Young girls journey into porn industry

I’m Sam which short for Samantha and this is how I ended up in the underworld porn industry…

Started when I was just turning 14 and had grown up around and seen a lot of things I shouldn’t have.. My mom regularly got drunk and wasted with others in our flat and regular I would see drug taking and even on occasions acts of sexual nature too.. and so when I was 13 and almost 14 I was your average girl etc.!! And then instarted hanging around with some new friends and staying out etc then this 1 time me and a friend were walking home and it was about 1am and this car pulled up and started speaking to us and then offered us a lift and we accepted and got in his car and he did drive us home and chatting a the way and he asked me for my phone number and so I put it in his phone and went separate ways …

Then few days later I git a text it was that guy and we text for hours every day for about a week!

Then we ended up meeting up again and just drove around and then parked up and he said put the music on so I did .. and felt really cool and like an older girl yh.!!! Then he took vodka bottle out and said do you drink i said secretly sometimes i had , and passed me the vodka and so I had a few big swigs and liked feeling etc so we finished bottle off and then he asked me if I smoke?… I said no and he took pack of cigarettes and offered it me said take it go on and convinced me to try it and so light up and took drag and then coughing etc he told me keep doing it … and so driving me home he told me to smoke another cigarette so I did …

Next day picked me up again and offered me a cigarette and I eagerly took it and light up and took drag and blowing smoke out I sighed and I said I’ve wanted 1 all day . He laughed and said help yourself and so then said qas going to see friends and so went a house and inside was men and women and lots alcohol and git us drinks and sat down and then gave me a cigarette and started smoking it and then saw others doing what seen at home!!!!

They were sniffing lines of coke and then the guy i was with did aswell and passed me note and I just leaned forward and snorted it up then after I sat back took a drag of cigarette and then really liked the feeling …. and so when constantly offering me another line I though this is and then he said was going so git in his car and started driving and then parked up and took out bag of coke and said you want some more i said ohh yes please so he made up 2 insanely gigantic lines and then he sniffed 1 and so.did I and then he said help yourself to cigarettes ok so I was gasping so I light up and then he kissed me and I liked it kissed back… then felt him undoing my top and rhen lifted bra and groping my tits and then I kissed him hard and then felt his hand between my legs up skirt and then fingers rubbed my pussy and then slipped inside my pussy and made me moan and then he asked if I was virgin I said yes why… he said do you like when I do this and thrusting his fingers in and out of my pussy… and I groaned said yes .. so he then just pulled my knickers down and dropped his bottoms and got ontop of me and spread my legs and then as rubbed cock on pussy I was moaning and rhen felt it pushing inside me and more till he just pulled out and rammed hard up and again rhen felt a sharp pain and he said there your hymen is out the way now and carried on fucking me for about 20 minutes and by then felt amazing…

And so every other day rhos happend till this Saturday picked me up and we went to some biggish house middle of nowhere and went inside and was some people inside and got me a drink and then another etc and also then got coke out aswell and so then about hour later id had about 5 drinks and about 6 or 7 massive lines and then I thought was going to have sex as normally do , but went into a bedroom and the door was slammed shut and locked and I saw there was another 5 black guys and all naked and had huge cocks and then he tod me to strip off and said why so he just held my head back and filed both nostrils with coke and covered my mouth so had to sniff it up to breathe and soon as I did instantly passed me a cigarette and so as took drag etc tore my clothes off and then put me on bed and the black guys all got on bed and rhen qas a camera aswell and then I was filmed as they black guys basically gangraped me savagely merciless and this became my life every week I was craving coke and so would be given loads of coke and then filmed as was totally used and gangbanged etc … and soon came to really live all the coke.and sex ….