My mom sold me for drugs

10 year old girl who’s mom sold her virginity to her drug dealer

My mom was a recovering drug addict who had to give up drugs when she fell pregnant with me. I lived a pretty normal life until my mom lost her job and she resorted back to her old ways. I was normally left in the car while mom went and saw her friend aka her drug dealer but on this day she didn’t have enough money to get her fix so she offered herself to have sex with her dealer. He turned her down and asked if he could fuck me instead…. She reluctantly agreed with him taking my virginity but she said she had to be in the room when it happens. So she came back to the car and tells me to follow her into the house. Next thing I know is, her dealer has got no clothes on and she tells me how to get him hard. I’m giving this guy a blowjob and then he tells me to take off my clothes. Now we’re both naked and he’s touching my body all over. He then told mom that he would give her all the drugs she could ever have if he could have me as a sex slave. She stupidly agreed to it. I’m 14 now & I’m pregnant.