My Parent’s Pillow Talk Turns Taboo Part 2

After hearing my parents dirty talk about bringing me and my sister into their lovemaking a journey into incest begins

It had been two months since I’d last heard my parents sex talk devolve into any kind of depravity like when they had brought me and my sister into the mix. The few times they’d had sex were normal intercourse, though I still made my usual habit of taking to the staircase landing and jacking off to my mom moaning while dad fucked her.

Tonight was no different and my parents had been having a slow start with just some muffled moans to keep my teenage brain interested in what was happening below me. The thought of my parent’s fucking and my occasional peek around the corner to see their naked bodies kept me just barely entertained. On most nights like this I would retreat to my bedroom and finish off with some fantasizing (or replaying the events from a few months ago).

I was about to start my quiet ascent when I heard a soft creak from the upstairs hall and the sound of light footsteps. My heart practically jumped out of my chest as I realized that my sister was awake and coming down the hall towards the stairs. I pulled myself up and took the longest striding steps I could to get to the top of the stairs before she arrived and caught me in the act of peeping. Mom was still moaning softly downstairs and a lucky squeek of the couch masked my steps as I arrived at the top of the stairs. My exit wasn’t quite fast enough though and I found myself facing down my little sister staring sleepily at me from the end of the hall.

Ash had turned ten a few months ago and was still a ways off from any kind of “blossoming into womanhood”. She was babyfaced with bright blue eyes and shoulder length dirty blond hair that matched the rest of our family’s colors. A nightlight in the hall for safety illuminated her just enough to see. Having just climbed out of bed she was in a knee length nightie and her hair was all a mess from tossing and turning. She blinked at me a few times, obviously confused, then opened her mouth to speak and I made quick to cover and shush her before pushing her a few steps back into the hall.

She pushed my hand down and pulled up next to me to whisper. “What are you doing?”

“I had to pee.” I lied through my teeth, not wanting to be in trouble.

“You were on the stairs.”

Shit. “It’s none of your business. Go back to bed.”

“No, I couldn’t sleep and you’re being weird.” Suddenly, mom started moaning a bit louder downstairs. “What’s going on?”

I had a choice to make and fast, truth or more lies. My brain screamed at me to lie, play it safe and don’t get in trouble, but my hormones and the sounds of our parents fucking was overriding that and fast. “Mom and Dad are having sex downstairs.”

“What? Nuh uh.”

“Yeah huh.” I pulled her forward a bit so she could hear down the stairwell to Mom moaning and her face started to turn red.

She pushed back into the hall. “Okay, eww. But, what were you doing?”

“I’ll tell you but not out here, I don’t wanna get caught out of bed.”

“Fine.” She turned around annoyed and led me back down the hall into her room. I quietly closed the door behind us and we sat down on the bed. “So, what?”

I was nervous, shaking my legs as I decided to just be out with it and started rambling. “Look, I was listening to them, okay? It turns me on listening to them and stuff. I mean, you know what sex is, right? It feels good and I’m, I dunno, I wanna do it so I listen.”

Ash looked at me like an insane person. “Uh, duh I know what sex is, I’m not dumb. If you wanna do stuff get a girlfriend or something.”

“Oh yeah, that’s super easy for you to say. I asked and nobody wants to date me, let alone go all the way. So this is what I do instead.”

“But that’s kinda gross, isn’t it, to listen to Mom and Dad?”

“I don’t know. It’s kinda hot to think about them doing it. Have you ever thought about sex, or them?”

We went quiet for a second as Ashley thought about my question and you could still make out the sound of Mom moaning downstairs through the door and Ash fidgeted a bit next to me.

“I dunno, I guess it’s kinda hot. But, like, you’re not supposed to do stuff like that with your parents so why would I think about it?”

I smiled deviously. “Because, when you’re not supposed to do something that makes it even more fun. Like getting away with breaking something or taking something from a store. Plus, you shouldn’t feel weird if you think about Mom and Dad having sex. They think about us when they do it.”

She turned to me with a puzzled look. “I don’t believe you.”

I inched closer and told her the whole story of what I’d heard Mom and Day saying a few months ago in as much detail as I could recall. Word for word I spilled the secret dirty workings of our parents’ brains to my sister. I could see her getting flustered as I spoke, especially with Mom and Dad still going at it in the background. Then, almost on cue we hear from downstairs “yes, fuck our baby’s pussy!” and I thought my sister was going to explode.

“Told you.”

She stood up and got in front of my with this strange look on her face that must have been a mix of confusion, anger, and lust. “This is gross. Really gross.”

“Oh yeah?” I decided, fuck it, now was the time to be bold. I moved forward and cupped my hand against her crotch. Even through the nighty I could feel the dampness there and I pressed in slightly, eliciting a small squeak. “So, this isn’t because it feel good to think about them?”

“No.” It came out weak and she did nothing to move my hand away, just standing frozen. “It’s gross. It’s bad. This is bad.”

I pressed my hand in, feeling the contours of her pussy through the fabric and wiggling my fingers against it. She shivered and pushed into my touch. I moved closer, my face practically touching hers. As I Continued to caress her sex I looked her in the eyes. “You wanna have sex?”

She shivered again and bit her lip, nodding quickly. “Yeah.”

I quickly pressed my lips against hers and pulled her against my body. I was so hot and horny and ready to take my sister I barely thought, just acted. My hand slid under the bottom of her nighty and pulled it quickly up and over her head. In one quick movement I twisted us around and pushed her onto the bed. My hand found the waistline of her panties and pulled them off in an instant. Barely a second later my own shirt was coming off but got stuck around my neck for a brief enough moment to slow me down. I’m glad it did because I managed to stop and admire my sister laying on her bed and take her in.

As I had expected from seeing her everyday she was still very much a pre-teen. Her body was soft and smooth with lean lines and no sign of womanly curves yet. Her breasts were small buds on her chest, just barely sticking up above her body line, though her nipples stood at ready attention. Her pussy was completely bare, just the thinnest peach fuzz present on her mound.

“You’re staring.” She whispered with a tone of annoyance as she sat up and grabbed the waist of my pants. “No fair.”

She pulled my pants down with abandon, my boxers going with them, and released my rock hard cock from its prison. It actually bounced down on the top of her head as she finished pulling my pants off eliciting a small giggle. She came back up, coming face to face with it, and stared. I held back making a snide comment since she had just chastised me for staring and let her take in the sight. Without warning her hand wrapped around my shaft and squeezed gently, feeling the hardness.

“Is this because of me or Mom and Dad?”

“Both, but mostly you.”

Sme smiled and kissed the tip of my dick before releasing her grip and laying back down. “I’m ready, but, uh, I don’t really know what to do.”

It struck me that I didn’t really know either. I’d seen plenty of porn and I understood what was supposed to happen but the actual mechanics of sex were an unknown to me. I did know that I needed, and wanted to get my sister ready for what was coming. “I’ve got this.”

I moved onto the bed and pushed Ashley’s legs apart, opening her sex. I got down on my stomach and lay between her legs. Her pussy was just barely open in front of me, its pink inner folds glistening a bit with wetness. I pushed myself forward and planted a kiss on her pussy lips, lingering on them and feeling their softness. Then I extended my tongue and began to eat out my little sister.

I started by licking up and down the outside of her pussy lips, each time moving ever so slightly to the center. After a few licks I ran my tongue up my sister’s slit. The first two or three licks I stayed on the outside then I pushed my tongue between her lips. I tasted her virgin pussy juice on my tongue and nearly came on the bed. Her pussy was wet and practically leaked onto my tongue. Her juice was sweet and bitter at the same time, I’d never tasted anything like it. As I moved my tongue along the inside of her pussy her body shook and she pushed her hips forward into my face.

At that I opened my mouth wider and started taking more of her pussy into my mouth. My tongue moved up and down her slit, eventually finding the nub of her clit and the opening to her sex. I circled her clit a few times, making her squeak, before descending on it and holding it between my lips. I gently rolled her button with my tongue and she nearly shot off the bed. Releasing her I looked up to see her panting and looking a little frightened.

“Too much?”

She nodded. “Gentler.”

I smiled back, a bit ashamed of how I’d pushed her but also secretly proud that I’d made her jump. I went back down to my sister’s pussy and resumed licking up and down her slit. This time I focused efforts lower, making long circles around her opening and pushing my tongue ever so slightly into her. Each push was met with a squeak and a tug on the bed sheets as I probed her sex. I had been basically humping the bed at this point and I was ready to go all the way. Feeling Ashley’s wetness on my tongue I figured she must be too. I pulled my face back, planting another kiss on her now soaked pussy lips, and moved to be on top of my sister.

My cock slid along her wet pussy and I was afraid I’d cum right there at the first feeling of almost sex but managed to hold it in. I was shaking and breathing hard, scared and horny and ready and wanting my little sister. Ready for us to take each other’s virginity. I looked down at her and wiggled my hips around until I felt the tip of my cock slide down between her lips and come to rest at her opening.

“You ready, Ash?”

She nodded nervously and I began to push into her. My first few efforts were off target as I slid back and forth along her slit or off to the side and poked her thighs. I slid back a bit and repositioned myself, guiding with my hand to find her center, and lined up with her opening. I pushed again and felt her wetness on my head and I knew I was in position. There was a resistance as I pushed and I pulled back and went in again. Ashley clench her jaw as I pushed harder and I slowly felt her opening up and my cock sliding in. After a minute my head had fully entered her, her opening clenching around it, and I stayed there for a moment to let her get used to the feeling.

I slowly increased the pressure and pushed forward more and my cock began to slide deeper into my little sister. Her pussy was so hot and tight it felt like nothing I’d ever experienced. I kept pressing onward until I felt my head hit the back of her pussy with about three quarters of my length in her. I looked down between our bodies and saw my cock buried in my ten year old sister’s pussy. I looked back up and planted a kiss on her forehead before pulling out to being our lovemaking.

I pulled slowly about halfway out then slow again back in. Ashley’s pussy stuck to me the whole way, her tightness wrapping my cock and holding me inside her. I was fucking my baby sister. I started to increase my pace ever so slightly, never pulling more than halfway out of her. I didn’t want to not be inside my sister. I pressed my body down against hers and buried my cock in her as deep as I could.

I rocked my hips, fucking into my sister with slow strokes and savored every second of our sex. She was holding onto me tight, making soft half squeaking/ half moaning sounds in my ear as I fucked her. Her pussy was squeezing me tight and grew wetter as we fucked. I felt the pressure building in my body and the surge of an orgasm coming. I held onto Ashley tight, pushing into her pussy again and again, then finally into her as deep as I could. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning out loud as I began to cum inside my sister. My cock throbbed in her pussy and I flooded her immature body with my incestuous seed. I pumped load after load into her, feeling like I would never stop cumming. Finally, my orgasm slowed and stopped and I held there, buried to the hilt in my sister and kissed her on the lips.

Ash was holding onto me tight, her nails digging into my arms as she practically panted beneath me. We held onto each other like that for what seemed an eternity, just staring into each other’s eyes. Something came over me, this feeling of connectedness I’d never known before. I’d always loved my sister but now there was even more to it. A special love just for us. I leaned held her close and whispered directly into her ear.

“I love you.”

She chuckled a little and kissed my cheek. “I love you too.”

We smiled at each other and stayed like that for a bit longer, forgetting the rest of the world. Finally I pulled slowly out, getting a little wince from her, and sat back on the edge of the bed. Ash lay there for a few seconds and I could see a trickle of my cum beginning to leak from her pussy as well as a small bit of blood there as well. I guess to be expected from her first time, our first time, but I hoped she was okay.

She sat up and joined me sitting on the edge of the bed and I put my arm around her. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it kinda hurts, like stings, but it’s also warm and I’m happy so all good.”

“Good. I don’t ever want to hurt you.”

She smiled. “Thanks big bro. Heh, that sounds kinda weird after what we just did.”

“What, you mean that I just had sex with my little sis.” I teased. “We okay?”

“Duh. Just, next time, be gentler with your mouth on my, you know, that part.

“Next time?”

“I don’t think we can do that just one time and forget it. I can’t anyway.”

“Me neither. I love you and that felt really good.”

“Yeah. Our secret then?” She looked at me expectantly.

“Of course. Mom and Dad would flip.”

She laughed, Mom moaning downstairs in the background. “Maybe not if that story you told me was true.”

I almost choked. “Truth. Our secret for now then?”

She smiled devilishly. “Yep.”

I held onto her for a while longer, not wanting to go back to my room but also not wanting to have to explain this to our parents on the night we took each other’s virginity. If they were going to find out that could wait. Finally, we parted and I went back to my room to curl up in the most peaceful sleep I’d ever had. As I drifted off I thought of that comment my sister had made and the dirty talk of our parent’s and I wondered if this incest is meant to be and if or when one of us was going to make a move on the older generation.

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