Real “trauma”

This is a real account of what sexual experiences happend to me from when i was 5 to now. Sorry for bad spelling n shit cuz i dont care about that and wanted to do this to see the reactions of you horny pedophiles anyways lets get into it 😉 (another decision i made on discord XD) and yes all my sexual experiences that could be classified as “trauma” are gay ones even tho im like 70% straight some dick aigh

I was minding my buissness one day when a kid who was from 1st grade got sent back a grade to relearn his abcs and numbers his name we will call him Tyler (for privacy purposes) Tyler was seen as the bigger kid and the cool kid due to how bigger and stronger and “street” he was. One day he approached me a male and i forgot what happend but we asked the teacher to go to the bathroom together this being normal as the teacher would say to bring a bathroom buddy to make sure nothing bad happend to one another. I went into the bathroom with tyler and he showed me his penis in the urinal i showed him mine and he said why is their skin on yours I said thats foreskin and they cut it off when you are born he said ok and I told him about how they cut off his foreskin when he was a baby but he fought me on it saying no that was how he was born. After the argument we were touching eachothers penises. He tried to show me what masturbating is and tbh i was too retarded (im not really mentally challenged) to understand what he was trying to show me. He then showed me how he made his penis look like mine by pulling the skin below his penis head to the top. I was amazed and played with his penis doing it and he eventually let out a moan and said wow that was good I said why is it hard (it felt harder but it was the same size about 1 inch) He just said cuz it felt good. anyways this became a regular thing for us and after a couple times at the urinal he would say come into the stall with me and I did. He then one time after going into the stalls a couple of times (i forgot what happend before) he asked me to lick his penis i thought it was a fun game and I did after some of that a janitor came in as it was right after the school bell I remember him scrambling to hide on the toilet and told me to act like i was taking a piss so i acted like it. Another time later I remember him saying for me to bend over and he wanted me to spread my ass cheeks so being the little innocent 5 year old i was did that and well he proceeded to butt fuck me but it didnt even reach my asshole so he had me let go of my ass and just fucked my ass cheeks. Another time I remember him trying to piss in my belly button and he ended up getting some on my gray shorts I just said ooops and he said uhhh say its just water or somthing. I said ok. Things continued like this into 1st grade (this was all I could remember)

1st GRADE (yay)

In first grade we continued as regular but now there was a twist I cant remember if it was me who initiated it or if he wanted me to do it but I ended up doing the same things that tyler did to me with other boys now taking the dommanint role so now I was fucking them in the ass and seeing their privates and in 1st grade i remember doing it with a indian kid we will call Jake (fake name) (by the way Tyler is mexican but white mexican) I dont remember anything with him so we will skip this part but I do remember going to the same bathroom and having telling on the teacher about what tyler did to me to not get me in trouble, looking back the teacher shouldve told my parents as I didnt know what I was doing was wrong I thought it was what friends do even tho tyler bullied me countless of times but the teacher did nothing despite the obvious things i told her and she saw it was like she liked watching it but she was nice and def my top 5 elementary-middle teachers. Nothing huge happend here that I can remember.

2ND GRADE (sucky teacher)

I remeber that Tyler either got bumped up a grade or left the school entirely (this being confirmed that he left the school in 3rd grade) but now me and Jake the indian kid were not friends and it was now me with 3 kids now this was also when I had my first sexual experiences with my cousin which i am completley at fault for and feel sorry for exposing all of the kids my age to these sexual acts even though it does not effect me in any way I wonder how it affects them and I hope to god if their is one that they feel the same way I do about this, not caring that it happend and only worried for the people they did it with. Now in 2nd grade a new kid we will call Kyle (who was hella white and had a stutter fake name as allways) I remember introducing him to that stuff. and another kid who we will call (Jason) who was the most into it ive ever been with besides my cousin it gives me hope that this had no effect on them. I remember that with kyle in class I would see his penis and under the table we would touch and in the bathroom i only vaguely remember him showing me that he wore no underwear but I know for sure we did things. Jason though I remember us comparing balls and penises in class he would show me his and I would show him mine. I remember one class period he put his hand down my pants and said that he is trying to reach my balls from the backside of me and once he found em he started playing with them then it was my turn to do it to him and I did feeling his ass down to his balls. I remember also doing things with him in the bathroom now sucking his dick as he did mine and i showed him and kyle how if they pull the skin from underneathe their cirucmsized penis heads that it can go up and look like a foreskin. Now as im writing this I remember 2 more kids I did this with we will call a mexican kid Jacob and a asian kid jack. Jack and Jacob were best friends. So i remember one time comparing penises with Jacob but then after around 4 times doing so he moved out of the school and I remember moving on to Jack and the only time i remember doing things is one time I said come on Jacob let me do this and I was talking about fucking his asscheeks just like Tyler did to me in kindergarden. Now for the incest. Everything that I remember happend then during summer break i remember me and my cousin sharing a bed and we ended up touching and licking eachother penises from then on i would say 1/2 times that we saw eachother we would compare penises and touch and lick eachother.

3rd grade

I saw a therapist for anger issues and she really opend my eyes to what I did was wrong with the kids in my school (i forgot about the incest during then) and she helped me understand what really happend and was a big benefit for my personality or I would be walking today asking to suck everyones dick (you perverts would probably like that) and during this time I got the sex talk and learned what masturbating is and did it frequently also it was during this time where I got my jerkoff per day record (15 all back to back this was before I could cum and I had no cooldown I do now that im olderish) This sparked a so far life long masturbating addiction and eneded the 3 year long time where I was doing sex acts with my classmates but me forgetting to tell my therapist about me and my cousin helped me and my cousins incestral awakening (big up if you know that porn game XD)

4th grade
Nothing except a masturbating habbit

5th grade
Now I masturbate every other day to 3 days

6th grade
Now I masturbate less but my orgasms get more intense than last year

7th grade
I remember during thanksgiving break me and my cousin found a broken down tree in the backyard of our grandparents. We went in there and realized that it made a nice fort with good coverage. I remember us talking about girls and how we both masturbate. We then said we both have boners and pulled out our dicks I saw that he was circumsized and he showed me how he masturbates and I showed him how I do he would use 2 hands not stacked up on eachother but one covering the other and would just go as fast as he could I showed him how I would use a standard grip and pull my foreskin up and down. We then proceeded to try to jerk eachother off and he made me cum but me not knowing how to jerk off a circumsized guy he took over and finished. Now during winter break we went to the same tree in out grandparents forest aka backyard and we ended up talking about last time and our developments in puberty since then. After talking and becoming hard we would take out our penises in the cold and jerk off feeling eachother and eachothers balls and jerking off then he said i guess we could have licked last time and I said yeah i guess then i forgot what happend and but suddenly we were sucking eachothers cocks he said it feels weird I stopped and said do me and wow it felt way different from jerking off and for you curious georges out here a dick just tastes like regular skin like lick the back of your hand and thats the cock taste. After we finished up we went back. also after this my parents caught me sending nudes to a “girl” who was probably a boy that I met on fortnite

8th grade

covid happend last year and it just made my jerk off habbit into a addiction and I learned of omegle where I would expose myself for tits and the occasional cock

9th grade
Covid lessend up and we were allowed back into schools now me and my cousin met up for the first time in 2 years (2021 at this point) and we ended up looking at porn and just jerking off and also I exposed myself for any tits or pussy or ass on omegle even if I knew if it was a old guy behind the screen I was jsut that thirsty now is when my addiction to masturbating was at its most and I am now doing it 3-5 times a day on average now as it is summer and I will be going into 10th grade this coming school year I hope to have no addiction or at the most masturbate 1x a week insted of 3-5 times a day. now you may be asking why did I write this well I basically wanted to get it off of my chest even if it is horny pedophiles that read it at least it was someone that heard me out this far. I now at the time of writing this have masturbated 3x today and just want to be relived from this secret ive been keeping for a while. Some people might call what happend to me “trauma” but if im being honest I dont really consider it trauma I consider spraining my ankle more painful than what happend to me but dont get me wrong I FEEL SO BAD for what I brought on to those kids my age through 1st through 3rd grade and my couisn well i think he is doing well he has a gf and has sex with her alot so maybe it didnt affect him that much but I can only hope that it did not effect the other boys just like it did not effect me now I shall try my journey at settling down my addiction to porn and jerking off and just become a better me who is chasing their dreams I have made HUGE progress on my dream this past month and I think that maybe it will help motivate me to stop jerking off so much and help me be a better person. now goodbye pedos and weirdos ima probably message the person on discord i told about this so yeah fun 🙂

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