Sunday Cummy Sunday

I missed the bus, and it was Sunday, so another one wasn’t going to come for an hour.

I had to ask, “Hey mister,” a man passing bye, “Can I borrow your phone a second?” He switched it to phone, so I could dial the number. “Hey,” when they picked up, “I just missed the bus so I’m running a little late.”

“Well, we have to get to church.”

“I know, I’ll be there as soon as I can, but the next one’s not for another hour.”

“Just hurry.”

“Okay,” I [x]ed it out, and held it up, “Thanks.” He took it back, but only after I saw the video he was watching in the next window. I blushed, and he turned it around, turning it off embarrassingly. He took a sip off his coffee, and pulled up his mask, then he tucked his phone in his pocket while I sat back in the bus shelter.

It was cold, and windy, but at least there was a corner I could huddle up in. “Hey, uh. How far do you have to go, to work?”

I nodded, “I just have to get downtown, there’s another bus there I can catch, but. Are you offering me a ride?”

“Yeah, if we hurry, you can make the bus?”

“Yeah, I think so but what are you doing waiting for the bus if you have a car?”

“I wasn’t.” He held up his coffee cup, “I just got a cup of coffee, and you had to borrow my phone on the way past?” He looked back, and I nodded.

“Oh, okay.” I thought it would be safe, for some reason if he was gay. Oh yeah, and the video on his phone was a man jerking off, but you couldn’t see anything but his dick, his hand, and his cum shooting up on his abs. Nice abs, and shaved balls too. I don’t know, I’m a virgin, and I really haven’t looked at a whole lot of porno, but I got dick pics, of course.

Not all the time, but I’m 12, and that’s when most of my friends started getting dick pics, right? Around middle school, I don’t get as many as some of the more busty girls, but I know a few that didn’t get any, and they don’t feel bad about it, because it’s not like we want them. We just hang out on our phones a lot, and I don’t know where they even get our numbers from, but I guess it’s like spam for girls, or whatever.

Nobody ever sent me video, before. He asked me on the way to the parking lot what kind of job I had, which is pretty obvious, for a girl my age. “Oh, babysitting?” I nodded, “There’s this Christian family downtown, but their baby isn’t Christened yet, let alone old enough for Sunday School.”

“You’re not Christian though, or you’d be headded to church, right?”

“Well, maybe if we’re seventh day adventists, we’d have gone to church yesterday, but no. My family’s agnostic, that’s like Baptist, but instead of letting you chose to be baptized when you’re old enough, they let me decide whether or not to believe in God. So, I’m not going to judge you, or anything.”

He laughed, “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” He finally pulled his keys out, and unlocked the alarm on a nice sports sedan. A BMW, I’m not going to name the license plate, but it had 4 doors, and a big back seat.

“Is that Shakespeare?” He kinda came off as a hipster type, you know? Not like that girl haircut with the bangs, and the short sides to hide a bald spot, but more like one of those coffee snobs, that drink IPAs, and talk about, you know. The classics, plays, and stuff? My folks have a lot of friends like that, so they have microbrew IPAs for when they come over, and this stranger had a full beard.

“No, Jesus Christ. You really hadn’t heard that before?” I got in, and buckled my seatbelt, shaking my head, no. “Well, what would you have to judge me for? You just met me.” He started up the car, and put his hand up on the headrest to back out, turning.

“Well, I didn’t mean to pry, but I couldn’t help seeing the video you had on your phone, when I closed the phone ap, but it’s okay to be gay.”

He laughed, and shifted into drive. “I’m not gay, I have a girlfriend, but she’s out of town, so we just had phone sex when she woke me up this morning.”

“Oh, like on Zoom?” I learned about that at school, or for school, when it was closed for the lockdown, so the teacher had to do her lectures over the internet.

“More like Email, you know.” I shook my head, “She took a video, and sent it to me in an attachment, so I took a video, and sent it back.”

“Oh, that was you, masturbating on your phone for your girlfriend?” I felt so silly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions, and call you gay.” Then, I started babbling about dick pics, and not thinking about what I was saying, just letting my mouth run on, and on, nervously. I do that sometimes when I’m nervous, then I can’t remember exactly what I said, but it was probably pretty much the same.

“Somehow, the boys at school get your number, and send you dick pics. Mostly middle school boys, so they don’t have a lot of hair on their balls, but they don’t shave them neither, because they’re proud of what little they have, but they don’t beat off, or show their cum on their chests, if it’ll even shoot all the way up there, you think it’s to keep it up?”

“I’m sorry?” He couldn’t stop laughing, “Where downtown?”

“Oh, it’ll probably be quicker just to go straight there, what time is it?”

“6 ’til 8.”

“I think you can make it before 8 if you go straight.” I shook my head, blushing, and feeling a little weird. “You know the Presidio Townhomes, and Condos, over by the college?”

He laughed, “Sounds pretentious,” he played with a knob, in front of the gear shifter, and brought up the Navigator ap on his screen. “But they’re not expecting you for another hour, so if you show up a minute or 2 late, they’ll probably not be disappointed, if you think about it.”

I nodded, “So, your girlfriend sent you a video?” I crossed my legs, thinking about the stink that might leak out if I didn’t, but now I was pretty sure. I was getting hot, for the first time in my life, but considering how warm it was on the inside of my thighs, and creeping up to my crotch, like the hand of a child molester.

“Huh, yeah.” He pulled over to an alley, just like that, and pulled his phone out.

“Continue through to the next block, and turn right.” The satellite navigation lady said, until he cut the motor, and got out his phone. Switching back to Email, his hard cock still in his hand, paused so you could really see the white stripes up his tanned body.

“Huh, here she is.” He sighed, and started breathing heavy. Watching the latina dance, out of her night clothes, and into her jeans. Tight hip hugger jeans, so they rode low, and showed the waistband of her thong over the tight button, she zipped them up. Which is pretty impressive, since I usually have to lay down, and zip up pants that tight, just to get the button, but she did it standing up. Shaking her hips, and putting on a bra, too.

Oh yeah, and she was topless since she took off her nighty, since she didn’t sleep in a bra, but i’m not really a titty girl, you know? I’m straight, but I kinda have to appreciate her sexy dance, she did to turn her boyfriend on, and make him jerk off to send a video back of him blowing balls all over his tight abs, and tanned muscular chest.

“Huh,” I took his phone, and put his hand on my leg. “Uh, you don’t think she’d mind if I gave you a hand job, or something?” I felt his leg, up his lose checkered pants, and they were surprisingly thick, itchy like a wool blanket, instead of tight cotton denim. Tight jeans would have been nice, especially after seeing her dance into her’s so adroitly, and seductively.

“I can’t see how she’d find out, unless you sent her, uh!” He straightened up when I got to the tip. Sticking down the other pantleg, but rock hard, and sensitive, he moved my hand.


“No, it’s okay, I’m just.” He swallowed, and panted in his mask. “So excited, I don’t want to blow it before you get a chance to see it?” He unzipped his pants, and I nodded. Licking my lips, even though I’d just seen it. Well, just a picture of it, with the [>] symbol across his knuckles on the paused video, but then he pulled down his underwear.

I thought were boxers, until he lifted the steering wheel up to pull his pants down, and they turned out to be long underwear. Like Pajama bottoms, only silk? I think they might even be 100% silk to protect him from the itchy warm wool of his pants, I guess. Still, you got to think that the kind of guy that shaves his legs, and everything else below the belt, also wears satin underwear for the sensation of it rubbing against his skin, and his balls, and his dick dangling down the pantleg, so it rolls around in there when he walks.

“Huh, give me my phone.” He too it, and switch back to camera. Video mode, he held it up for a selfy, and pulled his mask down to wink, and grin. “Don’t be jealous sweety,” he blew a kiss, “But I just couldn’t wait for you to get back.”

I shrank back, out of the camera view, and checked my mask. Then, I reached out to pull his shirt up with one hand. Down to pull his dick up out of his pantleg with the other. “Huh!” He hunched, and sighed again. “Fuck, that was close.”

I just giggled, and pulled it out, gripping it, and pumping it hard with one hand, rubbing his rippling abs with the other.

“Huh yeah ngh! FGH!” He grunted, and hunched, then I just held it. Throbbing, and spurting up his abs, hitting his shirt, so pushed that up, and rubbed his chest. Played with his hairy nipple. It wasn;t that hairy, but I couldn’t help giggling. I’d never seen a hairy nipple before, and it was only 4 little curls, but I counted, swirling them around.

“HuhuhHhuh! Huh!” He took it, and shook it soft. So the last drops whipped up, and hit his midriff. I rubbed it back and forth, across his chest, then felt down to get the rest on his panting muscular tummy. “Huh, fuck.” He dropped his phone in there somewhere, but I’m glad.

She missed the big finish, so it was just for me. I pulled my mask down, just enough to take a deep breath of his cum smell, and closed my eyes, before pulling it back up. Licking my lip, and biting it.

“Huh!” His shirt stuck to his awesome body, and his beard was bunched up, but I don’t think any shot up high enough to get in it. He checked his mask, and fixed his pants next. Then, he zipped up his jacket, and got out a cigar.

“Huh, you mind if I step out for a minute?”

“Oh no, go right ahead.” It was cold out there, but he shut the door as soon as he got out, and lit up from a brass zippo.

“Huh!” My fingers were so cummy, from rubbing it all over his hot body, I wanted to stuff them right in, bust through my hymen, and get myself pregnant, but I just seddled for rubbing my panties in to dry the wetness within. When I got to work, he dropped me off, but Jr. was passed out with a full belly, and a clean diaper.

She sprayed on perfume like a pesticide, and left a cloud of it from their bathroom to the front door. I could even smell it through my mask, but she’s Christian. At least she doesn’t overdo the makeup, and hair product, so it’s stiff as a helmet, but I went in the girl’s room. They have a daughter, who’s old enough for Sunday school, but too young to leave alone with her baby brother.

Not that she’d, you know. Molest him in the crib, he’s a baby, I can’t even think what you could do with a baby boy that would be pleasurable, could he even get it up? I just had to get out of that perfume, so it didn’t make me sneeze, and get my pants down. Corduroys, since it was cold this morning, and I wasn’t expecting to meet up with a horny stranger on the way to work.

I got my underwear off, half naked on the little girl’s bed, it felt so naughty, but after that. Even the fact that she’s a little little girl, I’m almost a teenager, and she’s a Christian. Probably sitting in Sunday school right now, getting indoctrinated in the ways of Jesus, or whatever it is they do there. To crank out church ladies like that, but my fingers smeared cum on the outside of my panties, while it was still wet.

They were dry now, but my twat was practically dripping, and soaking through. I never even tried to masturbate myself before, but how hard could it be?

I had all morning to figure it out…

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