Veronica and Sean 3

Wednesday morning.

3 Am

I woke up. I must admit I have had trouble sleeping. I don’t know why but I do .I guess having my son next to me is comforting when I cant, he seems to help me sleep.

He is a handsome sexy guy. Some lucky girl is going to be lucky enough to have him. But for now hes mine.

Its 3 am. I am at his side his arm behind my neck as I lie at his side. I can hear him sleeping, his heartbeat. I know I feel good in his arms. I move my hand on that’s on the bed. He is on his side facing me, I am on my side facing him. I move my hand. Oh shit. It grazes his boxers. I feel hardness under them. My sons
penis. I’m curious. I know I shouldn’t be. I touch it again. I rub my fingers along the length over his boxers. He is still asleep. I feel so naughty. This is my son.

It feels so big. I feel my pussy moisten. It is now so wet. I haven’t had sex in a while. I have a man next to me. A man with a huge erection. But its my son. Do I really want to fuck my son. Hes the only man at the moment I really care about.


I wake up my eyes closed. I feel something rubbing over my cock. I then realise its mum’s fingers. I freeze. What do I do ? I am enjoying it. Should I be enjoying it. Shit. Her fingers lightly rub my member. They feel my cock. I love this. Mum thinking I’m asleep. I pretend I’m still asleep. She lies perfectly still except for those two fingers rubbing outside my boxers on my cock.

Then she gets adventurous. I feel her fingers sneak in the gap between my buttons. Her fingers find my knob. Shit. Her fingers touching my cock. She lifts it with her fingers rubbing it. I still pretend to be asleep. My mother playing with my cock.

My mother is hot and sexy. A Real catch. Like I have said is she becoming a MILF for me.


I am so naughty. Touching his skin. The soft skin of his hard cock. I remember him as a baby seeing him washing him, wiping him. He is still asleep. I hope. If he is awake hes enjoying this. I undo his button. I am a risk taker. How far can I go. His cock falls out of his boxers. Have I gone to far ? Well I suppose sucking it and putting it in my pussy would be to far.

I feel him. His shaft. I feel him stir. I stop pulling my hand away. His cock on his side out
of his boxers.


I stir. My mum’s hand pulls away. We are both awake. She thinks I am asleep. I lie on my back. I feel my cock outside my boxers. Thanks mum. I slid my hand down touching it and I know mum’s there still pretending to be asleep and innocent. Well she touched my cock. Can I now touch her tits. Far enough. Fuck it I think. She took my cock out. It stays out.

I settle pretending to be asleep. She rolls to her other side her back to me. I wait a while. I roll towards her spooning her. I try not to press my cock against her. Well she fuckin deserves it to be pressed into her arse. I put my hand on her hip. She is either asleep or pretending to be asleep. I don’t think either of us care now. I slowly move it towards her bust. I know its only inches away. My cock rock hard.


I know what hes doing. Now I know hes awake. I will pretend to be sleep. Feeling him slowly work his way up to my breasts. I will let him. I felt his cock. Its only fair he gets to touch my tits. He hand settles. Do I hold his hand and pull it up on my bust. Let him know hes allowed. Do I push back into him feel his groin against my arse. I want him. I do. How far do I go have I gone far enough, letting him sleep in the same bed as me. Shit I mean I feel something more, a feeling I have never had. I feel something sexual. But will he want to with me. I mean he is a virgin as far as I know.

I give him room. His hand an inch away from my bust. My nipples now hard and erect just like his penis. I have touched his cock. What am I doing ? Hes my son. I’m his mum.

We both fall asleep.


I wake up at 6.30. I see mum asleep next to me. Her alarm hasn’t gone off. I lie there for a minute thinking of seeing my judgmental father today. Shit I don’t really want to. I look at mum the naughty woman playing with her sons cock as he sleeps. I was awake. She doesn’t know that. I poke mum, she wakes up.

” What ? ” She says.

” Its 6.31. Time to get up.

” Shit really. ” She says she smiles at me. I have put my cock away. She rolls back onto her back the sheets down around her waist. Her nightwear tight over her breasts. I try not to look, mum notices me looking . Her erect nipples visible through the fabric. She doesn’t seem to mind. Well she has played with my cock. Do I tell her I know she played with my cock. No In wont. I will leave it, I will see what happens.

She sits up. ” Another day. ” She says as she steps out of bed. She looks back smiling at me. That fuckin arse in her nightwear.

” See you for breakfast. ” She says disappearing into the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on. My cock hard. I disappear downstairs into my room getting into my shower. My cock hard, again I wank it hard imaging mum playing with it. Then a stream of cum shoots onto the shower wall. I feel so relieved. I get out and change into my uniform.

Again I hit the kitchen first sitting having breakfast as mum’s coffee heats up.

She appears. She is wearing a short pencil white and black patterned skirt. A blue satin long sleeved v neck blouse. Her hair untied and hanging down.

” Morning. ” She says like nothing has ever happened. Not even a guilty, I played with your cock look, I know I shouldn’t have look, dose he know look.

” Morning mother. ” I say smiling at her.

” Sleep well ” she asks questioning me.

” Sure did. Slept like a log. ” I say looking up and down her amazing body. Fuck I want to see her naked now, something has started between us. Something that possibly shouldn’t be
it has. I want to play with her. I want to touch those beautiful rounded breasts. Have her nipples between my fingers. Shit hes played with me. Maybe tonight I think. The thought starting to really excite me. Tonight will touch her breasts.

We finish breakfast and get ready. She sits on the couch putting on her black strappy high heel shoes. We head out the door to the car.


” Looking sexy as ever. ” He says, as she walks to the car. He loves her long sexy legs she opens the door and gets in. Sean getting into the other seat. He puts his hand on his cock outside his trousers as he watches them pull away.

He has rented a car. He didn’t want her to see his car across the road. He waits twenty minutes then opens the door and steps out. He crosses the road and walks up to the front door. He puts his key in the lock and turns it. The door opens.

” Same locks Veronica. ” He says. ” Didn’t know I had a spare key when I left did you. You thought I gave them all back to you. ” He said closing the door.

He walked into the lounge seeing her door open face down on the couch, massage oil on the floor. He picked it up sniffing it. He went to the kitchen opening the fridge. He picked out two chocolate biscuits from the packet.

He went to the bench counter see papers on it being filled out. He looked at the top one.

” National school of dance application. ” He said. ” Hopefully you don’t get in. ” He added putting them down.

He pours himself a glass of soft drink and went and sat on the couch. He picked up Veronica’s book. ” Fuckin love stories. ” He said reading a page. He put it down.

He went to the stairs and walked up to her room. He saw her bed unmade. He sat on it. He saw two wine glasses. One on each side. Both sides had someone sleep their.

” Who are you fucking. ” He said. He reached for her bedside drawer opening it. He saw a box condoms a twelve pack. He pulled them out and counted them. ” Eight left aye. Used four. Who is he. He stood walking around. He looked in her walk in wardrobe. He opened her drawers seeing her jewelery. Her shoes. Her scarfs, he went into the bathroom seeing a pile of clothes on the floor from the day before. He picked up her bra smelling inside the cups. Then he picked up her underwear. A black g string he sniffed it. ” You still smell good dear. ” He said pulling his cock out wanking it. He draped her g string over his shaft. Holding it on his cock wanking looking in the mirror.

He saw her nightwear on the floor holding the g string on his cock. With his other hand he picked it up.

” Fuck I brought you this. Your wearing it for your fuckin men. ” He said he sniffed it smelling her perfume on it as he wanked his cock.

” Oh fuck girl. ” He said. He felt his cock build up. He walked to the toilet. He aimed and moaned wanking his cock.

” Ohhh shit yes. Oh fuck yes. ” He said he looked down as he cum. He shot his load into her toilet holding her nightwear against his face and nose. Her g string on his hard cock.

He dropped her nightwear to the floor where he found it. He put her g string to his nose sniffing them as he pushed cum into the toilet.

He pushed his cum out wiping his cock with toilet paper. He held out her G String putting the inside where her pussy sits on his knob. He wrapped it around his cock and walked into her room. He lay on her bed looking around. Again he opened her side table drawer looking in past the condoms. He pulled out some photos.

Photos of her and girlfriends on holiday in Fiji. They were dressed in bikinis and sarongs. He felt he was falling in love with his wife again. They hadn’t divorced yet they were separated.

He felt guilty for hurting her, getting his personal assistant pregnant. Although he wasn’t with his personal assistant, he still had a three month old baby to pay for.

Veronica was totally not interested in him anymore.

He stood up dressing. He put her underwear back. He took one more look in her room and walked out. He went to the laundry. He looked in the basket and pulled out a pair of her underwear. He sniffed them again and put them in his pocket. ” You will blame Sean ” he said walking to the front door, he then returned to the kitchen having a drink of water and left he left everything as he found it.

He returned to his car sitting down and pulling his ex wife’s g string from his pocket admiring it.