Summer of 62, Chapter 1

I got my sex education from my babysitter.

I got my sex education in the summer of 62. I had just turned eleven, and school was out for the summer. My parents hired a neighbor girl who was 14, to babysit me during the day while they were at work.

I would go to her house in the morning around 7:30, and then come back home around 5:30. Her name was Joanne, and I thought she was very pretty. Her best friend, Tina used to come over during the day and hang around. Tina’s little sister was in my class.

I was a bit of a bookworm, and what I learned early was, if you had your head buried in a book, people would say all kinds of things within earshot. They thought you weren’t paying attention. I was always paying attention. The girls talked lot about boys and which ones they had crushes on. I also heard them talking about sex, and how they couldn’t wait to do it, although I had no idea what, do it, meant.

After about two weeks, I was sitting in the living room reading a book when Joanne ask Tina if she wanted to see something neat. Tina was like, “absolutely what is it?”

“Tony, can you come here a minute please?” called-out Joanne to her little brother. “Wait till you see this” she told Tina.

Tony was a 9 years old her parents were fostering. When Tony came into the room, Joanne said to him, “Tony, can we see your boner”?

That got my attention. I knew what a boner was, because I was starting to get them. I looked over the top of my book and watched as Tony giggled and pushed his pants down to his ankles. Then he held his penis between his thumb and index finger and started moving it up and down. It didn’t take long before his little penis was pointing straight up, almost touching his abdomen.

Tina’s eyes got really big and she said, “oh my God. Is that an erection?”

“Yeah, you want to see what it feels like?” asked Joanne “c’mere Tony, let Tina feel your boner”. Tony lit up. He went over to Tina and thrusts his hips out offering his little erection to her. She reached down and took his penis between her thumb and finger testing the firmness.

“oh my God, I can’t believe how hard and hot it feels.” Tina said as she continued to fondle the small penis. Tony was clearly loving this. He had a big grin on his face and was watching what Tina was doing to his penis.

I was so engrossed in watching Tina manipulate the little boy’s penis, that I didn’t realize my excitement was evident until I heard Joanne say, “wow, it looks like somebody else likes seeing Tony’s penis”. Tina looked over at Joanne who directed her gaze at me. She pointed at my crotch, and giggled. I looked down to see what they were pointing at, and could see my penis tenting my shorts.

“Do you enjoy looking at Tony’s penis John?” Joanne asked me.

I didn’t realize she was talking to me at first, until she tapped me on the arm. It broke my trance and I looked at her questioningly.

“Would you like to touch his penis John?” Joanne asked me.

I didn’t say anything, but I could feel my head nodding up and down. Joanne took Tony by the hand and had him come over and sit next to me on the sofa. Then she took my hand and put it on Tony’s penis. I had held my own hard penis before, but this was a new experience for me.

I liked the way it felt in my hand. When I moved the skin up and down and felt the bone inside swell and throb as I held it in my hand, it felt like an electrical wire running from my hand directly to my own penis. Every time his penis throbbed, mine jerked.

Joanne told me to stand up, and she pulled my pants and underwear down to my ankles, so now I was as naked as Tony.

Then Joanne took Tony’s hand and put it on my penis. I think my penis got even harder if that was possible.

Joanne then began to teach both of us how to masturbate. We masturbated ourselves, then Joanne suggested we masturbate each other.

While all this was going on, Tina had her hand down the front of her pants. She looked like she was in pain or something, and I didn’t understand what she was doing.

After a couple of minutes, Joanne asked me if I had ever seen a naked girl before. I told her no I hadn’t, since I have no brothers or sisters. She looked at Tina and said, “why don’t you show him your titties?”

Tina didn’t say anything, but she began to take her shirt off. She wasn’t wearing a bra, so as soon as her shirt came off we were treated to the sight of two small breasts with large swollen nipples.

She then walked over to me, sat on the couch and pulled me onto her lap. “Suck on my nipples John. It makes pussy tingle.” She told me. I took her nipple into my mouth and begin nursing on it. I actually enjoyed it, and was disappointed when she pulled it out of my mouth. It turned out she just wanted me to suck on the other one.

While I was nursing on her breast, she was stroking my penis up and down and caressing my balls. I loved the feeling it gave me.

After a few minutes, it felt like I was going to pee and so I told her, “you better stop now I’m going to pee”.

But she didn’t stop, and continued to stroke my little penis. Within the next two minutes I was getting a feeling I had never felt before. I could feel my penis twitching and throbbing. After about thirty seconds it started to slow down and my penis began to tickle.

“Holy shit Tina, I think you just made him cum.” Joanne told Tina.

“Really, I didn’t see him squirt anything” Tina said.

“I don’t think he squired anything, I think he’s too young for that” Joanne told her.

“I almost came just from him sucking on my nipples. You think we can teach him to eat pussy?” Tina giggled.

“Absolutely. But I think he might enjoy sucking a penis more.” Joanne said.

“John, why don’t you give Tony’s penis a kiss” Joanne said. I looked at Tony’s penis, and realized I wanted to kiss it. I wanted to kiss it very badly.

I leaned over his lap and licked it at the head of his erection. “Ohhh” Tony began moaning. I continue to lick the head of his penis. I noticed Joanne and Tina getting down close to watch. When Tony started to thrust his hips a little bit, I open my mouth and took his penis inside.

“Oh my God, he’s actually sucking it” Tina said. “I need to cum, and I need to cum right now” Tina said. She then began taking her pants off and within seconds was completely nude.

She started running her fingers over the top of her vagina, now I know she was massaging her clitoris, that the time I really had no idea. After only a couple of minutes she started to shake violently, and began cursing, “holy fucking shit, I’m coming” she claimed.

After watching this, Joanne stated she also needed to cum. She stood up and began disrobing. Her breasts were much larger than Tina’s, but her vagina was completely void of hair.

She sat down and spread her legs, then put her fingers down to her vagina and open the lips. Then she looked at me, and said “come here John.”

I went over to her where she instructed me to kneel down in front of her. Then she opened her vagina again, pointed to a little nub at the top and told me to lick it.

I stuck my tongue out and tentatively touched it to her clitoris, which caused her to jump. I looked at her questioningly, and she said it was okay and to do it again.

The next time I licked it, I kept my mouth on her vagina and moved my tongue around her clitoris, causing her to grab my head pulling into her vagina hard, and thrusting her hips up and down. After about 2 minutes, she began to shake violently like Tina did.

“I can’t believe this little boy ate my pussy” she said to Tina. “He’s better at this than you are Tina.”

“I’ll be the judge of that” Tina replied. She motioned me over to her, and I took my place in front of her the same way, on my knee with her legs spread in front of me. She took hold in my head and pulled it into her pussy, where my tongue went to work. It took less than three minutes for her to have an orgasm.

“I think this is going to be the best summer ever” Tina said after having her orgasm.

I went down on them two more times that day. I discovered I really enjoyed eating pussy and sucking cock. The girls enjoyed masturbating while watching me suck Tony’s penis.

After a couple of weeks, the girls started inviting friends over.


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