The Cock Block

My girlfriend sent me a text in Health class. [What’s the safest sex?]

I looked over, and she grinned, biting her lip. [IDK, what?]

[I’ll show you after school.] Starting week 2, the coach told us what she’s Not going to teach, in Health class. This isn’t Sex Ed, but we had phones, and the internet. So, if you want to learn what vessicles boys make semen in there balls you can look it up.

Or, just type in hot young teen jerking off, and watch it on video. Yeah, it’ll probably be marked Gay, unless you want to watch another girl jerk him off, but that’s the punchline. You don’t have to wear rubber gloves to rub him off, unless you have cuts on your fingers, or something.

That’s not all she was talking about, but I met her after class down at the locker rooms. Since Health, and PE are the same teacher, they just do Health 1 semester, and PE the other, the Health class was in the same building as the gym, instead of the Science building, but we go to a Prep school.

Jr. High, but since it’s supposed to Prepare you for High School, we have lockers, and Periods. Well, most girls got their periods before they turned 11, in 6 grade. I’m not like the other girls, but I’ll save that for later.

The point is we had lockers in the halls, but we also went in the girl’s room to change out of our school clothes. Into after school clothes, because it was hot. Still too hot to wear skirts, or shorts that covered your knees, and tops with sleeves, or dresses that covered both your knees, and bra straps.

This was the first year when I might have to worry about hiding something, in the locker room, and also the last before I really have to make a choice. Midtown Polytech, or the Parochial School? Tough choice, honestly, but the Parochial school has this hideous plaid where the colors clash with each other, let alone finding something that matches. It’s also seperated into the all boy’s school, or the all girl’s side, and they have dorms to Prepare you for going away to college.

It’s a Boarding school, but Episcopalian, instead of Catholic, so at least we don’t have to worry about confessing our sinful thoughts, let alone looking at, and even touching things we really shouldn’t be. Is that enough foreshadowing for you?” Okay, then Harriet just leaned back up against the [Utilities] door. You can tell, because it says [Utilities] right there on the door, but she held a textbook under her arm. In her underwear, while the other girls zipped their school clothes into their backpacks, and left.

Well, most of them, but there was this one girl. Jennifer, all she dis was take off her top, her bra, and put her top back on over her bare boobs. “What are you looking at?”


She laughed, and shook them up and down in each hand. “These look like nothing to you?”

“Uh, Jen. Nobody cares about your C cups but you in here. Oh!” The coach came and unlocked the Utility door, while Jen got out her phone. Typed in [Okay, she’s gone.] But waited before she rolled out the mop bucket, and headed for the showers. Without even looking back, but Harriet moved over to hide where her textbook was tucked in the door.

So it didn’t close, automatically, and lock it. The showers started running again, so Coach could wash all the soap, and long hairs down the drain. ‘quick, and keep quiet.’ Jen pushed me, and set her phone up on the shelf. Shut the locker, but Harriet held the door for me, and I heard this gritty sound before the door swung slowly shut.

“Catch it, quick!” The other two caught a cinder block, before it fell out.

“Hey girls.” A couple of boys bent down to look through the hole, while the girls set down the cinder block. Next to the mop sink. “Who’s the new girl?”

“Never mind her, she doesn’t have any tits.” Jennifer pulled her still unbuttoned shirt off, and knelt down on the top of the cinder block. “Nobody cares about my C ups huh?” Sure enough, too hands reached out to feel around for them, until she grabbed their wrists, and put them right on her boobs, and I have to admit I’m more than a little jealous.

“Your own personal Jesus, right Faith?” My girlfriend joked.

“I don’t get it.”

“It’s a Depeche Mode song.” She looked back.

“Well, that’s enough to get them hard, so stop hogging the whole hole.”

“So, this is what you ment by the safest sex?” And also, a way to tell me Jen’s code-name, so i didn’t call her Jen by accident.

“Yeah,” they both stood on either side of it, so they could reach through, and I got down to look though the hole. “The cock block.” I looked down at the cinder block, painted side up.

“Huh, yeah! Oh yeah, you like this big fat dick.”

“How do you get your head in there to suck dick?” I turned my head, sideways, and shook it. I laughed, “I guess they can’t lie to you, and tell you it’s 8 inches either.”

“Hahahah, yeah.”


“Oh! Ihihihn! That was quick.”

“Huh!” Jen, or Faith, whatever you want to call her, turned around, and leaned up in the corner. In the mop-sink, it’s practically a shower stall, only instead of the shower head, there’s just a hose to fill up the mop bucket. She held her arm up, and her hand inside the elbow, to wipe the wet mess up, and rub her hands together. Then, she wiped them both on her chest, and spread them around on her boobs.

“Don’t stop, what are you doing, I was so close.”

“You want to feel my pussy, don’t you?” My girlfriend dropped her panties, and the other boy. I assume the one that didn’t blow it in a couple seconds. “Uh, put the glove on quick, we don’t have much time, coach is going to be back any minute!” He looked through the hole again, but I heard latex snapping, and then he got up to feel through the hole, and Jen pushed her out of the way. Holding her skirt up, and grabbing his wrist, to hump it up against the wall.

“Uh, yeah. Fuck me, fuck me with your fingers!” My girlfriend came over, and stuck her hand down my pants. Gently, running her fingers through my pubic hairs, inside my jock strap, and holding out the cup.

Okay, now I have to explain that. I’m not a boy exactly, and I’m not a girl neither. What happened was, my X chromosome cut off my (y) chromosome at some point, and even the doctors don’t know why. They didn’t even discover it until I started puberty late. My voice started cracking, and I started to ache right where my pubic hairs started growing.

If you want the technical term, it’s Inguinal Teste Smears. Instead of growing balls, they just kinda stuck to my pubic bone, and barely let out a trickle of testosterone. Not enough to grow anything like a scrotum, or penis, so I have all the external stuff a girl would. Even the OBGYN told my mom, congratulations, it’s a girl.

So now, I have 1 year left, before I get to take Hormone Replacement Therapy. Estrogen, and Progesterone to fake the natural period I’d get, if I were actually a girl, but it’s not exactly Transgender, and it’s neither gay nor straight either. I’d have to find someone else with the exact same unique gender as me to be gay with, and I don’t have an opposite sex. So, it’s not like I’m a lesbian neither.

Because I was supposed to be a boy, but I got mistaken for a Girl, I don’t have to change my name or anything, if I decide to keep living as a girl. I’m just left with penis envy, breast envy, and pretty much all kinds of envy for everyone that actually has a gender to have sex.

“Uh ah ah huh!” Jen/Faith turned around, and fell back in the corner again.

“Huh there, I got you off.” The boy got down to look, and shook his head. “So stop fucking around with your girlfriend, and hurry up.”

“Uh!” I jumped when my waistband snapped back over my sensitive lumps. “Ow!”

“Sorry,” Harriet patted my back, “Go ahead.”

“I don’t care who does it, just hurry up!” he was ready to explode, so I rolled up my sleeve, and reached in for him to grab my wrist. “Yeah, feel them! Uh, they’re about to explode! Uh, her it comes, I’m cumming uh yeah! Ohhh. Yeah, huh!”

I just stood there, until I drooled, then shit my mouth. I couldn’t see before, but instead of jerking him off, or even letting me touch his little dick, he held it up. Rolling his balls up, and down on my fingers, with a death grip on my wrist, until it loosened, and I could feel them tighten up? He even twitched, and I tried to feel back to his butthole, but he wouldn’t let me. He just jerked off on my arm, and let go so I could see it, feel it, and even smell it!

“Snh?” I licked my lips, and looked over at Harriet, but she shook her head. “You have no idea who he is, or what he’s been doing, so I wouldn’t risk it.

“Huh!” I just wiped it down, and rubbed my hands together, while my girlfriend came and unbuttoned my pants. Pulled out the elastic waistband, so I could get my sticky fingers in there, and rub the nut butter all over my crotch. the wrinkled little hairy folds stuck to my pelvic floor, feeling how warm, and loose they were with nothing to descend into them to hold.

“Guys, she’s almost done.” I totally missed Jenny opening the door to look out, ‘hurry up.’ She lowered her voice, and sure enough, we could hear the mop bucket bumping over the ledge keeping the showers from flooding the whole locker room.

‘what about the cock block?’ we hid behind the lockers, and waited for the door to close.

‘huh, who do you think pulled the mortar out to molest boys in the boy’s locker room after school?’

“Coach Grace?”

“Yeah, lucky guess. Come on, let’s go before she finishes with them.”

“I can’t believe she’s a child molester.”

“Of course she’s the last one you suspect, so she never gets caught.”

“Well, what about the boy’s coach?”

“He’s in on it too, of course. She’s got something on him to blackmail him with but she won’t tell anyone what it is.”

“Wow.” I shook my head, “I mean, he won’t stick his dick in the girl’s room to let us touch, and suck him off?”

“Ew no. Old fat bald hairy Larry. Why?”

“Well, if he were gay, you’d call him a bear.”

“That’s so disgusting.”

“Well, what kind of sex isn’t?”

“Well, he’s not my type, and you’re lucky you are.”
“I know, right? So, how’d you like it?”

“You know, you’re wrong. I can have the safest sex there is, because I don’t have a hole for sperm to get in, let alone HPV, or what have you.”

“I know,” she kissed me. “It was a rhetorical question.”

“Still, that’s the next best thing to having balls, and making my own sperm, I guess.”

“Yeah, I thought you’d feel that way about it. Now, let’s go home, so you can kiss me off.”

I nodded, “Harriet? You think it would be okay, if I started over as a boy next year, in 8th grade?” I’m going to be a teenager soon, so I have to make up my mind.

“Yeah, you’re the perfect girlfriend, so you’ll make an even better boyfriend. I hoped you’d make up your mind, once you got a feel for boys’.” She rubbed my cup, in my jock strap. “Balls, cock, jizz…” She giggled loudly right in my ear.

Of course, I need it to protect my tenderest spot, since it’s not protected between my legs. It’s right out front, where I could whack it on anything, but that’s all I get to feel like a boy, and it sucks.

I know exactly what it feels like to get kicked in the nuts, but I’ll never feel what it’s like to ejaculate like that. Or even pee standing up, have something to jerk off, not even a clitoris or have an orgasm at all. Oh well, at least I’ll be able to fool around on the other side of the Cock Block next year, with the boys.

I just have to figure out what to call him…

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