Nursing student rape

Harry had m known Lynn all there lives.but she has always been of see Lynn was Harry BFFL And there GF so one Friday Harry BFFL told him he was going to break up with Lynn.Perfect Harry started forming the plan to rape Lynn. Harry and Lynn are both 17 now. So the next day was a Sat in September and there was a gun show Harry went and. Bought a 45 alto, yes I know Harry was only 17 how the right person enough cash no paper. Now Sat night Harry gets a call from Lynn, she tells Harry that He broke it of with me and I want him back. Harry thinks perfect Mom is Lynn’s birthday day, Harry tell Lynn that he talk to him and he said he made a big . mistake,and he wants me to pick you up, that he wants me to take you to meet him at your favorite mex restraint, Lynn says ok. Sunday comes Harry goes and gets a room at the Motel. Monday comes Harry grabs the 45 and hides it, and goes and picks Lynn up and there driving towards the mex restraint,when Lynn noticed that Harry missed the of ramp, Lynn says you missed the of ramp, Harry calmly pulls out the 45 and aims it at Lynn, Lynn says OH SHIT! If you plan to do what I think you are I think you should know I am on my period, Harry thinks
To himself DAM IT! Not again. Harry pulls into the back of the Motel in the back he got the very last room in the back so know one can hear Lynn. Harry parks the car and tells Lynn to get out and go to room 38 don’t try anything or I will shoot and anyone else who’s around. Lynn did as he said she went into the room with no prob. Inside Harry told Lynn she better do what he said or he her there tied up and to her house and shoot mom,dad, brother and sisters did she understand that,Lynn said yes she understood. Harry said good now take of all your clothes off,but leave your high heels on. Lynn untied her dress then unzipped it and it drops to the floor, next she reached around and unhooked her white bra. Harry didn’t know what size Lynn was small, next she took of her white panties lol, then she took of her paid and threw it in the can. Harry told Lynn up on the bed and open your legs up, Lynn did, Harry took of all his clothes and got between Lynns legs, he told Lynn to put her legs up on his shoulder s,Lynn did, Harry took his 6 inch cock and forced into Lynn’s virgin pussy, Lynn started to cry and screaming and she cursed OH SHIT! Harry said I have never heard you curse before and today you did twice. Lynn said you are raping me what did you expect? Harry keep raping Lynn as she keeps crying and after about 15 . min Harry tell s Lynn I am going to Cum, Lynn says NO PLEASE DON’T! Harry said I m CUMMINS! Harry gives Lynn a 5 min Break. Then Harry pulls out his bloody cum cock and tell Lynn to turn over, Lynn begs and plead No PLEASE DON’T! Harry reminded Lynn what would happen if she said no, and Harry added maybe I will rape Mom and your 2 sister s, Lynn yells out No Please as Lynn turns over and Harry gets behind Lynn and shoves his bloody cum cock hard into Lynn’s ass, Lynn screaming out. Harry rapes Lynn’s ass hard a good 45 mins with her screaming out OMFG. Harry Finley Cum in Lynn’s Virgin ass.and after about 15 mins Harry let’s Lynn dress and drives her home. Wants home Harry reminded Lynn and added she better never tell anyone what happened and add or I will come and rape mom and your 2 sister’s do you u understand me? Lynn said she understood and got of the car.on the drive home Harry was thinking to himself it’s pretty sad I had my BFFL girl before him

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