kneels in front of me. Imagine a big, brawny man kneeling in front of me, a skinny teenager.

He takes my dick and strokes it, making me hard. His rough palms add to the friction as he rubs me. I feel so good that I start thrusting into his hands. He licks his lips and then bends forward to lick my head. He sucks my head a bit and then my whole dick goes into his mouth. I can feel the suction on my cock and it hits the back of his throat. He is fondling and massaging my balls and I feel close. I know he needs his pleasure, so I stop him, but I don’t know what to do next.

“First time?” he asks. “Do I look that inexperienced?” I say. He laughs and nods. “We will need lube,” he says, and I know I have some, don’t ask me how. I get it and all that while he is tugging and pulling at his cock. He is large, and I know he will probably take my ass. I am kind of excited and going for my first gay sex experience.

“Turn around and go lie on the bed on your knees,” he commands. I do as he says, and I can feel the cool of my lube in my ass crack. He kisses my shoulder and then I fell his hard cock on my ass. He is pushing inside slowly, and I feel the pressure. “Breathe and relax,” he says, and I do. Before I know it, he is inside my ass. You are a “sweet bottom” he said while his shaft was inside my anus.

It feels full in a good way. Then he begins to move. I almost stop breathing at the pressure but after a while I know I feel good. It feels intimate and so sexual. His balls are slapping my ass as he moves in me. His hands move into the front and he grabs my dick. As he moves, so do his hands on my cock. His movements become harder and faster and I can fell his hand tightening on me. Soon enough my balls tingle and I know I will come. I shoot ropes of cum into my bed as he comes inside me.

After sex, he collapses on top of me. Lying there entwined with a large naked man on top, I know that this is right. Gay sex is looked down upon but to me it felt so natural and I knew in that moment that I was

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