Train my little sister part 1

So when all this started I was 18 I just moved out a few months before all this started. I was 6.1 blue eyes and dirty blond hair. I was homeschooled mainly through my grandpa who passed away just about a year before. He was a stock trader and i followed in his footsteps. I was doing my morning workout when I received a phone call from the bitch whom gave me birth. “What do you want?”
First thing I hear is is my dad yelling through though the phone, “ Don’t you take that tone” and that would be my Father who left before I was born and came back years later only to act as if I wasn’t there. Which my mother made sure to tell me it was my fault every day of my life.
“We need you to watch your sister while we go pick up her birthday presents. It’s coming up in a few weeks”
I hated my Father and Mother but loved my lil sister.
“Sure, can you pick up a gift from me? I will give you cash”
I hear a loud tisk and then “your not even able to go get your sister a gift your self!? Really?!!”
I just roll my eyes and ignore them blaming myself for asking them to do something for me.
“Okay just bring her over and I will watch her”
Around 10 AM they brought her over to my house and dropped her off at my door. I got a text saying she walking to the door and had brought some money just for her to order whatever she wanted to eat. I open the door and there is my 10 year old sister, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes slim face and very skinny. She was flat as a bored though. Just the start of a round ass and hair to her shoulders.
Now I probably she have started off with this earlier, but I’ve always had a huge fetish for preteen and incest. But of course I’ve never been able to act on it. As we all know how that would go…
“I’ve been gone for a few months and you have gone and got shorter? Are you sure your about to turn 11?”
She giggled and run and gave me a hug, me being me got a boner but I had it tucked in the right spot knowing full well what would happen.
“Your just saying that because your afraid when I get older and bigger then you!!”
I laughed and took her inside then turned on some SpongeBob for her to watch while I worked on my laptop
“I promise to show you the house once I’m done with doing my work” I patted her on the head went to my bedroom to grab my laptop and check the stocks
Not about 30minutes later I receive a phone call
“Is this Johnny?”
I figure it’s a new client for my stock trading
“Yes this is the one and only! How can I help you today?!”
i hear a heavy sigh
“Yes it’s about your parents…”
He went on to explain my parents had been in a extremely bad wreck and both died. That I had to take care of my sister as seeing as all close blood family was no longer living. Until they sorted it out I would take care her and possibly after. You can call me sick, twisted or just outright evil. But as I hung up, I had the biggest smile on my face. Could this be happing?! No one to tell on me, and my all my family’s inheritance. But I would still have to groom and train my little sister faith as not to have her running to the law.
“Hey Faithhh! Mom and dad will be gone for a few days!”
I heard her fall off the couch and then running to my room
I just smiled and looked around like someone would hear me if I was too loud
“Maybe it’s because they are getting you an extra big present! You are turning 11 after all”
She started jumping up and down shouting all excited
“But your if your going to be staying here for a while you need to follow my rules. Remember it is my house after all”
She froze and made a sad face
My mind started racing
“First thing first no stinky clothes. And you stinkkkkkk”
She giggled and took off her shorts and pink shirt that said “pink” on it. I in turn took off my pants and shirt
“See isn’t that better” I smiled ear to ear
“Yup! Your more stinky though” i laughed and chased her tickling and feeling her slim little body. I wanted to train her not just to fuck her. So I started the training right away by getting her use to me always having my hands all over her.
I left her to watch some more SpongeBob my I jacked off and then got my work done. Making sure not to rush the plan.

Later that day when night came around I called her into bed in my bedroom
“ I only have one bed so we are going to have to share” I turned down the AC to make sure it was very cold
I looked at her acting confused
“Well aren’t you going to get ready?”
She looked at me very confused
“I am though?”
I shook my head and then proceeded to pull off my underwear. Letting out my roughly 6 inches of dick stick out.
“No my house my rules I remember?
She started and the giggled watching it sway
Remember we were homeschooled and she is only 12 so she is very innocent and doesn’t understand anything about sex or anything sexual.
“Come on hurry I’m cold and want to wrap up! If you don’t I will leave you in the cold!”
It went even better then planned! She yanked her training bra off (didn’t need it really) and her panties went flying in the air. I watched as my 10 year old sister dove through the air naked body in all its glory no hair in sight onto my bed.
“Haha I beat you to the bed!”
I dove onto the bed cover us bother up and started “tickling” her whole body. Making sure to run across her nipples
“Okay time for bed”
She moved her body against mine trying to stay warm setting her ass right above my dick. I wrapped my arms around her and sat my dick up next to her smooth pussy.
“Goodnight!!! Thanks for letting me stay over!”
I kissed her head
“You can come over as much as you want”
About 10min passed and she was starting to fall asleep. And now for my plan to really start. I slowly moved up and down with my hips making sure as not to rock the bed. Knowing she was awake but wanting to act as if it was something that just happened was the big trick. He pussy started to get wet and she started to squirm. I took my arm that was wrapped around her and swung it back and forth hitting her nipple. About 10 minutes went by and then her legs tightened around my dick and her body tensed as she had her first her orgasm. I wanted to keep going but didn’t want to push my luck and needed to follow the plan.
“Huh? Did you pee yourself Faith?”
She blushed and nodded her head
“Yeah, it was weird but I think I did”
I kissed her cheek making more progress as it would lead to me teaching her how to kiss
“Let’s get you to the shower”
I took her to the shower and turned it on
“I can wash you so we can hurry back”
She looked down
“Im sorry, I’m a big girl now and I won’t let it happen again!”
I turned on the water and grabbed the shower head moving it to her pussy
“Yes your a very big girl and I will help you be one”
I pointed it straight at her pussy and she started to move her legs around and together.
“I’m clean now”
She said as she bit her lip
I tuned off the water and took my middle finger and slid up her cunt making her give a yelp sound
“Yup alllll clean. Let’s get to bed okay?”
She blushed extremely dark red and then shook it off and took off to the bedroom giggling.
we got in bed and snuggled tight, she sat her pussy right on my dick this time and was fast asleep. I smiled to myself seeing that she was already making progress and wanted to feel more pleasure from my dick. Even if she didn’t understand it. She wanted dick

Please leave ideas for the story! This is going to be a long process of training and is very realistic mind games. There will be light abuse and possibly rape. I hope you enjoy!!!

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