Paco and I Afterwords!

Paco and I had had oral and more!! By more I mean he had pretty much my had my whole body to his and yes my pleasure too but,,, yes I know there’s always a but,, my but is that after all of the adrenaline and excitement of feeling and acting speaking and even thinking submissively, something that I did not see coming was that I will start to feel different, I started to have the urge of more and not just sex but more of that that I had had in a relationship, More like hugging,, yes,, I had no idea that after all of this interactions I would start wanting or expecting to want just the simple stuff like kissing, hugging, cuddling etc,, etc ,, but here I am and the feeling of it keep growing, My first thought or right thing to do is communicating with him and asking about his feelings but he is a macho man and for what I know what I know about him is that hi was not the falling in love kind of guy, so I’m alone in it and but neither did I, because all I want it out of this esas an adventure and the adrenaline and excitement of the moment and maybe exploring my bisexual side, but I’m learning a very good lesson here and that is that there’s a huge difference between entering and been entered meaning? What I mean is that when you as a boy penetrate someone else with their consent of course “hopefully”!! You’re the receiver and when you’re like in my case the one penetrated you become the giver,, if that’s making sense? If not here’s the short version, there’s a difference between entering and been entered, me as a receiver I am allowing someone or something to be or to use my body for his pleasure and yes my own too of course, me as a recibir I had to open and not just literally but sentimentally to him, and that combination is the one causing or altering my feelings so bad, so yes I’m done with all this explaining and back to where I was,

every time I’m close to him at work or in public I feel like holding hands or even kissing and that is not normal and he does not seem to be in to it anyway, so in this time I’m going to do what I had done since I was little I am calling my best girl friend that happened to be my big sister yes,, she always had had some of my best solutions in pretty much every situation that I had need help in, so Friday morning I’m driving and dropping paco at work I did all the arrangements so he can get home with a friend in the afternoon and tonight will be the big night I want to to him about my feelings and hopefully he will reciprocate or he may just move out 🙁 ,,,

My big sis looks as always very happy and optimistic, we love meeting at this coffee shop and talking about boyfriend’s girlfriends and events that had happened to both of us,, only this time my situation is not as the ones of the past I feel very nervous about it but finally she wants to know about my problem, and without thinking it’s my turn to confess, do you remember I told you about a guy from work named Paco?!?! Yes,, what about him ? Im having sex with him, I can feel my cheeks burning and my hart on my head and as I’m talking I’m reading her face but she doesn’t look uncomfortable nor blushing and she still here hasn’t run away so that’s a good sign,,

yes that is exactly what I thought it will happen,, What are you talking about sis ?? What i just said,, when you told me about Paco from work the first thought that came to my mind was that if he would see you naked he would be tempted to start talking to you referring in a sexual way and I know you too, remember back in school you never dislike when the boys started making fun about your girly features your hairless legs, no fascial hair and cute if butt !! Nooooo you got it wrong I didn’t enjoyed it,, c’mon I had been wanting to ask you did you enjoyed it? Did you like? Did you feel good when on volleyball class the other guys will always spank each others butts?? I got my attention and curiosity I was always watching you and you seemed to always enjoyed it, and please be honest with me?! Maybe I didn’t like it but I didn’t dislike it either!!! You have me in a situation now sis !! No you got yourself in it I’m just working on des untangle your feelings about it budd so tell me I’m your sister?!?! We’ll yes you’re kind of right I had felt comfortable when guys insinuate sexual things to my and I do not know why?! We’ll yes but I do that’s because you’re in to guys too and that’s the most normal thing in the world budd and you need to get it out and never go against your own feelings never.

we’ll I guess it’s already out because I’ve been feeling very different things after we had had sex, things like what? Things like an urge of holding hands kissing cuddling etc, awesome!! That’s super I’m so glad to heard you saying it that’s a great achievement budd, how’s that a good thing?? Because those are your feelings and your need to explore them and explore them all the way,, well we lots to do it’s time to go!! Go where ?? Yes tule #1 never ask where ok ok sis let’s go,, our first stop underwear,, you know my frase beauty starts with cute underwear, second stop hair salon checked and third nails and wax very little to wax here other thank underarms and done
I’m ready for paco tonight
I need it to pick ip Paco from home and I’m already nervous about if he will like my new clothes and new hair look I had always like my semi curly hair and after not getting hair cuts for the past two months omits is long and this new hair cut I love it I look like looking at a different person on the mirror,