Brothers wet dream

My best friend took advantage of my brother while he was having a wet dream. Its a shame he doesn’t know what she did.

When I was 16 I had my friend Natalie sleep over one night when my parents went out, we were in my room relaxing, talking and having a laugh, when we heard talking coming from my 12 year old brothers room next to mine, which was weird because it was nearly midnight, and he was alone in his room.

We went to investigate and saw that he was talking in his sleep, we quietly entered his room and stood by his bed watching and listening to him, he was a heavy sleeper so I knew we wouldn’t wake him up, he kept saying a girl’s name, “Emma.” And smiling.

“I think he’s having a wet dream.” I whispered to Natalie.

Then Natalie lifted his blanket up off him and we saw he had an erection under his pyjama bottoms, “Yeah, definitely a wet dream.” She said.

“Oh my god. He has a boner.” I laughed out, quietly.

Natalie sat on the side of his bed and hovered her hand over his crotch like she was going to do something, “Natalie, don’t.” I said.

“Let’s mess with him.” She replied.

“No.” I said.

She did it anyway, she started rubbing his crotch over his bottoms, and he began to groan and say “Emma.” More frequently, she must have been a girl he liked at school.

Natalie pulled his bottoms down and started to stroke his exposed boner, “That must be some wet dream. His cock his rock hard. Feel it.” She said.

“No thanks.” I replied.

Then Natalie teased the tip of his cock with the tip of her tongue, “Natalie. Come on. Don’t do that.” I said.

“Loosen up.” She replied, then she took about 3 inches of his cock in to her mouth and slowly sucked up and down his shaft.

“Emma – Ooah – Emma.” He groaned in his sleep, and he moved his legs around, enjoying what Natalie was doing to him, even though to him his dreams were probably translating it to be Emma doing it to him.

Natalie continued to tug and suck on his cock and he started thrusting his hips up, bouncing his butt off the bed, thrusting his cock in to her mouth, until he eventually shot his load in to her mouth, and she slurped her lips off it and then swallowed it down, I couldn’t believe it.

“Oh my god, did you just swallow my brothers cum?” I asked.

“Uh-huh. It was thick.” She replied.

We threw his blanket back over him and I dragged Natalie out of the room.

To this day my little brother doesn’t know that my best friend sucked him off while he was sleeping.