The Motel of Natty Gan

Enroute to the city of Los Spirites, a dark-haired girl named Rachel surveyed majestic mountains from the seat of her bus.

At the bus stop, she left the bus, and made a beeline for the motel. She checked in for the night. The next day, she would rejoin her friend at dormicile and start school at the Los Spirites College of California.

She observed a tall, red-haired woman in the office, as she turned in her keys and checked out. Her friend picked her up and in a short hour, she was moved into her dorm room.

Some of the girls in the dorm were wearing rings. All of them brightly colored. When Rachel inquired, it was just their personality, they answered. True enough, they were.

Experimental, she shared class with some of them, and connected with them more over night. But by the end of the month, she reconnected with an old boyfriend. She felt more herself that way.

As she finished up her courses, she revisited the hotel, with the red-haired woman. It was near the end of the term, so she applied for some work. Just like that, she was hired. The woman named Natty was manager and owner.

She peered knowingly at Rachel’s ring. It was a gift from a friend. Rachel had forgotten she was wearing it. Some reason, she felt it made a connection with her new boss, Natty. But Natty attended the same school, she did. She had an affinity for her alma mater, and supported all students who passed through her motel, she said.

As Rachel ended her term, and visited home, and came back to start work. Long after she finished her education, she would remember, the Motel of Natty Gan, and the red-haired woman who supported visiting students on the wayside before Los Spirites College.


(Disclaimer: all ressemblances in this story to real people, places, and things are purely coincidental. All stories from this page and account are compiled from local open, non-licensed, non-copyrighted free-to-distribute and use submissions for literature clubs, contests, and creative writing groups. They include Kelsi Brooks and various other LBQT writers. Feel free to copy, expand, derive future works. Include this disclaimer: this is the only condition for using or deriving works from this series.)

Bios: Kelsi Brook is a free lance writer, and self-proclaimed lesbian. She hails from Michigan, lives on the West Coast, and writes lesbian stories.