My Widowed Mum

I was a late baby… My mum was almost forty when she had me partially due I am sure to the fact that my dad worked away a lot… He was in construction and chased the big money which meant he spent a lot of time in other parts of the country and even on two occasions abroad.

So growing up it was just me and mum most of the time… Dad would come home for the odd weekend when he was away… He worked hard and provided mum and I with a comfortable life… Up until I was about eight or nine I would sleep with mum when dad was away… At about this point mum said I was getting to big to be sleeping with his mummy which was a blow to me as I felt safe and secure in bed with her but I suppose that’s all part of growing up.

When I left school I had a couple of dead end jobs before my first real job at eighteen and at twenty five I had worked my way a few rungs up the ladder… This was when everything changed… Dad had just retired and after a short illness he sadly died… Mum was devastated… As was I… Just when she was getting her husband all to herself for the first time in her married life he was taken from her… This was the lowest point in both of our lives.

My job was mostly day work but about two or three times a year I had to do a bit of night work to do some essential work which had to be done at night… This was going to be a major problem as for the first time in her life at sixty five she would be alone at night and was horrified at the thought… I installed extra security to make her feel safe alone but nothing I could do would make her feel any better about being alone at night.

That first night was horrible for both of us… We hugged for what seemed like hours before I left… Mum was trembling but I just had to go… That night I worked as hard as I could to get the work done to try and save as much time…. To try and turn three nights in to two… At the end of the first shift I phoned mum to tell her I was on my way home… It was about a twenty minute drive… Mum would have to be up to unlock the door for me.

Before I get home… A little about me… Not only am I VERY much a virgin… I have never been on a date with a girl… Never kissed… Never even touched a girl…. Never seen a naked woman in the flesh…. I suppose much of this is down to me not exactly being a heart throb but also… I have never really fancied girls my own age…. Always looking up at older women…. Mrs. Wilkinson, my next door neighbour… A woman in her fifties… Miss Fraser the lady in the library… Maybe late fifties and few others who I would regularly wank over… But although I had been sniffing my mum’s worn panties for about ten years or so I had never felt any sexual urges towards her… No way…. She was my mum for fuck sake.

So as I drove up in front of the house the front room light was on and I could just make out mum peering through a gap in the curtains…. No doubt full of joy to see me home… I couldn’t get out of the car and down the path quick enough… As I approached the door I could hear the bolts being taken off and the door being unlocked… Once inside I was confronted by my mum… She had clearly been crying and although wearing her pyjama’s and dressing gown it didn’t look at all like she had been to bed… She threw herself on to me… Wrapped her arms around my neck and began sobbing… I hugged her as tight as I could and tried to little avail to reassure her that it was alright… “Sleep in my bed” she said… “I need you to give your mummy a cuddle”.

I nervously followed mum upstairs… She went to her room and I went to mine to change… Mum always left a clean pair of underpants on my bed that she thought I slept in… In reality I slept naked and only used the pants to catch my load and clean myself after wanking so this was going to be a first… I was actually going to wear them for sleeping in… I left my room and took the few steps to mum’s… Her room was in darkness as it was winter so I wasn’t able to see much so I hurriedly got inside beside mum… She soon threw her arm over me… I was pleased that she was still wearing her pyjama’s… “I’ve been looking forward to this all night” she said… “Having my boy in bed with me… Just like the old days”…. I remembered those days well…. Happy days… But this was different… I’m now a full grown man and part of me was saying that this just shouldn’t be happening… “Relax” mum said… “Your very tense”…. Soon after mum sighed and within seconds she was asleep…. She must have been very tired… Up all night worrying but now she was content… It wasn’t long before I was asleep.

I don’t know what time it was but it was daylight… I was wakened by movement… Mum was getting up… She must have thought that I was still sleeping as she crept about the room… She went to her chest of drawers and took out her clothes for the day and then…. My eyes almost jumped out of their sockets as she took off her pyjama’s right in front of me… Although it was daylight, the blinds were drawn so there wasn’t full light but it was enough to get a really good look at my naked mum… She looked beautiful… I had never looked at her in this way before…. The first time I had ever seen a naked woman before… I was really surprised how young she looked… Her small tits were just perfect and I could just make out the dark spots of her nipples… I got just a brief sight of her fanny as she turned… She looked to have a thick bush of hair covering her most secret place…. I could feel my cock throbbing…. It felt as if it was going to burst… I have never had a hard on like this…. Ever… Mum after about a minute made her way to the door and gently closed it behind her…. I was now feeling so guilty about the thoughts I was having for my sixty five year old mum but it was no good…. A few strokes of my cock and I was having the best and most powerful orgasm ever, firing shot after shot in to my pants… What a mess… My head was spinning and soon I had drifted off to sleep.

I was wakened by the smell of dinner cooking…. Mum was a very good cook and always prepared dinner for about five… I looked at the clock on the bedside table…. Just after four… Time for a shower before dinner and I needed it… Inside my pants was a sticky mess like nothing I had ever known… My mind went back to this morning… Seeing my own mum naked if only briefly and in poor light… My cock was standing to attention already at the thought of what I had seen… I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom, took off my pants and put them in the washing basket… Just before I dropped them in I noticed a pair of mum’s panties right on top… Unusual I thought… Normally I had to dig for them… I took them out and covered my mouth and face in the gusset… Mmm… Beautiful… The odour was intoxicating… This was doing nothing to get rid of my hard on… I put them back along with my spunk stained pants and got in the shower… Eventually my hard on subsided… I got dried… Went to my room… Put on my dressing gown and went downstairs… As I entered the kitchen mum smiled at me… Not her usual mumsy smile but a much more seductive one… “Sleep alright son” she said… “Nothing waken you” she went on…. I told her I slept well and that her bed is very comfy…. “Maybe you should always sleep in my bed when you are night shift” she said with a cheeky smile…. We ate dinner… Watched a bit of TV and soon it was time for me to go and get ready for work… As I was in my room getting ready I could hear mum in the bathroom which I thought nothing of…. Not until I went to go to the toilet before going back downstairs…. I thought I would have another sniff of her panties… I was quite shocked when I lifted the lid of the basket to see that my pants were missing… I was certain that I had left them right on top of mum’s… I raked a little but no…. They were no where to be seen…. Surely not I thought… Surely my mum wasn’t sniffing mine!

As I went downstairs to leave for work my mind was all over the place…. My spunk stained pants… Seeing mum naked…. Her invitation to sleep in her bed every time I worked nights… Leaving her worn panties on top of the washing basket for me to find… She must know… And have known for some time that I had been at them.

I checked all the windows were secure before giving mum a hug and told her not to worry… She didn’t seem as worried as last night so it made me feel a bit better but all the same I hated the thought of her being alone all night…. I left… Making sure she had bolted the door before setting off.

Despite the distractions in my head I worked right through to try and get finished but eventually I had to concede that I wasn’t going to be able to finish the job to night and set off for home… Telling mum by phone just before I left… Once again the light was on and mum was peering through the curtains… As soon as she saw me walking down the path she unbolted the door to let me in and just as yesterday morning she threw herself on to me wrapping her arms round my neck and kissing me on the cheek… “Oh what a long night” she said…. I tried to reassure her that I would only be two or three hours to night so that is the worst of it done… “Oh good” she said… “Now lets get to bed”… Mum went upstairs while I locked up and put the lights out.

I went to my room first to change in to my clean pants for sleeping in but they weren’t there… “Your pants are in here son” I heard mum say so I went to her room… Mum was already in bed with the lights out… “Your pants are on the pillow”… It was dark but even so I felt a bit uncomfortable stripping in front of her… I could feel her watching and when it came to taking my pants off I turned my back to her…. My cock was already hard…. I knew it was wrong that I should be feeling this way about my own mum and part of me wished I was going to my own bed but at the same time I was excited and my heart was beating double at the thought’s of the last twenty four hours and the thoughts of what might happen next… Once in bed mum cuddled up to me… I became instantly aware that mum was wearing a nightdress… I could feel the sheer material against my skin and it felt awesome which was doing nothing for my hard on… Once again I felt guilt that I was hard for my own mum but what happened next took my guilt to a whole new level… Mum moved her leg over my body… Her thigh touching my cock… She let out a sigh of pleasure as her thigh felt how hard I was… After what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few seconds she removed her leg…. “You’ll be needing your sleep” she said and moments later she was sleeping… It took me some time to nod off myself.

I woke just after three… I could hear mum moving about downstairs no doubt getting dinner ready… My head was spinning at the thought of everything that had gone on in the last forty eight hours… My cock was already throbbing at the thought…. Stop it I said to myself…. This is your mum you have this hard on for… At that I got up and went for a shower… By the time I was finished my cock was now only semi hard… I put on my gown and went downstairs… Sure enough mum was preparing dinner… “I’m doing macaroni cheese” she said…. “I know it’s your favorite” she went on…. “It’ll keep your strength up” she said with a wry smile on her face… All in all mum seemed so much happier now than she was three days ago at the start of my night work.

An hour or so later dinner was ready…. Macaroni cheese was one of mum’s specialties This time though it tasted even better than normal and I had second helpings which left me needing to recline… “You go and relax and I’ll clean up” mum said… “I’ll be with you in a while” she went on… True to her word about half an hour later mum came through and sat her self beside me and cuddled in to me… “I love these moments” she said… I put my arm round her shoulders and she dosed off…. I just thought to my self that mum must be so tired…. She has had little or no sleep the last two nights… I was just so glad that this was the last time I would have to work nights for some time.

I held mum for about an hour as she slept before I had to go and get ready for work… First stop was the bathroom… Once I was finished in there I made my way to my room to get dressed but doubled back…. I thought I would just have a look to see if mum’s panties were in the wash basket…. As I lifted the lid… Sure enough there they were but this time they were so prominent and with the stained gusset poking up almost staring at me…. My cock instantly stood to attention at this beautiful sight and within a second or two I was holding them over my face, inhaling the intoxicating aroma of my mum’s most special and intimate place…. Once again the feeling of guilt raced through my mind but this time I didn’t care… The beautiful smell of my mum’s fanny completely took over and I was almost over the edge…. “Stop it” I said to myself and went to my room to get dressed.

A few minutes later I was dressed and downstairs… Checking the house was secure before leaving for work…. I held my mum and kissed her on the forehead…. My cock once again rose to the occasion and I could feel it press against mum’s tummy… She must have felt her boy’s feelings for her… She wrapped her arms round my neck and kissed me on the lips… I thought I was going to shoot my load there and then…. “Hurry home” mum said as relaxed her grip…. My head was spinning as I let her go… Picked up my bag and left… Stopping outside to make sure mum had put the bolts on the door.

On the short journey to work I just couldn’t get all the events of the last few days out of my mind… I was being tormented by what I knew to be wrong and what my cock was telling me… It was by now almost constantly hard at the thought of my mum.

I raced through the work I had left to do and by just after one in the morning I was finished and ready to go home… I phoned mum and told her I was on my way home… “Can’t wait” she said… “See you soon son”… As I pulled up outside the house once again mum was peering through an opening in the curtains but this time I noticed that her bedroom light was on… I didn’t really give this much thought… As I got to the door I heard the bolts being taken off… Once inside I noticed that mum was fully dressed which told me she hadn’t even been in bed… She smiled… “Thank goodness that’s over” she said before throwing her arms around my neck and planting her lips on to mine this time holding the there for a few seconds before saying “bedtime”…. She led me upstairs and in to her room which was lit by both bedside lamps… Instantly mum began to undress right in front of me… At first I was feeling uncomfortable by this but once I saw her standing there in her bra and panties and a sexy smile on her face I joined in… I was only wearing a jogging suit so I was down to my underpants in no time… Mum removed her bra revealing her small but perfectly formed tit’s… My eyes almost jumped out of their sockets and I could feel my cock straining to get out of my underpants… Mum couldn’t take her eyes off me… We were both now standing at either side of the bed in only our pants… She licked her lips…. “I’ll go first” she said as she hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her panties and pulled them down over her knees before stepping out of them… What a beautiful sight… Her fanny had just a nice covering of nut brown hair… Not quite enough to hide her slit… She stood for a few seconds allowing me to take in her beauty…. “Are you still a virgin” she said…. I nervously nodded my head… “Well mummy’s going to do something about that” she went on…. At that I pulled my pants down over my rock hard cock which was pointing straight at mum… “Nice” she said… “Come on then” she said… “I think we both want AND need this”.

My head was spinning… My cock bursting as I got in to bed… Mum wasted no time at all and before I could blink she had my cock in her mouth, sucking greedily… Caressing the tip with her tongue…. I couldn’t take any more and within seconds and without any warning I felt a bolt of lightening course through my cock and shot after shot of my virgin spunk filled mum’s mouth… She was shocked at first but this didn’t stop her…. Quite the opposite… “Mmmm” she sighed as she continued to suck every last drop of cream from me… The tip of my cock now felt as if it was on fire and I began yelling with a mixture of pain but more of pleasure… This was just the best feeling ever… Way by far the best orgasm ever… Eventually mum let my cock go and came up face to face with me…. A few drops of my spunk running from the corner of her mouth… “I’ve wanted to do that for years” she said… “Your dad wouldn’t do oral sex” she went on… “He said it was dirty… Do you think it’s dirty?”…. I shook my head and told her it was magical… “Good” she said… “So you won’t mind if I do it again sometime”… I told her she could do that to me any time she wanted… She told me this was a dream come true for her… The thought of swallowing her son’s virgin spunk was something that you only read in fiction and for it to come true was extra special…. Mum put her hand on my cock… “Oh good…. Ready for more already” she said.

Mum turned on to her back and parted her legs… My already hard cock was now throbbing… Bursting at the seams at thought of what was coming… “I know you’ve been sniffing my panties for some time now” mum said… This made me feel guilty that she knew… “It’s alright” she said…. “I love the thought of wanting to do that… And I’ve got a confession” she went on… “I’ve been feasting myself on your spunk stained pants for years now”… WOW I thought… Just as I thought… “So do you want to taste mummy’s fanny for real” she said in a cheeky, sexy voice…. I was down between her legs in a flash… What a beautiful sight…. My mum… Legs splayed wide exposing her most intimate and special place… She had a good covering of hair but not enough to hide her crack… She gently parted her fanny lips to give me an even better view exposing the delicate folds of pink flesh… The air had a beautiful scent to it now… Much like the odour from mum’s panties but a thousand times better… I lowered my head towards her treasure and soon my mouth was in contact… The feeling was just sensational… And the taste… Out of this world doesn’t even come close… I began greedily licking my mum’s sex… I had no idea what to do but soon my tongue found it’s way to mum’s cunt hole… I pushed it in as far as I could stretch… Oh this felt so beautiful but it wasn’t long before I had to pull out as I felt my tongue tighten up… I continued licking… All the while mum was breathing heavily…. Almost panting and moaning with pleasure as my tongue eventually found it’s way to the rock hard bud at the top of her fanny… Her clitty… This was to much for mum…. She began thrusting her hips in to me before letting out three yells of delight before her body went limp and her fanny became incredibly wet…. “Oh fuck” she said… Still breathing heavily… “I’ve NEVER had an orgasm like that before… That was fucking amazing”.

All I wanted right now was to get my cock in to my mum’s cunt hole… Mum asked me to come up the bed and give her a cuddle… Once there she told me how wonderful that was… How she had yearned for almost her entire life to have her fanny treat to oral sex… How my dad wouldn’t do it and how for the last year since he died she had hoped that maybe I would pleasure her in this way and how it was WELL worth the wait and that now she wanted to take my virginity…. She opened her legs…. “Come on” she said… “Fuck your mummy”… I needed no second invitation and was soon between her legs… I fumbled about at first trying to find mum’s hole but she took me in hand and guided me to her opening… “Now push it in” she said…. “Push it in to mummy”… With one thrust I slid all the way in…. I have never felt anything like this in my life… Mum was so hot and wet and soft…. A bit like a damp sponge wrapped round my cock…. I knew I wasn’t going to last long and after only a few strokes electric shock waves coursed through my body all the way to the tip of my cock and wave after wave of my spunk erupted in to mum’s cunt… Shooting my load in to my mum’s mouth was awesome but this was in another world completely…. After a short while my body went limp and I eased down on to mum… My semi hard cock still buried in mum’s now soaking wet fanny… What a feeling…. “So how good was that” mum said… “How many out of a hundred do I get”…. I told her she got two hundred.

We fucked three more times that night…. Each time I lasted a bit longer before giving mum another powerful orgasm.

I have never slept in my own bed since that night… We have the most fantastic sex life… The only thing missing…. I want to marry my mum but I know that can never be but it doesn’t stop me loving her.