Kinky gay sex with my mature neighbor

I had returned home from college on vacation and I noticed Mr. J, our neighbor mowing his lawn. He had a tight ass, that was the thought that crossed my mind when I arrived. And at that moment, he looked up and waved. Mr. J was a single dad of a 4-year-old sweet girl. He absolutely doted on her and I could see how much he loved her. I always wondered why I never saw any woman around him, coz he was a total eye candy, even at 50! I had not thought destiny had different plans for me to experience kinky gay sex ahead.

One day I was watching gay porn and my parents weren’t home. There was a knock on my door and I opened it, while leaving the TV on. It was Mr. J. He did get a glimpse of what I was watching, and he just said he would come back later. I couldn’t get to apologize soon enough. But he returned, the next day, same time, my parents weren’t there and his daughter was at school. “Are you gay?” he asked out of the blue. I was stunned a bit and nodded in answer. He smiled and then moved two steps closer and planted a kiss on my lips. Then he just left.

Two nights – two nights I didn’t see him after that and I was plagued by his dreams. Dreams in which he was doing naughty things, sexy things to me. I would get wet dreams and wake up with morning wood. Then on the third day I saw him. He was out on his porch collecting and sorting mail. I ran over to say hello. “Are you free now?” I asked. “Yes. Why?” he answered. “Want to fuck me?” I bent and whispered in his ear to enjoy a kinky gay sex. His body stiffened and I thought he would say no. I was turning to walk away when he stopped me and opened the door for me.


As soon as we entered, he said that he wanted to tie me up and took me towards his so-called playroom. I agreed to it. I wanted some action and with a man like J. Wow! He undressed me and asked me to lay on the bed. Then he proceeded to tie my feet and hands spread apart. My cock was lying on my stomach and J was eyeing that. I smiled and moved my hips so that the cock jiggled.  Then he undressed and came over. He began tickling my belly and then slowly progressed towards my cock. He grabbed the cock and shook it, almost like playing with it.

Then he grabs my cock and starts to press, moving his hand up and down. He bends down further and licks my cockhead. I flinch at the pleasure, but I can’t move much. Then he brings out a small, thin flogger and touches my chest with it. Whip, it hits my chest right at the center and I moan. He hits me again and this time on my sensitive nipple. I am getting hornier as he proceeds to slap my nipples alternatively. I get aroused and my cock stands up. He laughs looking at it.

He straddles me next and brings his cock close to my mouth. I try to grab it with my mouth but he pulls back. “Give it to me,” I tell him and he brings it back close. I lick his head and try to suck his head. He pushes his cock deep into my mouth and I try my best to suck him. But his cock is so thick and meaty that I find it difficult to accommodate his full girth in my mouth.  He pulls out and then unties my legs telling me, “Get on your knees.” I do go on my knees and he comes up behind me. He holds my bum and then grabs my cock hard. “Ahhh! Ahh!” I moan loudly as he does this to me and I enjoyed every moment of the kinky gay sex.

He is rubbing my cock up and down, grabbing it hard and milking it. His palms are rough and provides good friction against my member. I begin gyrating when he holds my cock tighter and slaps my balls. “Ahh,” I moan and he laughs, milking me hard again. I feel some cool liquid entering my asshole and I can’t see it. Then I see J take the flogger and add lube to its handle. I know what he is going to do and I am not sure of it. I tell him so, but replies, “Don’t worry. I have done this way longer.” He gently pushes in the tip of the handle in my ass and I freeze. ‘Relax…..relax, loosen your muscles,” he says. I calm down and my muscles loosen up. Then he successfully penetrates my ass with the handle. He begins to pump in and out of my ass while milking my cock. I am feeling so good and that’s when he pulls out the handle from my ass.

Then he gets behind me and pushes his large cock. I cry out in pain as he pushes in fully. Then he holds still and masturbates my cock. I feel a little better and then he starts pushing in and out of my ass. He fucks me harder and unties my hands. I grab on to my cock as he pounds my ass.  I rub and pull on my cock as he fucks my ass. My asshole begins to milk his large cock and I feel him going still. Then a spurt of semen shoots inside my ass and he slumps over me. Right then, I cum in my hands.

We finally kiss, and lie together for a while. Then I get up and get dressed. The whole summer vacation, I was fucking my neighbor and had a good time that year. Soon after I left for college and didn’t return until many years later. J had moved away and I didn’t see him again. But that summer with the kinky gay sex will always be on my mind.