Two Colleagues Get Intimate in Islamabad

Fahad is a 37 years old man working at a managerial position in a big company. He is 6 feet tall, weighing 97 kilos with an athletic build. Dark brown hair and hazel eyes on his masculine face makes him very easy on the eyes of people. He is easy going and fun, hence make people friends easily. Many of his colleagues have become his friends within few days because of his carefree attitude.

A girl named Sana joins the company and also becomes friend with Fahad. After 6 month or so, she gets married and most of the colleagues attend her wedding. About seven months later, she texts Fahad if she can have coffee with him after work, Fahad is perplexed since it’s the first time she said something like that. There must be reasons and most probably she needs help with his opinion or advice. He texts backs “Okay, let’s leave together for gloria jeans at 5:45 pm.” He receives an acknowledgement within two minutes. He gets back to his work on laptop. At the given time, Sana comes to his office and after exchange of formal hellos, they leave.

Sana tells Fahad that she didn’t call her driver so she can travel in his car. Sana is unusually quiet during the drive and Fahad decides to stay silent till she wants to talk. After all it was Sana who wanted to have coffee. They reach the mall, park the car and take elevator to the food court. Fahad notices that Sana is very tense…

“Something bothering you seriously I can tell.” He murmurs as they walk towards a vacant table in the corner. Sana stays quiet but tries to give a small smile. Fahad orders cappuccino with cookies and sit opposite Sana.

“Come on Sara, you have never been so quiet. Tell me what is it?” He asks with a smile. Sara looks at his face for few seconds.

“Please promise me that you won’t ever disclose what I share with you. I know you are very mature and have never talked about what someone has said to you. You always give very good advice to people and everyone likes you for that. I also need advice but its kind of very very personal thing. You are the only man that I can talk to about it for a solution.” Sana’s face shows more stress than before.

“Relax Sana. I’ll do my best. Just calm down and spill the beans.” Fahad tried to reassure her with a warm smile. Sana keeps looking at his face as if thinking. She stays silent for another few minutes, as if contemplating what to say.

“Okay. Its about me and my husband ‘Naeem’. Apparently, we have a great married life but there are things I just don’t understand and Naeem isn’t helping in anyway to find a solution. I asked him that we need to see a doctor but he just gets too angry when I mention that.” Sana’s eyes are on Fahad’s face, trying to ascertain his reactions. He looks at her in a relaxed manner, thinking that it must be related to their bedroom life which she didn’t mention directly. He just nodes a little without saying anything, wanting Sana to continue.

Sana has to look for words when Fahad stays silent and just node. She knows he wants her to continue the way she wants rather than pushing things. “Its about sex life. I have talked to few very close female married friends about it but they gave some stupid responses and I was sure that they can’t comprehend the situation.” Sara exhales a long-held breath and look down at her hands on the table. Fahad follows her gaze and notice that her fingers are fiddling with each other, clearly showing nervousness.

“I’m trying to understand the kind of situation you are in and its really very difficult to talk about sex related problems in our culture. I’m really thankful that you considered me a person you can trust. But I have to tell you that I’m neither a marriage counselor nor a sex expert. But still, I will try to give advice or get some from an expert, without involving your name.” Fahad tells her just so she knows that it might not be the case that she leaves the coffee shop with an instant solution.

“Thank you, Fahad. I don’t know how to tell you the details as its very intimate thing, personal and embarrassing stuff to talk to a male friend.” She sighs loudly. Fahad nodes his head, agreeing to her but stay quiet… Sana has to gather the courage and talk so he just smiles encouragingly. The waiter comes to serve the cappuccino and cookies. This gives them both a minute of distraction.

“My husband always face pre mature ejaculation.” Sara blurts and her face turn bright red. Fahad heard her words, look at her embarrassed face, looking for words for a sensible response.

“I think you correctly suggested him to see a doctor. That’s the best solution to that kind of problem.” Fahad tries to keep his statement short.

“Naeem has no idea how frustrating it is for me. He just pops in, shoots his jizz, roll over, lie down with his back to me and falls asleep! He avoids foreplay because then he ejaculates even before he, you know, getting to put it inside.” Sara says in a sharp tone, showing anger and frustration. “I tried to search things over the internet and found all bullshit except that it’s bad for a woman’s health. The whole thing is giving me sleepless nights and groggy days.” She says without looking at Fahad. He can make out that she is avoiding eye contact with him.

“Have you talked to him about your needs? I mean sexual needs and that he needs to find some way of satisfying you?” Fahad asks, deciding to be direct instead of beating around the bush.

“I have tried so many times. He just gets too angry when he is confronted with the truth that he is unable to satisfy me sexually. He called me a cock hungry slut for that!” Sara’s voice shows her anger…. Fahad is taken aback at how her husband treats her, despite he is the one to be blamed for the situation.

“Your husband is trying to run away from the reality. Maybe you can bring him to see me and I’ll see if I can put some sense in him. It would be like a man-to-man talk, straight and direct?” Fahad suggests.

“NOOooo, No way. It will be more troublesome. He has a huge ego and he will be very annoyed that a male friend and colleague knows about our bedroom life.” Sara looks terrified. Fahad realizes immediately that this will not work.

“Can I be very candid here? I can suggest alternates if you don’t mind.” Fahad wonders what solutions he can actually come up with. Sara looks at him and nodes a yes.

“Maybe you can try some sex toys to satisfy your needs?” He tentatively muttered… and looked at her with questioning eyes.

“I don’t know. Have never even thought about them.” Sara said looking down at her cup, and then takes a sip of her cappuccino.

“Do you masturbate to satisfy your needs? I’m sorry but asking just to comprehend the situation and suggest something different.” He asks her.

“Yes.” She replies without looking at him. Fahad wanted her to say more about it but she is too shy and its natural as well. Fahad stays silent, thinking what to say…

“I rub myself when he falls asleep but this is like only once in two weeks when I can’t control my urges anymore.” She adds after few moments of silence. Fahad nodes his head.

“I never thought I will have to masturbate while my husband is in same bed with me but not able to satisfy my. He doesn’t even like to use his hand to give me an orgasm.” She says in the flow but then her face turns red.

“Its fine Sana. You can pour your heart out without even giving a second thought. Whatever you say is just between you and me. And stop thinking that married people don’t masturbate. Its more common than you can imagine. So quit feeling guilty about it. Male or female, we have our needs and we are supposed to do what’s needed.” Fahad tells her to reassure her that its natural to masturbate if she isn’t getting good sex from her husband.

“So you also masturbate?” She asks abruptly… Fahad wasn’t ready for this question… he had no idea that his own sexual life will become a topic of discussion right there. He thinks over it for few moments and decide to be honest.

“Yes, I do. As I said it’s a natural need and its to be taken care of.” He says as a matter of fact. Sana exhales a long breath… Fahad looks at her face, its still red with shame or embarrassment… he is feeling awkward with where this discussion is going. Thankfully Sana remains busy with finishing her coffee. Fahad finishes his coffee and looks at Sana.

“I’m sorry. I haven’t come up to your expectations about solving your problem.” He tried to smile softly, admitting that he couldn’t solve her problem. Sana smiles…

“That’s fine Fahad. Thank you for listening without freaking out and what you said makes sense. Can I text you if I need to ask something?” Sana looks into his eyes.

“Oh, of course. You are welcome anytime.” He responds courteously… and smiles. Sana nodes and they leave after Fahad pays the bill, despite protests from Sara that it was her invitation.

Everything is normal and they both see each other in office, usual hellos and asking about life. After almost two weeks, at around 11:00 pm, Fahad is watching English action movie in the tv lounge when his phone beep announces a new whatsapp message. He doesn’t look at his phone as he is too absorbed in the climax of the movie. His kids and wife are asleep already. After 15 minutes or so, the movies ends. Fahad checks his cell phone and is surprised to see Sana’s name in the whatsapp window. He touches the screen to open the message.

Sana: “Hey. How is everything around you?”

Fahad think about the message, it doesn’t make much sense, Sana has never texted like this before.

Fahad: “All well. What about you?”

After three minutes, he gets reply from Sana: “Same shit is driving me crazy. Today he seemed very horny. Asked me to come to bed early and then he just rubbed his willy on my thigh while kissing and shot his load. He was asleep after that within 2 minutes”.

Fahad wondered how to reply. She sounded needy but there was nothing he could do about it. “You can masturbate. Use your best method for more satisfaction”. He replied.

Sana: “I know of one way only and it doesn’t do much for me now”

Fahad: “Why just one way when there can be many?”

Fahad sent the message but then questioned his wisdom, He shouldn’t have asked such a thing. If this keeps going, he is definitely going to be in trouble, that he always tried to avoid.

Sana: “guide me and I’ll do it”

Fahad was sure that he is in trouble now. He is getting turned on by the situation. Sana is asking him to make her masturbate… but he wants to be sure…

Fahad: “How you usually do it that doesn’t work now. I’ll suggest a different approach”

Sana is getting a kick from these messages with Fahad. Her hormones aren’t letting her sanity prevail any more. “Well, I just rub it for an orgasm”

Fahad: “You mean you rub your clit and don’t do anything else?” He sits down with his back against the couch and relax… he is feeling that they both are going to cross the line tonight… and this anticipation makes his member grow in his lounge pants. He adjusts his shaft in his boxers.

Sana: “Yes, that’s how I have always done it.”

Fahad: “Never inserted your fingers inside?”

Sana: “No. That feels awkward and it gets way too sloppy and flooded”. Another message from Sana follows before Fahad types his reply “Its embarrassing but I want you to tell me….”

Fahad was feeling hot in his groins… He could make out that Sana was a natural submissive and he can make her do things, the way he wants. He argued with his sanity that its just texting fun so he replies: “Do some foreplay with yourself. Caress and massage your breasts slowly. Roll your nipples around with your fingers.”

Sana: “I’m doing it. Feels good”

Fahad: “now hold your left nipple between your thumb and forefinger. Pinch your nipple and pull it a little and let it go when its fully stretched.”

Sana does the way Fahad messaged her… her breathing erratic now… pinching and pulling of her nipple the way Fahad asked send electric current through her body. She gets very wet between her legs. She replies: “That gives me goosebumps”

Fahad reads her message and readjust his member in his boxers. He decides to go openly: “you are topless?”

Sana: “I’m naked. Naeem removed my clothes and I didn’t put them on since then.”

Fahad: “So you can play with yourself without restraints. Now do the same with your other nipple. Pinch and pull it harder”

Sana looks at his sleeping husband just two feet away from him while playing with her boobs the way Fahad is telling her. The thought gives arouses her way too much. She knows without touching that her pussy is dripping and probably wetting the bedsheet. Her breathing gets faster… as she pinches and pulls her nipple harder… a soft groan and moan escapes her lips… she again looks at her husband but he is in deep sleep. She replies: “this is turning me on way too much.”

Fahad: “now place your hand on your pussy. Your palm on your clit and finger along your pussy lips. Rub it slowly and tell me how wet you are”

Sana: “Oh, I have never been so wet I think.”

Fahad: “now slide your finger in your butt crack and tell me how much wetness reached there?”

Sana doesn’t like touching her butt for pleasure but since Fahad asked her to check, so she slides her middle finger down from her pussy and slide it in her butt crack… its very wet and she can scoop her juices if she wanted. She sends message: “Very very wet. Never touched my butt like this but doing it since you told me to. Middle finger sliding in butt crack.”

The message sounds too erotic to Fahad. He is making Sana do things the way he wants and she is doing exactly as told. He messages: “Rub your finger tip on your puckered hole. Spread your juices on it. Do it for one minute.”

Sana reads the message and rubs her finger on her wet asshole… she never played with that forbidden hole before… but she likes the way her finger rubs while its already well lubricated. She keeps rubbing for approximately and minute and then replies: “This is the first time but I like it. I have never been so turned on in a long time.”

Fahad: “You will have a blasting orgasm if you do exactly as I tell you. Now push your middle finger slowly in your asshole. Keep your muscles relaxed. Just push it inside one inch.”

Sana reads the message and gulps. She always thought its way too bad to play with asshole. She doesn’t like the thought of it but Fahad is telling her to do it with a promise that she will feel great. She slowly starts pushing her finger into her backdoor. Its too tight and she has to push her finger with little force. She felt her sphincter opening up, giving way to her finger. There is an odd feeling inside her… she wants to pull out but she kept her finger inside just an inch. She realizes that she can’t type well while holding the phone with same hand. Her other hand is busy down between her legs. She gets out of bed, all naked and walks into their living room. She lay down on the couch, spread her legs and bend her knees, pulling them up on her sides. Her butt cheeks are parted and open in this position. Her pussy and asshole are accessible and easy to touch. She rubs her middle finger on her clit and slide it down over her pussy and then force it into her asshole… same odd feeling returns… she feels her asshole stretched and slightly hurting but not much to make her stop. She feels her anal muscles pulsating around her finger… this new feeling makes her feel good as she is exploring herself with Fahad. She brings the phone closer to her face, press the button to record audio: “Mmmm… my middle finger is inside. Different but good. I came out of bedroom because I might wake up my husband with my movements and sounds”. She removes her thumb from the button is the voice message it sent.

Fahad was wondering if Sana have had second thoughts and she decided to stop their messaging game. Fahad was scolding himself for being stupid when her message arrives. Surprisingly, it’s a voice message. Fahad picks up hands free from side table and hear the audio… he can hear her ragger breathing and her voice that showed how turned on she is. She left her bedroom because she was loving their dirty game. Fahad thought for a second and preferred to send her typed messages: “It better that you are alone now. Your right hand’s middle finger is in your asshole… use right thumb to draw circles around your clit. Draw circles for one minute.” He sent the text. Fahad had to use lot of self-control and not ask for her picture while she was doing what he told her to do.

Sana read the text and started drawing circles around her clit. She so wanted to rub her clit but resisted the urge. It felt too good… she stopped feeling awkward invasion of her asshole and her muscles relaxed… she was feeling hungry for more… she started imagining that Fahad was using his hands to give her pleasure… her next audio message was: “dammit Fahad. This feels too good and different. Never felt this way. Tell me what else to do. Make me cum hard pleaseeee.”

Fahad heard the voice message and his cock throbbed. He rubbed it over his pants and boxers…. It was as hard as it could be… the ups and downs in the voice message told him that Sana was way too aroused and wanted more. He typed: “Now pull out of your asshole. Slide your forefinger in your pussy all the way and keep it there. Feel your pussy walls around your finger and tell me about it.” He sent the message

Sana read the message and pulled her middle finger out of her asshole… slid her forefinger into her wet pussy and pushed it as deep as it could go. She had to tell Fahad how it feels so she focuses on it. She holds the voice record button: “My pussy is tightly wrapped around my finger and the inside is velvety. Its too wet because of you Fahad. Please tell me more about what to do. I love doing what you want from me.”

Fahad hears the voice message… he avoids taking his cock out and rubbing it. He is loving the excitement though… “Fuck your pussy with your fore finger for two minutes and then stop. After this, use your thumb to rub your clit up and down for one minute and stop again. Don’t do more than that.” He sends the text.

She reads the text and start moving her forefinger in her pussy… she gains speed immediately… she didn’t like fingering herself but there was something different about it this time. She kept an eye on the wall clock to keep track of the time. After two minutes, she stops herself, although she wants to continue. Pull her finger out and start rubbing her clit up and down… exactly as Fahad wanted her to do… again keeping an eye on wall clock… she was close to orgasm and wanted it right away but stopped when one minute was complete. She again presses button to record voice message; “Fuck, that was just too different and too good a feeling. I’m close to orgasm.” She mentioned thinking that he will tell her to do it hurriedly.

Fahad heard the audio… her voice ragged and breathy with arousal… her words said in tone that told him that she was willing to do anything he wants from her… but he is not going to make her cum so fast. He types: “again put your finger in your pussy, fuck yourself for one minute, pull that finger out and use it to flick your nipples one by one. Pull your nipples up and away from your body and tell me how it goes.”

She reads the text and gets disappointed… he isn’t about to let her cum. She inserts her forefinger and move it in and out for minute… then rub the wet finger on her nipples… she can smell her juices… its first time she is doing this… she has always been the prim proper type woman… but this felt too good. She sends voice message: “Oh, I can’t pull my nipples, my finger and thumb are wet and slippery.”

Fahad smiles at her message… “Now use your two fingers to finger fuck your pussy for two minutes. Then rub your clit side to side for two minutes. I want you to cum very hard!” He sends the message.

She read the message… the way has told her that he wants her to cum very hard brings her on the edge already… she shoves two fingers roughly into her wanting pussy and move the fast… wet sounds filling the room… then she pull out when the wall clock shows two minutes are over… she starts rubbing her clit side to side with her two fingers… its not even a minute when her body start getting stiff… she knows she is about to cum… she keep rubbing and instinctively bucks her hips and thrust upward into air… then something is released deep inside her… she tried to muffle her moan by tightly closing her lips… some sounds come out despite that… she keeps rubbing and her orgasm grows in intensity… she thinks of Fahad on top of her… ramming her with his cock… she thrust her crotch up against his imaginary body… then her middle body falls back on the sofa… and she tries to regain her senses…. She doesn’t remember when she had such a good orgasm… she is lying the in post orgasmic bliss… she slowly picks up her phone and records a voice message: “Thank you… thank you so much Fahad. You have given me the feeling I needed so much. I feel too tired right now. Don’t think will be able to even walk to my bedroom.”

Fahad listened to her message… “I’m glad that you had a good orgasm. Don’t fall asleep on the couch or it might create problems. Just slide into your bed… sleep tight, goodnight.” He sent the message and went into his bedroom to fall asleep.

The next day they both came across each other… a red shade appeared on Sana’s face and Fahad couldn’t kept himself from chuckling. He texted her immediately: “Lets be cool about what happened. No need to act shy and embarrassed. Nothing changes between us. We are good friends”.

He received her reply “Okay. Thank you once again”. He smiled and got busy with work. He didn’t try to contact her next few days. On next Thursday, she texted him around 3:00 pm if they can have coffee. He replied that he will wait for her in his car at 6:00 pm. She was already in the parking when he reached there… it was normal for colleagues to car pool/ sharing rides so nobody cared who is going with whom. He drove out of parking… “So where would you like to have coffee today?” He asked her with smile… not wanting to bring in their one-time sexting.

“Can we just drive for a while and then you drop me off. I just wanted to spend some time outside my home. Naeem is away for one week and just the thought of being alone at home makes me feel sick.” Sana said sheepishly. Fahad thought she is probably little scared of being home alone so gave her a smile without saying anything… But then the thought of her telling him that she is going to be alone for a week started giving dirty ideas… He tried to shake those thoughts of my mind but they kept coming back to his mind… the recent sexting session with her and listening to her voice messages with her shallow breathing and slight moans made his member stir in pants.

“You want to have dinner with me? May be in a restaurant or we can get something delivered at your home?” Fahad wanted to have dinner at her home, where he could spend some time with her alone.

Sana smiled a little, then looked at him while he was focused on the road for few moments… contemplating her response… “Sure, whatever you want is okay with me.”

Fahad instantly got too turned on by the way Sana said those words… a lot of meanings hidden on those simple words… He took a turn from the next signal and drove towards the apartment complex she was living in. They both were silent till they reached her apartments complex. He parked the car, they got out and quietly she led the way to elevator… Fahad looked at her face in the elevator and she was looking a little worried. They got out of elevator and into her apartment. It was simple but well managed and decorated.

“Wow, this is a lovely place. I can see you made efforts to make it look so good.” He commented looking at her living room. She smiled and blushed… he knew they both had same things going on in our mind… But he told myself to get a grip on himself and not go all the way… Fahad decided about what he’ll be doing tonight.

He stepped towards Sana with a smile… she was standing near the center table… As he got closer to her, he noticed her getting panicked… He knew it would go badly if he didn’t handle it correctly. Fahad wrapped his arms around her slim body and pulled her into a hug… A plain warm hug, the two of them standing there while their bodies pressed into each other… His right hand slowly caressed her back… his fingers felt the strap of her bra under her shirt (Kameez). He could feel her breathing getting faster, and he realized his breathing was also shallow. He started using his both hands to caress her back while he is holding her… she places her hands on his biceps and stayed in his arms, with her face nuzzled into his neck.

Sana was 5 feet 3 inches tall, slim built, small boobs and a firm butt that wasn’t very curvy. Fahad pulled back his face a little and looked at her face… she looked up at him when she noticed his movement… their eyes locked and then Fahad slowly lowered his face, bringing his lips closer to her… He saw her lips quiver, and then he covered the few inches distance and panted his lips on hers… just a soft kiss… their lips pressed together… and then he pulled back after half a minute… her eyes were closed as if she as savoring the feelings… He again kissed her, this time her lips loosened and Fahad pushed his tongue into her mouth… his tongue touched hers… their tongues entangled in her mouth… then something was switched on in Sana’s body… she kissed him back vigorously and with passion… their body held each other tighter… their kiss deepened and became furious… Sana pulled back to breath some air… they both were panting and their faces flushed… they again kissed and Fahad’s left hand groped her ass cheek… it was small but firm, fitting into his big palm… he gave it a squeeze and he moaned into his mouth… He placed both his hands on her butt, lifting her off the floor and as if on auto, she wrapped her legs around his waist still kissing each other with hunger in their actions… Fahad walked over to the couch and put her gently down… she sat up, looking at him. He sat beside her and pulled her into his lap facing him… she adjusted her body over his lap and they kissed again… Fahad’s hands now openly groping and squeezing her ass cheeks over her leggings and panties… pulled her closer to his body and slide down a bit so his hard member can touch her pussy… Sana’s body was hungry for the touch and she started grinding her pussy on his cock that was inside his pants…. His one hand slid inside her shirt and felt her bare back under his fingers…. Without hesitation, his fingers found and unclasped her bra…. And then his both hands pushed her kameez (Shirt) up to expose her breasts… they were still kissing so his hands found her breasts, pushed up the bra cups and cupped her mounds in his hands… massaging them softly… his fingers rolling around her tiny stiff nipples… she was moaning in his mouth and was grinding harder on his cock… even though they both were still dressed for the most part, but Sana seemed to be enjoying this way too much. She felt electric current produced from her pussy as she rubbed and ground it hard on Fahad’s covered cock. She has never done this before but this was way too good, even more then the kind of actual penetration she received… She loved his hands fiddling and squeezing her boobs. When his fingers rubbed and

Fahad didn’t want to stop her so he kept playing with her boobs while she was grinding on her… when their mouths separated so they can breathe, Fahad kissed her neck and cheeks…. Sana appeared to have lost in her pleasures… When Fahad held her nipples between his fingers and thumb, pinched and pulled them little hard, Sana made some pleasureful sounds and ground her crotch very hard on Fahad… Her breathing was very ragged and after some very rough grinding, she placed her face on his shoulder and started breathing heavily… Fahad knew she had an orgasm and needed some time to recover… He slid his body slowly on the couch so he half lying with Sana still on top of her… he used his hands to caress her body gently… waiting for her to recover from her orgasm… After few minutes, her breathing normalized but she was still in the same position, probably unable to face him, because of shyness.

Fahad kissed her temple and cheek softly “You are too sexy and hot Sana.” He whispered in her ear, and blew his warm breath to tease her. She flinched but didn’t move… Fahad held her face with both hands and brought it up, planting a soft kiss on her lips… Her eyes were closed tightly as if she can’t face him. He smiled and kissed her more… she again started melting into his arms and her body started reacting… His hands kept playing with her body without any hesitation… Sana pushed her tongue into his mouth which her welcomed and sucked… Fahad used his strength to sit up with Sana still in his arms and lap… then stood up carrying her body in his arms and walked towards the open door that was their bedroom, as he could see the bed.

He lowered her onto the bed and sat on the edge of bed, removing his shoes and socks slowly… All the while looking at Sana, who watched him intently… He climbed onto the bed and held the hem of her Kameez, lifting it off of her body… she raised her arms to get rid of her kameez… her unclasped bra cups hanging loosely on her chest, covering her boobs… Fahad slowly pushed the bra straps off her shoulders and it fell into her lap… her small perky boobs on display for him… He saw the pencil eraser sized small nipples that were surrounded by equally small areolas… He breathed in sharply at the sight.

He pushed Sana on her back so she was lying down… Fahad laid himself on her small body, keeping most of his weight on his knees and elbows instead of her. He lowered his face onto her and kissed her cheeks slowly, then her chin… used his lips to caress hers and then his tongue ran all over her lips…. His hands playing with her boobs as he slid down on her body, his body between her legs so his face was on her breasts… he planted soft kisses on her boobs then used his tongue to circle around her left areola… then did the same to her right areola… took her right nipple into his mouth and sucked it… it was very stiff and it made his cock throb in his pants… He sucked it more, then flicked it with his tongue… Sana was again hot and wanting, breathing faster and shallow… Her hands came to grip his head as if wanting him to keep sucking her nipples… He kept doing that for a minute and then slid down more… kissing under side of her breasts and then her tummy…

He sat up between her legs and hooked his fingers into waistband of her leggings and panties…. Pulling them down together slowly… She held her legs closed tightly but didn’t use her hands or words to tell Fahad to stop… probably just shyness that she is being naked in front of a man besides her husband. Fahad wasn’t able to see her pussy completely but the top was completely hairless and very smooth looking. She was freshly shaved probably…. Her leggings and panties were down to her knees and then Fahad pulled them more, raising her legs up a bit, just for his pleasure… Sana raised her legs so he could remove her clothing completely. She was completely naked, lying down on her back right in front of him… Her slim and slender body on display.

Fahad used his right hand fingers to graze her right thigh as he touched just above her knee and started moving upwards…. Then his fingers touched her inner thighs but since her legs were pulled together so her pussy was still not completely visible. Fahad leaned in and again kissed her boobs and took her left nipple into his mouth… biting it gently and tugging on it till her breast was unable to be pulled away from her body anymore… then he let go of the nipple from his mouth and the breast regained its natural shape with little bounce and small ripples that looked very erotic.

Fahad pushed his hand on her thighs between her legs and moved upwards till it touched the top of her pussy… His middle finger drew circles around the top, that stimulated her clit and she gasped loudly, telling Fahad that she liked the touching. He pushed his finger between her thighs, on her pussy lips that opened her legs a bit. Fahad place his hand on her pussy to cup it, his palm on her clit and fingers along pussy lips… She moaned through tightly closed lips… she didn’t want to moan loudly and open mouthed… probably her conservative personality made her stifle her moans.

His hand started moving up and down a little so his palm was rubbing her clit, his forefinger & ring finger rubbed pussy lips while middle finger pushed into her pussy slit… it was wet as hell from her arousal and earlier orgasm. His middle finger found her pussy opening very lubricated and it slid in easily… Sana gasped and her legs opened up more instinctively… He pushed his finger deeper and hooked it at first knuckle, then rubbed the small rough patch inside her pussy that’s right under her clit. Her body shivered and she moaned more… As Fahad continued playing with her pussy, she couldn’t take it anymore and started pushing her hip upwards to meet the fingerfuck… She was in the throes and loving what he was doing to her… Fahad’s mouth was busy with her nipples, one after the other… Her body stiffened… Her muscles tensed and then she moaned loudly as her hips fell back on the bed and relaxed…. She had another orgasm and she was lump now… Fahad pulled out his finger form her pussy and moved his mouth to her lips… kissing her passionately and their tongues met again, she was kissing him with all the strength left in her body. He laid besides her and pulled her body to face him, hugging her while lying down, facing each other… his hand stroking and caressing her back and butts…

Fahad pulled back from kissing to breath and looked at her flushed face… her eyes were closed. “How was it Sana?” He asked as he patted her butt cheek… She opened her eyes and then looked shy again… then she recovered and smiled, “it’s the best I have ever experienced.”

“Well, this is just the beginning. I haven’t got to the real thing yet.” He held her hand and placed it on his throbbing cock… She jerked as her hand touched his warm and hard shaft… then she touched it tentatively and held in… her small hand wrapped around his girthy shaft… after few seconds of keeping still, she started rubbing his cock slowly… “It feels big and thick.” She gasped…

Fahad smiled at her, “It will rub the inside walls of your pussy more so we both get more pleasure. Now I’m going to take you like a real woman should be taken.” He sat up and pulled her legs apart… then bent them at her knees and pushed them up so her knees were partly on her breasts and partly in her armpit… He adjusted his position, sat down and held his cock with his hand and rubbed it on her pussy lips…. His thick cockhead was coated by her juices… He rubbed it on her clit for a minute and then placed it on her pussy entrance, slowly pushing it inside while watching how it pushed her lower lips apart to make way… and then his cockhead disappeared in her pussy… She flinched and placed a hand on his tummy. “Please wait. I feel too full.”

He looked at her face and smiled… his hands reached for her breasts and he massaged them, played with her nipples and then pushed his cock inside her with a strong thrust… it went into the very wet love canal perfectly… He was inside her all the way… her very warm pussy walls wrapped around his shaft… he could feel her pussy pulsating and quivering as she released a long breath… Fahad leaned in and kissed her mouth, their lips crushing each other’s and their tongues dancing with each other’s.

He started pumping into her pussy slowly and she kissed him harder… after a minute, she started thrusting her hips upwards to meet his pumping motion… Fahad was loving the way her body was reacting to his actions… He pushed his arms under her upper back and hugged her tight then sat up along with her small slim body… Now she was in his lap, facing her while her pussy was filled with cock. She hugged him tight and bounced on his cock in this position for a few minutes…. She was kissing his neck and shoulders with lust and without shame… Fahad was too turned on by how snuggly her pussy was clenching his cock… Her body again started stiffening… “Mmmmmm…. Unnnnnnghhhhhhh… Aahhhhhhhhh.” She made meaningless sounds and came hard on his cock… and then she went limp and murmured in his ear. “I’m too tired now. Pleaseeee… Can’t do anymore. I’m sore down there.”

Fahad made her lie down on the bed gently. “I haven’t cum yet so I will fuck you for few more minutes. You will get used to it with time.” He told her and mounted on top of her… spreading and pushing her legs up… Started pumping into her very wet pussy while increasing the pace… She was making loud meaningless sounds as he drilled her hard and deep… Her body slid up on the mattress as he thrust harder… She started begging him to stop…

Fahad was too drowned in his lust to stop at that moment… After about a minute, he felt his balls tightening and knew he was about to cum… “I’m cumming.” He growled in between his ragged breath… “Please not inside me.” She begged and something inside his head worked at the last moment and he pulled out… held his cock with his hand and pumped to shoot his cum on her tummy… After squeezing out the last drop, he fell on top of her and kissed her neck. They were silent for a few minutes, breathing heavily and trying to calm down.

She patted his shoulder lightly “You are too heavy.” She whispered. Fahad chuckled and slid off of her on her left side… “How you feeling Sana?” He asked her.

“You wrecked me completely.” She tried to laugh but was too tired to even laugh properly. He was happy that she thinks she’s been wrecked.

“I will show you how a man actually ruins a woman’s pussy in next session.” He grinned and squeezed her left tit a little hard to make his point.

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