Party Van

My friend, Raven got to borrow her parent’s party van to pick up the boys.

I know, with a name like Raven, as in “That’s so Raven.” Only without the psychic powers, and disguises. So then, my brother and me were hanging out at the curb, where the school bus used to pick us up, and drop us off.

“So, what’s with this Raven chick?”

“Well, as you probably guessed, she’s named that after her black hair.” Straight black, like an Asian, only she doesn’t really look Asian at all.

“So? Lots of girls have black hair. I heard she’s a big slut.”

“Drake!’ I laughed, “Be nice, I know the boys put it that way, but. Just because she likes sex.”

“Yeah, big sex parties.”

“Doesn’t mean she’s a slut, per se. I mean, if you got the chance to do it with a bunch of girls, you’d jump at it, without a second thought about that making you a slut.”

“Yeah, because I’m a guy.”

“Yeah, and that’s sexist. They don’t have a nasty word to call a guy that likes to fuck. Besides, maybe if you guys didn’t shame girls for putting out, there’d be fewer girls that are afraid to get teased for having sex, so you’d get laid more often.”

“I get plenty of pussy, you know.”

“Uh!” I just rolled my eyes, and nodded, politely. I’d heard him talking to the boys, his friends, and all the stories they told each other about their conquests. Not to mention all the girls they talked about, behind their backs, but when you got both sides of the story, they never added up.

Okay, so maybe the boys exaggerated, and maybe the girls lied too, but it can’t be all the boys telling the god’s honest truth, and all the girls lying so everyone thinks we’re all virgins, that’s just sexist. Also, it’s kinda like that logic game we played in school, Knights, and Knaves, plus Rumor all rolled into one.

You see, Knights always tell the truth, and Knaves always lie, but you have to figure out which is which. The problem is, if you just ask “Are you a Knight or a Knave?” The Knights tell the truth, and the Knaves lie. So, everyone says they’re a Knight, you see? Then, we played Rumor, where the teacher lined us up, and whispered something to the first person in line. She whispered it in the boy’s ear next to her, and just to be fair, they lined us up boy girl boy girl.

The point is that by the time it got to the end of the line, everything changed so that the original message was completely different from when it started. Like you know the internet, right? You’re on the internet right now, looking for dirty stories about teenagers having group sex, or you wouldn’t have found this one.

Well, this isn’t the Island of Knights, and Knaves. The truth is everyone lies, and bends the truth, leaves out crucial details, and exaggerates others so it makes the story better, but if you take even the true stories at face value, you might believe that every girl is a virgin, and every boy has a 10″ dick. If you don’t think about the fact that if every girl stayed a virgin, then no straight boy would ever get laid, or at some point, there wouldn’t be any virgins left. Logically.

“There they are.” I pointed when it came around the corner, but you’re not going to mistake it for anything else. Because it used to be an Ice-Cream van, only they took off the loudspeakers to play nursery rhymes like Pop Goes the Weasel. The generator to run the freezers, and even the freezers to keep the ice cream cold, which just left an empty box on wheels, with a windshield, and a hood up front for the engine.

You could tell it used to be an ice-cream truck, though. Because they painted over the menu, but you could still see the outlines of rocket pops, sundae cones, and fudge bars through the paint.

I called “Shotgun, you get in back.” I pointed, and rolled the door back, like a patio door to get in next to Raven, who was driving.

“Nice bikini.” I looked back, but Drake was trying not to touch the boys next to him, on the bench they set up against the wall on the driver side. Across from the window, that propped up, so there was a kinda roof you could stand under if it was raining, and order stuff from the window. If you wanted to eat ice-cream in the rain, for some reason, but whatever. “You ready?”

“Yeah,” I buckled up, and rolled it shut, but the boys had to shout over the engine, even in back, so we giggled, listening to them talking.

“This your first time?” Somebody asked Drake, who nodded, and shook his head.

“I mean, I’m not a virgin, but it’s the first time I got on the party van.” It’s hard to believe that he never even heard about it, as much as he, and his friends talk about sex. Where else did he hear about Raven? Well, I didn’t get a chance to tell him the full story.

You see, her mom’s husband left her, or the 2 of them after she was born, because he was blond, and her mom a brunette, but not like a dark brown brunette, let alone the straight black hair she’s named after. So, it was kinda like a red-headed stepchild, a constant reminder that he wasn’t actually her real dad, and I didn’t get the whole story out of her mom, because it’s kinda private, but basically, she cheated on him.

He couldn’t take it, so finally, her mom found a man that wouldn’t mind, and married him instead. And they lived happily ever after, but then Drake asked around, “Her parents know what she uses this for?” Me, and Raven both laughed, and listened in to the boys talking, and making stuff up about how she gets away with it, when the truth is even stranger than their fictions.

It’s not her van. Her mom, and dad got it, and tricked it out, for just this kinda thing, and she borrowed it. Now that she’s 18, and old enough to do whatever,she wants, they moved onto bigger, and better things, but she wanted to use the old party van, so they let her take it.

Then, we drove across the bridge to the island, I’m not going to say which island, or which beach, let alone the city, because that would mean the cops could find out right where to go an break it up. This isn’t Nevada, so it’s not legal here, but you know, it’s technically prostitution, or you could make a case for that in court.

So anyway, Raven had this friend, with an older sister in college, and ever since last summer, they started doing this fund raiser for books, and tuition, between semesters. Basically, there’s a lot of Car Washes out by the strip, and they’re cheap enough, but if you get a bunch of college girls out there, in our bikinis with hoses, and buckets of suds, let’s just say that the boring old car washes have to compete with that.

So, we pulled up by the “Bungalows.” That’s what they call them, when really it’s just like a rest area with changing rooms, and showers to wash off the salt and sand. Get dressed in some dry clothes, and get in your car to drive back to the hotel, or whatever. It’s not Fort Lauderdale, but the locals called it “Little Fort Lauderdale,” because this is where you’d go, if you didn’t want to drive all the way around the gulf, and halfway down Florida for spring break.

The point is, they have 2 separate buildings, with hookups for the hoses, and they’re basically 2 locker rooms so the men don’t see the women changing out of our bathing suits, or sexually assault us in the showers. Oh yeah, and bisexual men can come by the men’s room, to have anonymous sex, and a shower, which is how Raven found out about it, from her dad.

Oh yeah, didn’t I mention that? The whole reason why he didn’t mind Raven’s mom sleeping around is because she married a bisexual dude, so they could have sex with other men, together. First, threesomes with guys they hooked up with on the internet, then they got this van, and they kinda avoided the whole Swinger Scene, for some reason. I’m not sure what that’s all about, and even Raven sounds a little confused, when she tries to explain it, but along story short, that’s not their scene, so they made up there own.

The nice thing about the “Bungalows” is they’re exactly 10 feet apart. The van is like 12′ long, but if she’s careful driving up. I had to spot for her from the passenger side, but we’d done this enough times that it was easy enough to block 1 whole side of it, so you couldn’t get through, unless you went around. That left a kinda dead-end alleyway, with pipes, and stuff, but no doors except the utility ones that they always kept locked.

The boys got up, and pushed out the window, while Raven locked her door, and we got out my side, so nobody could go through the cab. “Hihihihn!” She girls came around the corners, bringing their hoses, and shooting each other to rinse the suds off, but some of them were wearing swimsuits, while other had on cutoffs with white teeshirts. So they got wet, and translucent, clinging to their bodies, and you could see their nipples through it, none of them had bras, but then other dropped the hoses, and reached up to undo their bikini tops.

I was still dry, and so was Raven, but then we heard the doors swing open in back, to let the other guys in from the car wash. The local boys from town got to line up first, pulling up their shirts, and dropping their pants, so there was a nice line-up of drooping dicks, and boners sticking up, and the girls all had our pick.

“Pick your dick!”

“Uh,” my brother backed up, and looked down. “I can’t see.”

“That’s the point,” the boy next to him slapped his ass, so he jumped. “Hey, don’t be such a fag.”

“Well, don’t be such a wimp, you come to get sucked off, or not?”

“Uh!” I just rolled my eyes, and stood back, while the girls lined up, shaking their titties, and giggling, to get the boys hard that weren’t all ready. Then, one went for my brother on the end, but I pushed her out of the way, and shook my head. Grinning, and trying not to giggle, because he might recognize my voice, but he was the last to get his pants open, and he still had his underwear up.

Unlike the other boys, who’re already getting blowjobs, handjobs, tit rubs, and their balls sucked. There was a lot more girls than boys could line up at the window at once, but I just knew there was a line around the back of the van, and I didn’t care.

The secret was, i never had the guts to do what I always wanted to, but I used to dream about sneaking into his room, while he was asleep. He had a lock on the door, but he never used it at night, only to keep me out when he left, but I didn’t want to play with his underwear, or sniff his tighty whiteys to find a pair that still had his ball sweat, but not any skid marks, or drops of pee from not shaking it enough before he tucked it in.

I mean, it’s not like, i wanted my brother’s dick, that bad, but it was always there, and i thought about it, some. Other boys too, and I even got with some of them, but he didn’t believe them when he heard about it later, at first. it’s not even the biggest dick, or the hardest. I’m kinda happy that he just had a chubby when I grabbed it through the crotch, and squeezed it.

Turned it so it stuck out the top, and pulled the wasteband so I could smell his pubes, and kiss the tip. Lick the little nugget of loose skin in the crack down the middle, and the greasy sticky drop leaking out the hole. “Mhn!” I hummed, sucking it in, and rubbing it on my tongue. feeling it swelling, and his blood pumping it. it getting hard, and longer, and warmer. His hands on my head, his fingers running through my hair, and tuning out the other boys. The other girls, and everything, so it was just like me and him.

Me, and my brother’s dick, his hips pumping back and forth, the meaty shaft slipping through my lips, his hairy balls brushing over my fingers, and touching the sensitive spot behind them. the tain, it ain’t his balls, and it ain’t his butthole, but I didn’t dare touch that.

Knowing he wouldn’t like it, and afraid that he’d lose the mood. “Oh, he moaned, then he said it. “Sarah.” My name, “Oh Sarah, yeah. Suck it, suck it off, uh!”

It was supposed to be anonymous, but I pulled back to just the tip, so I could look up, and smile. See his eyes peeking out of the shadows, mysteriously behind the top of the window. “Don’t stop.” he gripped my head, and started fucking my face. Not too hard, careful not to gag me, or choke me, but fast, and even faster when I started nodding my head, and he guided it up and down with his hand, then he let go, and started pumping it.

“No, in my mouth.” I moved his hand, and gripped it. Feeling back for the spongey tube in his taint, stroking it with my other hand, sucking, and tonguing the tip for all i was worth, until he grunted, and shook. It twitched, and I felt the first spurt shoot through behind his balls. So i was ready when it shot out on my tongue, i could swallow each wad, then be ready for the next, and the next.

8 times. he shot into my mouth, 8 times, and I swallowed every last drop. “Huh!” I almost fell down. “Huh!'[ Stepping back, and catching myself on the side of the open door. I climbed back into my seat, gasping for breath, and enjoying the almost orgasmic rush of finally sucking my brother off, right there in front of everybody.

“HhuhHhuh!” he knocked, on the door, and tried pulling the chain through the little hole in it for the latch. “Oh!” I shook my head, and held my hand up. “Hang on, stop.” I had to spin the wing-nut, and pull the screw out, so the latch would come out. It was supposed to be a padlock, I guess so nobody could break in the front, then get in the back, but Raven…

“Huh!” Raven was the only one here, that knew that we’re brother, and sister. When she picked us up, the other guys were all strangers, and anonymous, which is kind part of the point, but sure enough, more guys came in the back, while he sat down, and I sat in his lap.

“What was that for?” he kept his voice down, to be drowned out by the oral orgy going on inside, and out.

“Huh, honestly, I always wanted to do that.”

“Suck me off?”

“Well, suck a dick, until I did, but then, I always kinda regretted the one I always wanted, and never got the chance.” I kissed him. “Do they know, you just got sucked off by your sister?”

“No, I told them you’re my girlfriend, and I don’t think they got a good look at you, between one thing, and another.”

“Huh, well. I don’t guess you want to watch me, suck off strangers, in a van?”

“Maybe some other time, but it would be the first time, would it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on. You know Uncle Al.”

“You knew about that?”

“Of course, where else did you learn to be such a good little cock sucker, and you want to hear a secret?”

I nodded.

“He taught me too.” he whispered, and looked around. “But don’t tell anyone.”

“Of course not.” I promised, “It’ll be our little secret.”

It turns out that he wasn’t afraid that the other boys might be gay. He was afraid that they might find out that he’s actually bisexual, but he could actually teach me a thing or two about sucking dick.

But that’s a whole nother story…

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