Trailer park fun 1

Another long story from the drive I found.

Chapter – 1

George sat on the school bus waiting to get home. He kept his books in his lap so his hard on wouldn’t show. In the last year his prick had been getting hard rather frequently. Usually George didn’t know why his prick got hard but this time he did. Mary was sitting near the front of the bus when he got on. She wore a short skirt and her legs were spread. He saw her underpants pulled up tight with a crease in the center. He even saw a few hairs around the leg holes of her panties. George knew that the center was pulled up into her cunt but he wasn’t quite sure what a cunt looked like.

He wanted to look closer but the kids behind pushed. It didn’t make much difference anyhow, because Mary closed her legs just as George went past. She grinned at him when he looked at her. Had she had seen where he was looking? Had she spread her legs on purpose? Had she noticed his prick push the crotch of his pants out? Did she want him to see her underpants? He wanted to see what her underpants were hiding but why would Mary want him to see? He blushed and he was glad when he got to a seat and out of her sight.

George an idea of what cunts were. That was the only thing the boys talked about any more. That and jerking off. He’d started jerking off four months ago, but he was making up for lost time. It was the first thing and the last thing he did every day. He’d go to the boys’ room in school and jerk off. Then do it again after he got home. He closed his eyes and held the image of those tight panties so he could jerk off visualizing it as soon as he got home.

The bus stopped at the trailer camp and George was the only one that got off. The nearest house to his was more than a mile away and that’s where Mary would get off. No other kids lived within miles so just for company they would occasionally visit each other. Up to now George would have preferred living near a boy, but lately he’d been visiting with Mary more frequently.

She wasn’t a boy so sometimes George found it hard to think of what to talk about. They did play checkers but George was a much better player and could win almost all the time. He didn’t know why, but half the time he let her win. It made him feel good when she was so delighted at winning although it did disappoint him that she didn’t realize that he was letting her win.

Something happened last week when he visited her. They were walking through the woods and, for the first time, Mary held his hand. In a short time George’s prick got hard. His prick usually got hard when he thought about doing things with girls, but he wasn’t thinking that way about Mary at the time. He did think of Mary sometimes when he jerked off and they were some of his best good feelings. He was afraid Mary might notice and that would embarrass him.

He told Mary he had to go the woods for a few minutes. He knew Mary would think he was going to take a piss and that was embarrassing enough. Actually he went about twenty feet and out of her sight so he could jerk off.

He pissed, spit on his hand, and pumped his prick into his fist about a dozen times. Spurt, spurt, spurt; the first jets of cum shot out of his prick. Dribble, dribble, dribble; the rest of his cum oozed over his fist.

That took care of his hard on. He hoped Mary hadn’t noticed it. For some reason Mary had a funny grin on her face when he got back to her and George couldn’t figure out why. He hadn’t sorted all that out yet. Had Mary known what he was doing? He didn’t think she knew anything about that sort of thing. He was still thinking about it.

George dashed into the kitchen, hugged and kissed his mother, and got a snack. He wanted to go to the bathroom and jerk off right away but knew his mother would ask him if he felt all right. Whenever he didn’t follow his normal set patterns his mother got worried and asked a lot of questions. It was easier to do things the way he usually did them and avoid all those questions.

George had his problems with his adolescent sex drive but they were normal to most boys his age. Joan, his mother, had her problems too but they weren’t that normal for a thirty five year old woman. She hadn’t had a man for over five years and she was horny. Joan’s husband had been a total failure as a lover. After the first three weeks of their marriage Joan had to work hard to get his prick hard. It had been five years since he had died and now she would give anything to have his prick back again. Her cunt really wanted to feel a prick even her husband’s reluctant one.

Joan had found cum stains on George’s sheets four months ago and watched him like a hawk for a change in his habits. She wanted to catch George doing the same thing that Allen had been doing. She wanted to watch her own son jerk off the same way she had watched Allen. She wanted to do the same things with George that she’d done with Allen.

Allen was her brother who was George’s age when Joan was a teen. Joan was a shy girl and hadn’t any boyfriends. She knew about sex and she rubbed her cunt every night before she could fall asleep but she wanted more than that. She wanted a boy. The most available boy had been her brother and she trapped him into an affair.

Now her son was at the same stage as Allen was when she seduced him. George’s little prick would be the best kind as far as she was concerned. She fantasized about luring George into her bedroom one of these days.

George’s father bought the recreation trailer park with his life savings. He’d been sold a gold brick. The park was far from the regularly traveled roads and no matter how many adds they put up trailers rarely showed up to rent the ten spaces they had.

They had been on the verge bankruptcy when his father was killed by a tractor trailer rig. After his father’s death his mother couldn’t find a buyer for the park, and the insurance more than paid off the mortgage. The owner of the rig paid a lot of money to George’s mother so they were comfortably well off. They stayed on at the trailer park and any business they did get, allowed for a few luxuries.

It was a very nice place. There were spaces for ten trailers, each surrounded by trees. A garden firm come in each week and keep the grounds in shape. The place was kept so nice that they had started to develop a steady clientele that returned each year. The clients that did come were mostly middle aged or older tourists that liked the Everglades that bordered the camp, the little lake that was sort of private, and how quite the camp was.

Word of mouth advertising was making the place a mild success. Last year they had made a fair profit and they already had enough reservations to assure there would be a profit this year. They had no trailers there right now, however, since this was the slack time of the year. It was between the winter and summer vacation seasons and it would be November before trailers started to show up.

As far as George was concerned the problem was that the clientele was mostly elderly. The younger campers with families wanted a more lively place and, when they did stop at the camp, usually moved on in a day or two. George rarely had a chance to interact with children his own age. None of the boys at school lived within ten miles of him and Mary was the only girl that he’d ever exchanged more than ten words with.

He did talk about sex with the boys at school but he would like to have someone he could talk to confidentially. He didn’t think the boys at school knew any more than he did and thought they weren’t telling the truth when they talked about the things they did. He would never put his mouth on a girl’s cunt and he didn’t think that a girl would suck on a boy’s prick either. He wanted to find out if other boys thought and felt the same way he did about sex.

About four years ago Joan’s mother, Grandma Schultz, had retired and moved in with them. George liked her and they got along well. She spent most of her time puttering around in the tool shed with flowers. She was constantly planting seeds then transplanting the seedlings around the trailer sites. That was one of the reasons that the park was so attractive now.

George helped her with her plants every now and then. About two months ago, they saw two dogs fucking when George was helping her. George got a hard on and was embarrassed when grandma saw it. Now it seemed to George that his grandmother looked at his pants every time they met. He was sure it was his imagination but it still gave him a hard on every time he thought she was looking at him down there.

Grandma Schultz had her own problems with sex. She had been a school teacher in a medium sized town. She was a good looking pleasant woman who never had any problem attracting gentlemen friends, and until she retired she usually had a lover on the line. Now she liked the relaxed atmosphere of the trailer camp but she missed her male companions. There was just no way of having an affair in this small county without the whole county knowing about it.

Lately she’d been eyeing her grandson. She’d seen him spring a hard on and knew he was no longer a little boy. George wouldn’t have been the first youngster his age She’d had sex with. She’d discovered her son and daughter having sex and seduced her own son when he was less than a year older than George was now.

Actually she knew she’d raped Allen, but he had gotten to enjoy it in very short order. She knew he was having an affair with his sister and kept the fact that he was fucking her from her daughter.

Grandma was going to get to George. She was waiting for the proper circumstances. Now was the best time of the year to get things started. There was no chance of discovery. Grandma wanted to rape her grandson in the same way she had raped her son.

After his snack George started for the bathroom when his mother, as usual, yawned and said she was going to take a nap. George stopped in his tracks. His mother usually took a siesta this time of the day. Did she get undressed when she went to her room? Could he get to see her if she got undressed? Maybe he could actually get to see a cunt? He had to find out.

It wasn’t right to think of his mother without any clothes on but that didn’t stop him. He thought about her sometimes when he jerked off. Thinking about your mother that way was nasty but there was nothing he could do about what he was thinking.

George’s father had built a tree platform several years before he was killed. This had been his favorite spot until he was nine years old. In the last couple of years he hadn’t used it much but it was situated just right for his purpose now. It was located near his mother’s bedroom window and was surrounded by foliage.

Since there were no trailers in the park, no one would see him perched there. He could watch through his mother’s window from his tree platform. Instead of going into the bathroom to jerk off he reversed field and got to his platform in record time. If his mother did take off her clothes he could jerk off while he watched her.

Joan Stevens was in her bedroom when George got to the platform. She pulled her dress off over her head and unfastened her bra. George watched her scratched under her tits then rub her nipples. Wow! He liked the way they bounced when she scratched and the way the nipples seemed to get bigger when she rubbed them. Did a woman’s tits get hard when they rubbed them the same way his prick did when he jerked off?

This was the first time he’d ever seen a pair of live tits. He’d seen pictures, of course, but that wasn’t the same. What would it be like to suck on those tits?

The boys at school said it was fun and he wanted to try it. He would have to try some day but he expected he’d be real old before he ever got the chance.

He and pulled his just pubescent prick out of his pants, but didn’t want to jerk off yet. His mother might take off her panties. If he came too soon anything else that happened wouldn’t be as exciting. He jerked off each night imagining things like this. He gently pulled his hard prick. George’s prayers were answered, Joan removed her panties and rubbed her hand along her cunt. George gave his prick a couple more gentle pulls but he waited, maybe something else would happen.

He was disappointed because he still couldn’t see much of how a cunt was made. He saw a dark bush of hair. His mother had a lot of hair down there. That was part of the problem. It hid what he wanted to see. He spit on his hand and pumped a little faster.

Joan was reliving the affair she’d had with Allen. When Allen was George’s age he had developed a new set of habits. The first thing he would do when he came home from school was rush to the bathroom. He stayed in there much longer than he used to and Joan wondered why.

Up to that time Allen had been careless about closing the bathroom door and she had seen him point his finger sized prick at the toilet and piss. His little prick had excited her and she often rubbed between her legs at night thinking about it.

Now he always closed the door. The bathroom door was open a crack one day. She peeked in and was surprised to see him pulling on his prick.

That most surprising thing was its size. Her brother’s prick was much bigger than it had been when he left the bathroom door open. Her cunt got wet right away. Her brother was growing up. He was jerking off the same way she had been finger fucking herself. Joan thought of the first time she’d watched her brother jerk off. She spread her legs, pushed her fingers into her cunt, and pumped them in and out. She would get George into the same spot that she’d gotten her brother. She liked that idea. She pumped a little faster.

George’s eyes popped out of his head and his mouth fell open. Wow! He couldn’t believe his mother was jerking off! The boys said that was called finger fucking and now he could see why. His mother was fucking her cunt with her fingers. He wished it was his fingers going in and out of her cunt. His hand speeded up to match the speed of his mother’s hand. His mother’s fingers flew in and out of her cunt and he pumped on his prick in time with them. It felt real good but if he kept pumping at this speed he’d shoot off too soon.

He slowed down, he wanted to shoot off when his mother finished. George pumped and watched until Joan raised her hips off the bed and moaned out loud. George heard her and it was enough to bring him off. Spurt, spurt, spurt; his cum gushed out of his prick and splattered against the side of the house. Dribble, dribble, dribble; his balls released the rest of the load. George was glad he held off for as long as he did, this was the best come he’d ever had.

George didn’t want to miss anything else that happened. He gently massaged his soft prick and watched as his mother did the same thing to her cunt. He watched a while longer and his mother had fallen asleep. Did his mother finger fuck herself every day when she took her siesta? He would watch his mother’s window every day from now on.

George wasn’t the only voyeur. Grandma Schultz was in the shed. The shed had an excellent view of the tree platform. Grandma Schultz finally saw George’s prick. She noticed how many times he was getting a hard on lately and wondered how to get her grandson to do the same things with her that her son, Allen, had done.

Now she saw George’s adolescent prick and her mouth watered for it. She watched him jerk off and thought how she would like to suck that delightful morsel or have it shoved into her cunt. Her cunt got wet and she pushed the crotch of her panties aside and pushed her fingers in and out. She had multiple orgasms when she saw George’s cum shoot out of his prick. It was a horrible waste of cum but she couldn’t think of anything to do about it right now.

Grandma wondered if George would be on the platform the next day. He was watching something that was happening in his mother’s bedroom. Grandma knew Joan took a siesta about this time and guessed George was examining his mother’s nude body. If that was the case he would probably be back tomorrow doing the same thing he had today. She’d be here tomorrow at the same time too. She hoped the same thing happened again. It was fun watching her grandson jerk off.

Things would have been a lot easier if telepathy was available. Everybody was fantasizing about what they would like to do with everyone else. Everybody wanted the same thing. George wasn’t sure of the details but Grandma and Joan were.

George’s prick still wasn’t satisfied when went to bed that night. He thought over what he had seen his mother doing that afternoon. This was much more concrete than any of his previous fantasies. He’d seen a pair of tits and he had seen his mother’s cunt. He wondered what it looked like inside. The way his mother had pushed several fingers in and out it must be able to take a rather big object.

Would his prick be big enough to fill it? His prick was only about three inches long and a little bigger around than his thumb. Maybe in another six months or so his prick would be big enough to fill his mother’s cunt.

He sucked on his finger pretending it was his mother’s tit and it didn’t do very much for him. He pulled on his prick and pretended his mother was doing it while he pushed his finger into his mother’s cunt. This did the trick. Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; he shot off a load of young boy cum.

Joan finger fucked herself before she fell asleep that night. The house had aluminum siding and she thought she had heard something hit against the side that afternoon. Had George finally found that he could peek in her widow. She would try to see if she could catch him tomorrow. Then again, maybe should let him watch for a couple of days before she caught him jerking off. It would get him hornier and more willing to go along with the things she wanted to do with him.

It had taken quite a while to get her brother to do some of the things she wanted him to do with her. If she got George really horny it might be easier to get him to do those things. Her hand speeded up thinking of having his fingers pushing in and out of her cunt while she jerked him off and had his cum spray all over her body. It wasn’t very long before she was having multiple orgasms.

Grandma Schultz wasn’t going quietly to sleep that night either. She visualized the gorgeous young prick she’d seen that afternoon. She wondered what kind of a cunt lapper George would make. She wanted to suck his cock till he couldn’t come any more and she wanted him to fuck both her cunt and her ass. If Joan didn’t get to him pretty soon she was going to get to him first. She didn’t want to wait too much longer. Her hand speeded up thinking of having his fingers pushing in and out of her cunt while she sucked on his cute little prick. It wasn’t very long before she was having multiple orgasms.