Being Bi at Home 1959-61 – Part 4

Before Aunty Betty and the girls went home we had a really nice time, Wendy spent the night with me and had this notion she would drain me of every drop of cum in my body before morning so after we had fucked and both cum she played with my cock till I was able to get hard enough to enter her again. She made sure her inner tightness when I was deep inside her had a firm grip on my cock’s head thus giving me an internal wank which drove us both to a high tension thrill ending in dual climax. We came together with such a shit load of pleasure we did not move at all for a long time both saying how much we had enjoyed the combined feelings during and after the moment we came. I felt so outside my self with a happy glow, my cock still inside her was pulsing and the wetness we had both released felt so good now as it traveled within her rising to her pussy lips and covering my balls and escaping down my inner thighs. I looked forward to my share of the cleaning up, her pussy was a wet mess of dual cum like my cock and balls but she whispered in my ear that she was demanding the task of sucking and licking up any such juices from my cock and body, its mine she said. I want every drop of hers to and looked forward to my tongue going deep inside her pussy on recovery duty plus following the crack of her bottom were a stream of cum had escaped down to her pink arsehole.

The cleaning over and a few kisses of cum smeared lips we started our play again but I was being naughty and asked her to lay face down on the bed with her legs wide apart so I could get between them and have a tongue fest on her damp pussy and arsehole in alternate probing sorties. My tongue was renewing its travels within the lips of her swollen pussy and her moaning sounds told me she was enjoying her now tender pussy being bought back to its greedy need for more sex but the alternate attention to her bottom was also producing results as my tongue had gained entry and with some working within her I was able to make it stay open enough for two fingers to replace my tongue in the inner probing for my now hard cock to enter. I was well aware from our past sex play that she enjoyed anal sex so wanted to finish our night laying on top of her with my cock deep inside her. My first cock probe went in a little without any force and Wendy pushed back on to it welcoming its entry and saying, oh yes fuck my arse deeply please Julian. The next move and it slid right in with a tiny yelp from her as it went deep and my balls sat firm between her bottom cheeks, now I fucked her arse putting full weight behind each downward thrust, Wendy meeting it with upward movement to great it and help me gain the deepest possible entry inside her. Yes she said, oh yes fuck my arse hard, her entry was nice and tight and it was not easy for me not to cum but I kept going till under me she squealed and shook shouting, fucking hell I’m coming ah. My balls slamming her pussy as I fucked her arse were now bathed in a warm bath of her cum as I released mine deep within her tight hole of delight but again I left my cock inside and kissed her ear as she said, god that was fucking good why do we have to go home you could fuck me all the time. I just laughed and said but Wendy you would soon get fed up with the same cock in that lovely arse you would need a bigger one for a bigger thrill, you may be right she said, this holiday here and at home has made me a real horny slut I just want sex all the time. We were still in position when my room door opened and her sister Vicky came in, can I at least get a cuddle she said to Wendy, you can use your little mouth and suck the wetness from my pussy and Julian’s cock my horny sister. Vicky smiled and as I removed my cock from Wendy’s arse she bought it straight to her open lips and sucked it firmly removing all the inner joy’s of her sisters arsehole from my cock then my soaking balls. She did such a good job I was still feeling naughty so as she finished with me and took my place behind Wendy with her naked bottom in the air, I think on purpose, I played with her pussy and bum with my fingers wet from me licking them first. She moved her bottom till she was happy with were they were working and pushed back so my fingers were fucking her so I added more till her now wet pussy was wide enough for me, with care to slowly advance my whole fist inside her. Now she moved on it fast and her licking Wendy also increased to such a pitch that she was panting and moaning ready for another climax. Vicky would not be outdone by her sister she was ridding my fist now deep inside her till my arm was really aching from the work then, she came, oh shit she showered my whole arm and all the bedding with her half cum half pee waters at the same time Wendy finished her orgasm, wow what a night of cum mess and great sex.

We all cleaned up and changed the bed I went down stairs and put it all in the washing Machine, trouble was my Mum was due back the day after tomorrow so I was a little concerned I would not get the house sorted before then even with my Cousin Rose staying as usual in her holiday time. I knew my Aunt would not leave before she had her last bash on my cock and wanted it as much as her but she could be a little greedy with her sex needs, still a parting fuck from such a lovely women no man could deny she just smelt of great sex all the ways you could dream of bless her.

The morning found me tired and hard at work getting things back to the way Mum has them ready for her return, I was lucky in so much that my room was my zone and I cleaned that myself and she never went in there but her room and the spare room all had to be sorted and I got to it. She was due back late afternoon tomorrow, my Aunt would leave after her return late afternoon so she would help me make it all ship shape. Betty got the girls to go shopping and they rubbed it in they were going to buy panties and such, Rose went with them and told me she would get me something special to having measured me up before she left. Now Betty made us some tea and we sat in the kitchen and chatted, she told me she wished we lived closer, she liked having control of who the girls were having sex with and what type of things they were into and she meant every word of it, I love your cock she said and your way of trying to find a girls real sexual turn on, not just a fuck. Rose showed me that I said, she would stop me and explain were I should be going and how to bring the best for her, doing what she dreamed of not just a fuck. I felt the same about men I wanted sex from them but with feeling slow and nice kissing cock sucking and then more but to feel after that it was filling my needs, loved it when a guy was really into me and showed it by his touch and what he said when fucking me leaving me happy. Betty was going to sleep with me on our last night and Rose had asked her if she could be her clean up girl which I was happy with, I was to be at the mercy of Betty as she was going to be ring master but I knew she would want me dressed as a girl, full makeup and wig, the works a job for Rose to sort, legs shaved, cock and balls to and then presented for her to play with and dildo arse fucked along the way.

Dressed all in white, stockings, suspenders, bra, panties and shoes, the dress was one from the holiday white silky with a slit up the right leg to the waist, blond wig and made up by the girls I was ushered into my room by Rose to Betty who was wearing just a pair of see trough panties sitting on my bed. Rose was told to clos the door and stand at the bottom of the bed, she wore a short mini skirt and a bra of see through material that showed her lovely nipples off well hard and will to be sucked and squeezed but that was for Betty to decide tonight. She told me to stand in front of her and she got up standing checking me all over her eyes noticing the bulge were my cock was stretching my panties and showing through my dress, her hand now brushing over the bulge lightly sending a shiver of pleasure through me as it pasted. Turn round she ordered and I did, she ran her hand over the shape of my bottom cheeks that to making me shiver with more pleasure, now her hands went to the zip at the neck of my dress and slowly she drew it down a finger inside touching my skin as it moved lower down to my waist, ounce more the hands move this time inside and round me to the front of my bra, through it squeezing each of my now hard nipples till it hurt in a pleasure form making my cock hard now pocking out the top of the panties under the dress. She commanded Rose to come and stand in front of me which she did and I was commanded to unfasten the button and zip on the side of her mini skirt which I did allowing the skirt to fall to the floor and Rose stand just in her bra and panties both see through. Kiss her Julian Betty ordered so I did making sure I did it my way with with tongue in her mouth and with love on my mind, Rose responded to it the same way till her breathing got faster and Betty gave a new command to her, remove the dress from Julian, Rose took the hanging open at the back top of the dress and eased it off my shoulders so it came down bringing the whole dress to the floor, step out of your skirt and remove the dress from Julian’s feet, Rose did as she was ordered. I was enjoying the view of her body all the time she moved to bend and do the tasks she had been given, her panties and bra showing me all of her sexual delights as she moved, my cock was twitching and Betty was enjoying the result of her orders to, behind me her breath was on my neck and it was coming faster then I felt movement, she was fingering her pussy as she watched Rose just like me. Her desire for girls was very big and Rose was such a lovely girl very sexy in every way, breast firm and well shaped, tummy flat and pubic hair shaved in a v all pussy lips area clear of any hair and perfect in form, her bottom so well formed its valley deep and the anal entry pink and soft looking, yes a gem. My hands were by my side when one was held and pulled behind me and guided to a wet pussy its lips wide and clit hood hard and inside open, my fingers set to fumble with the clit which I held it two fingers and began to treat it like a small cock making my hand move up and down it faster and faster till she let out an oath and came. Good boy she said now I am fully wet Rose will kneel in front of you and remove your cock from those panties and slowly suck it, Rose did as commanded and Betty moved out from behind me half way so she could see all Rose was doing, yes Rose suck it well she said, can you taste his pre cum? Rose nodded her head to say yes and Betty put two wet fingers in my mouth, they were from her pussy and tasted very nice, more soon she said. I have always had a wet arse when turned on and now two fingers were using that wetness to enter my butt making me push forward my cock giving Rose a deeper thrust into her throat each time and me hoping it would not be for long as I would cum for certain if we continued, Betty was happy she had planned all of this in her mind in advance. After a short while of the fingers in my butt they were replaced with a little shoving by a dildo already covered in lubrication which allowed it to enter with little pain and pass well inside me forcing my cock even deeper in Roses now gaging throat till the pleasure was so much I shot my load down her throat to the delight of Betty. How was that injection of cum Rose, she said, after she recovered Rose said it was warm and very silky and the taste was nice, I always like his cum she said without thinking at all, dream of sucking him some nights to. How about you getting a strap on and fucking him would you do that to, Yes if he wanted me to, he has always played with me when I have asked right since we were 10 and I love him for it. I knew Rose liked me playing with her all that time but this outburst shocked me a little and explained a lot of our past as she had always started our play not me and she had pushed me towards girls she wanted to have for her fun to. I was still enjoying the dildo which Betty was using in my butt, she made me turn round and bend over, now she told Rose to fuck me with the dildo till she told her to stop but after she had got on the bed in front of me and opened her legs wide so I could get my head in her thighs and lick her pussy as I was thrust from behind, they both had no idea how I was enjoying that and how it thrilled my whole body, her pussy so wet and sweet smelling driving my desire to be fucked and by a girl so lovely as Rose it was so good and Betty rewarded me by a climax to help my thirst for pussy juices ounce more and the thrills kept right on coming till I had had all I could take.

The Girls left shortly after my Mother arrived back from Devon and the house went dead in seconds, yes Rose and I were off out to Barn Hill just up the road were we were to meet this girl she had her eye on, I was in a free and easy mood so if it went well that would be ok but if it failed I was not bothered, she was popular and had no lack of girl friends who were hot for sex. The funny thing is I could tell when they had the hots for Rose and wanted to make out with her but she never did see it coming. Most were into guy’s to so that is why she used me as bate to hook any she was suck on in a big way, Tara was one of those, blond thin but had really nice tits, one day in the Wimpy Bar she had coke spilt on her top and the wetness showed her tit and nipple so well I dreamed of sucking it for day’s but at the time I had no idea who she was at all.

We arrived at the Trig Point a short distance short of the pond at the top of the hill and Tara was waiting by the Concrete Trig Point marking the highest point on the hill, Rose greeted her with a girly hug and I said hi, this is my cousin Julian, Rose said and Tara said hi, Rose suggested we go to the other side of the hill were it was bushy and had plenty of places to sit on the ground and be away form prying eyes, good to spot for outside sex back then. Tara nodded her approval and off down the hill we went, I made small talk with Tara as we went and she warmed up a little and showed signs of being more relaxed with mu company which I could see pleased Rose a whole lot as her face was one large grin till we reached the place I had in mind. The bush cover was thick and in a circle with a small entry gap for us to enter pus the ground was nicely covered in short Grass, nice to lay down on. Tara lay on the ground without a single hesitation and Rose and I were each side of her and they started to talk, first about friends they both had and Rose made a point of adding a girl known to be first interested in sex with girls, the mention bought no real reaction from Tara and that pleased Rose making her motive for this meeting more than worth while. The girl that they were talking about was a stunner, Rachel and I knew her to so I said how nice she could be and that I had on a few occasions been Skating with her at Wembley Empire Pool Ice Rink, we went there a lot, truth it was so good for picking up girls and we were allowed on the main seating areas so we could go and make out up there above the ice. Tara asked me what she was like to be close to and I took a chance and said, she was a horny girl who liked to have a girl friend handy for some close one on one heavy breathing of the hand up the skirt exploration type, but had snogged with me a lot. Tara smiled and said she had been there with the exploration thing but asked how nice did she kiss, full tongues or just light smoochy stuff, no I said, she was right down my throat with her tongue and she got really turned on by it. With it being so hot I took off my Tee shirt and put it behind my head as a small pillow, this acted as a signal to Rose, she took her top off leaving her in a see trough bra, oh she said, sorry Tarra I hope you don’t mind Julian and I are like brother and sister as we have been bought up in the same house from birth so have no inhibitions in front of each other, Tara said she was not worried and it was fine with her and promptly took her own top off. The surprise was ours, she had no bra on at all, her tits were so firm they had looked supported through her top, also they were used to being exposed as they were tanned like the rest of her. Well Rose I said, got you beet there baby, Tara laughed and told Rose to take her bra off to which she was more than happy to oblige and off it came, you have nice tits Rose, Tara said, they are larger than mine and your nipples are a little longer to. Rose said thank you and leant over me and kissed Tara on the lips, to her surprise Tara put the arms round her and her lips tight to Rose’s and pulled her over my body to her, one arm was free now and its hand firmly planted on Rose’s tit, I want you both to have me Tara cried, Rose suck me and Julian fuck me, please I have thought of you both for a long time taking me.

When we came round from our surprise Rose took charge, we will only have you if you do all I say to the letter, is that clear, yes Tara said in a little girl voice, just what Rose loved to hear, first you must take Julian’s cock out and we will both share it in sucking and licking the pre cum from its head and we will kiss with lips smeared with his juices, have you swallowed boy’s cum yet. No Tara said bowing her head, you are 18 and never had cum to taste, no never Tara replied in a small voice. Wow that is so hard to believe a good looking girl like you. Tell me what do you like for sex, Julian loves girls and enjoys sex from males to, I she said, love to have sex with Julian but mainly girl sex outside of him and lots of it she said firmly. I would enjoy both Tara said but have little sex with any, I have dreams of how I want it all the time, I play with myself till I cum and feel my bottom a lot which makes me wet to, my hair brush handle has been inside both my holes and taken my maiden head and I have climaxed twice. That is my full sex life so far, I heard a girl telling her friend she had been with you two and that she had a dream of a night first one inside her fucking her pussy then sucked and being tongue whipped while she had it up her bottom, she said it got her to climax over 5 times with you both at her together. More when she was cleaned up in both holes by Rose’s tongue and lips with a little finger help. Who was the girl Rose demanded, I don’t know her this was at the skating one Saturday morning last year and she was young with dark hair and small breasts but very nice shaped bottom in her pleated skating skirt. Pat I said, she goes skating every week and was on at us to have her again and again but we found out she had lied to Rose about her age she said she was 16 but we learnt after that she was 14 and were mad with her. Tara said, well she would give anything for more, that is what she said at the rink, Rose was thinking and that spells trouble. How would you like to have her look after you if we got her to come to our place one night and make her watch us give you a night of sweet sex, she would die watching you enjoying what we have to give and be open for you to have her without a word. I would so love that, Tara said. Good we will make it happen soon now suck that lovely cock girl and take all its juices down your throat enjoying all you can suck from it while I remove some of that clothing to explore your delights, Rose said and started removing every stitch Tara had on and I was being sucked by a naked nymph just dying to be had in all holes I thought. Tara was getting the idea of how to suck a cock now and the movement of her tongue was making mine twitch and stretch as the feeling got better and better and the need to release harder to hold off.

My hands on her head and my cock firmly held by her lips in her mouth I came, the spurt so hard it surprised her but she tried hard to keep every drop in her mouth and not swallow any of it. Rose took my cock slowly from her mouth allowing her to keep a seal round it as it departed and only a tiny amount of cum to escape. Allow your tongue to move it all round your mouth so the taste buds have a chance to check it for its taste. Tara did so as Rose sucked the last cum from my cock and cleaned it up. Now Tara I am going to kiss you and you will transfer as much cum to me as you can, I will move it round my mouth and send it back to you to let slowly escape down your throat ok, Tara nodded and did just as she was told and while doing it her eyes took on a new sparkle, time was taken to have every little enjoyment she could from my thick silky cum by them both. Tara swallowed and told Rose to save all she could milk from me for her to enjoy in the future and Rose laughed telling her she would need to get a ration allowance is she loved it’s taste to. Why is it not bitter and salty as some girls have told me Tara said. Well Julian stay’s away from bitter things in food and drink and that makes his cum and pee not full of salty taste, his pee Tara replied, yes we have played games naked were he has showered my body with his pee and I have moved to have it on my face and taken some to drink, I have done the same for him with mine and he loves it. Tara was not to sure of that one but if ever a girl was born for sex she was it, she had taken my cum back from Rose and used every way to find its best taste for herself and as it went down her throat her eyes went large as she found delight in its passing inside her.

Tara was horny now and asked Rose to go down on her and make her, as she put it, feel happy. Rose was down on her like a flash and her tongue and fingers were doing a great job for within a few minuets Tara arched her hips upward and let out a squeal as she climaxed Roses mouth tight on her pussy as she did so and all the flow of juices recovered with her snake like tongue. The attention to Tara did not stop for a second Rose pushed her legs further apart and dropped her head to take in her pink button A hole as she continued her enjoyment on this willing slave to love, the tongue pushed its way just inside her bottom and then Tara really lost the plot with her reaction to her pleasure from this move. Rose moved her hand up and clamped her fingers tight on her clit hood and as her tongue went in and out of her butt she wanked the clit driving Tara wild and bringing her to 3 fast and close orgasms gashing cum from her red pussy. Oh shit, my god that was so good I had no way of stopping, the thrills inside me and electric shocks darting through me were so strong. Rose you are a diamond Tara said and I am yours to have anyway you wish and I hope it is a lot. Julian you must fuck me very soon I need your cock inside me both ways and all the cum you can spare please.

We were lucky as Mum was at my Grans so when we got home the place was free for us to go a little further with Tara, Rose took her to my bedroom and I went through a draw in the sideboard to find my old note book with phone numbers from my naughty times with girls at the skating rink. My heart missed a beat when I found it and sure enough there was the number for Pat which I needed now to make the plan Rose and I had for Tara work well and us both have a hot girl to sort out. I arrived upstairs just in time to sit on my bed and watch Rose slowly undress our little star very slowly and kiss her body on every part that became exposed, a long time was spent on each breast and her nipples were teased and squeezed till Tara let out cries of pleasure as it turned her on so much and to the point she had a climax making her panties so obviously wet. I come so easy now I have met you two and my mind is always on the pleasure I can have just need to carry spare panties with me now. I laughed and said she should go without them and enjoy the freedom and the turn on from your little secret as you walk along the road or bend over as a tease. She liked that idea but now Rose had moved her attention to her soaking panties and with care removed them making sure any wet stayed inside them for her to suck form the gusset area and enjoy more of Tara juices she now enjoyed the taste of. The Panties now licked and sucked free of her cum Rose had her face between those lovely legs and the slurping of her tongue at work with the the sound of Tara’s load breathing as she enjoyed to the maximum the shots of slightly painful peaks of pleasure and her desire to be ravished with the level of pain to increase like it did every time Rose nibbled her clit. The lightning bolt of pain was hard to avoid but the pleasure it bought her made her pussy run with a mixture of pee and cum juice all devoured by Rose making her grunt her satisfaction enjoying this delightful shower. Tara’s head was thrown back and she croaked, do it again, oh do it more I love the pain of it so much.

Rose had found the link to Tara’s needs, she was a slave to pain to make her sex fully enjoyable and sharp pain on tender places was were it was best for her. I would remember that when I joined in as I really wanted Tara hot and needy on my cock, her bum in the air and me deep inside her pussy then out and in her button bottom entry for the hard and fast nasty anal sex she so enjoyed. She was coming again as another bite of her clit made her shriek out and her head go back and her breast thrust forward the nipples like sharp objects pointed and ready for more of the same treatment as her clit. Rose told her she was a good girl and how she was enjoying the taste of every drop of the juices she was providing her with and could even pee in her mouth if she wished but not till she was sat on my cock which was going to be firmly up her arsehole.

I was commanded to sit on the chair in my room with my clothes off, already well hard I took no more telling, off came the clothes and I sat with my firm cock with its drop of pre cum on its head, ready to force it up her and use her body weight to impale that bottom to die for on me. She sat with her hand behind her guiding my cock to the required spot then with a little squeal she sat hard down on me my cock forcing its way into her. That had hurt her as it first opened her tight closed hole but once past the first tight area my cock went deep within her and internal fluid from her acted as a lube. We were away, she bounced up and down on me her hole expanding around my cock to make the travel up and and down resistance free and a delight for me and from her noises very much for her to. Fuck me deep Julian, fuck my arsehole deep, I did enjoying every stroke my hands gripping her bottom cheeks so hard I had left nail cuts in her skin and the pleasure was making my cock firm like steal as it glided in and out with juices form her now showing round her entry, this was so good. I have always thought it was possible for an anal climax to happen as in sex I have had when a guy has had me, it has happened that my bottom produces juices that run from me as I am had and this was happening as I fucked Tara’s bottom. Her state of enjoyment was helped a lot by Rose chewing on her pussy lips and clit while I fucked her and that pain was making her produce her cum like a factory and we loved it. I could not hold off from coming and while deep within her shot my bolt inside her at that moment she came to wow that was such great sex, she got off me turned and took my cock in her mouth and as she sucked and licked my cock Rose was behind her with her tongue in her bottom enjoying the mix of my cum and Tara’s inner juice and she said it was so good.

After a while I got Tara to sit on me facing me and I set about her nipples, just as I thought the pain of my bites led to her coming a mega squirt all over my now limp cock and my lap, I kissed her and told her she could get what she wanted from me anytime as I knew of her needs and loved them. Rose took her in to the bathroom and sorted her out for home, before she left I told her I would phone Pat and sort out a meet when the house was free for us to play and as Mum was going to Devon very soon I knew it was not long before we could get Pat and Tara together and let Tara play a little while we enjoy watching them before we join the party.

Mum went off on the Friday lunch time so I chanced a call to Pat who answered the phone after just two rings, hi I said how are you these days, its Julian. I thought you were still away she said as I have seen nothing of you so nice to hear form you. I told her Rose had asked me to see if she would like to come over for a little fun like her last visit and that we had a girl she might know stopping the night to. Pat squealed out a yes straight away and then went on to tell me how she had wet dreams thinking of our last encounter and was so up for more and more. I threw a kiss down the phone and told her to be as sexy as she could manage and be with us by 7pm and I would make sure we had drinks and stuff in for the little get together, I got a thousand kisses down the phone before I rang off and told Rose it was all on, she called Tara and repeated the instructions to be as sexy as she could for the night or two depending on how it all went.

I must say the time went slow till 7pm arrived and Pat turned up looking a million and showing all she could without being naked, I like that and she noted it right off as she was guided upstairs by the nearly naked Rose who had nothing on under a silk dressing gown that flowed around her as she walked and let a breast become visible with her movements across the floor. Tara could not hold back, she took it in her hand and kissed the nipple till it became and and the sucked it, Rose shuddered at the thrill but made her stop, girl we have all the time we need to have all the sex we wish the house is free for two nights and if Pat can stay for them both it should be a great time. Tara released the now firm breast and kissed Rose softly on the lips and said ok sister of love. They were only just upstairs as the bell went and I opened the door to Pat, hello lovely man she said and the sexy dream walked in, Rose is upstairs with our friend but will be down very soon Pat, just one thing I said, is it at all possible for you to stay for two nights, should have asked you on the phone but forgot. I can stay as long as you wish Julian, my folks are in Scotland visiting family so I have over a week of freedom to enjoy and wish for all I can fit in while it lasts. Sounds good to me I said now let me look at you, Mini skirt that has a slight see through stage when the light is behind you, like that and a full sexy white satin top which being tight over your breasts shows those lovely nipples to the full and a bra would have ruined the effect, Pat had just a little makeup on and it showed her real looks off to the best, my eyes were on her pert little bottom which last visit I had enjoyed destroying its virgin status with my willing cock. Her surprise after a nervous start to the action was just how much she liked it, she came a whole load of times and very hard to, she had asked for more when I was at the rink and up high in the seating are I had got her to lift her short skating skirt and sit on my cock, she had used some kind of cream before coming to me and my cock went right in up to my balls without a stop. I prepared she said, wanted you deep inside me and I control the speed it goes in and out of me and I like that. We were at it when a girl friend of hers came up and she could only tell we were having sex but not which hole we were arriving at our pleasure from. She told her later and she wanted to see me to try it to, I said no, enough girls were letting me fuck them there and all knew each other and talked about it. But now this little angel was here and Rose was at last coming down the stairs with Tara, Pat did recognise Tara and said a nice hi to her as we all moved into the living room. Rose left for a while and returned with a tray of drinks and snacks, Tara sat on the settee next to Pat and Rose and I sat in the two armchairs opposite them, for me that was really nice as Tara was showing she had no panties on and Pat her silk ones now in her slit. Rose said she would like them to try and see what things they both enjoyed and swop details on the pleasures they gained from certain sex play they enjoyed. Pat told how she was so easy to have a climax from breast play and body exploration with the mouth and tongue, she said she had a fantasy of being fisted and cum gushing from her pussy as the fist went right inside her at speed. Tara smiled as she told of her desires and thrills and it showed just the talk was turning her on and her legs were moving wider apart making her little skirt rise up her thighs showing almost all her lower area to Pat who was enjoying the view a lot. Are you wet, asked Pat, I hope so as I also enjoy fingering pussy and exploring its every tiny area with my tongue. She slid off the settee and moved in front of the open legs of a surprised Tara, open them wider she said, I wanted to have some fun with you at the rink but after our chat you had left but I thought of having you for a long while. Tara’s legs were now wide apart and Pat’s fingers were moving up her inner thigh to the now open wet slit of her pussy, they entered her and straight away the breathing of Tara became strained and her thighs thrust forward to meet the fingers within her. Pat asked out load, does she like to be finger fucked by a girl, Tara said oh yes and licked on my clit as it happens so I come and become very wet. Pat was happy she had a toy and Tara was enjoying being the toy very much to, Rose and I were also enjoying the show and I took some pictures with my old Kodak camera that a friend of mine would develop for me later, wet pussy naked thighs with white areas the sun had not reached available to see. Pat told her to take off her skirt and Tara soon had it off her and away on the floor, now face down on the settee with you so I have all of your sexy bottom and fanny for my fingers, lips and tongue to enjoy. Our view was also improved as my eyes had full vision on the bottom of Pat as she knelt behind Tara and continued to bring the girl to her highest point without her actually having an orgasm, she knew what she wanted. I had her lovely bottom with the satin panties tight inside her slit the whiteness now darkened by the wetness seeping through the material as she got wetter with the play. That bottom was such a lovely shape and her arsehole so pink my cock was unable to stay down. Has this girl had it in both holes and how is she with it up her bottom Julian, like me wanting it a lot, she has not had it like you so often so it is still a painful first entry I said but Tara is special in many ways that you have not reached as far as I know. Pat I said you have no need to be jealous of her she would like nothing more than to take you to bed and make you her little fuck girl with anyway you wish. Tara said, yes I would and really any way you wished with toy’s fingers, fist dildo even a double ended mutual enjoyment model so we could cum together, I like that said Pat. Now she worked on Tara hard and the orgasm she wanted from her came fast and full, she was producing so much cum juice Pat was on her and lapping up all she could get but her actions were so nice her pussy erupted into another climax to our delight. Toy Tara is a hit with us all so much so Rose has joined Pat to help with the cleaning up of all her inner gift.

Watching the girls at work I stood and walked over to that pink hole Pat had teasing me for so long and after my finger found her pussy to recover some juice I used it to open her up for my cock and went at her lovely shaped arse which gave way so quickly and allowed me deep inside while she still liked on Tara’s pussy with Rose. I was so horny and she felt so good I told Pat to lick the rim of Tara’s arse so I could fuck it and finish inside her giving them more to lick and swallow, Rose on Pat’s arse and Pat on Tara all happy. Pat licked Tara’ arse and drove her tongue inside it spitting to make lube for my cock, I withdrew from Pat and mounted Tara’s arse her letting out a little cry as my cock went through her tight entrance and down inside her tight warm tunnel of delight, she pushed back on to my cock and her grunt’s told me it was hurting her but she was turned on by the pain and the need for cock inside her. Now she was riding my cock and we had reached the point were her inner juices were making it so good for us both and her deep breathing turned to grunt’s of delight as my cock went full inside and my balls slapped her pussy with clit enjoying its blow to. Wow she made such a nice arse fuck and was riding my cock like she had had it forever as her toy till my climax could not be held off any longer and I shot hot cum deep within that wonderful bottom leaving my cock to pump all my seed to the very last drop inside her.

Rose cleaned my cock when I finally withdrew from Tara, the Girl thanked me for fucking her arse and wanted to know if I would let her sit on my cock taking it in her bottom when we go to the skating rink next time. I have had a dream of being taken from behind while all below are skating and the music hides my squeals of delight as I move up and down on the cock that fuck’s my arse and fills me with cum under my short skirt, I promised to try if she makes her open before we try. Oh yes she said I promise.

Tara slept with me and Rose had Pat awake all night looking after her needs trying all sorts of things inside her pussy and bottom till Pat was just able to walk but had a smile on her face to die for. I to had used all I had and had a little girl asking for more all night with such a naughty grin on her face, god she was a superb fuck and truly loved it all the way.