Mercury – 006 (Black Mass, Powers)

The Pope reaches into a bag and hands the Queen a black scrying crystal, 6” in diameter, and the dagger of Tutankhamun.


Queen Dianne is asleep in Her chambers with Mira. Mira does not have to sleep, but she can enter a self-induced dormancy to molt. Mira begins to shed secondary and standard nodes at a sizeable rate when she enters a dormant state. For the Queen, it is like sleeping in a rejuvenating slime bath that is the exact temperature She wants. Mira’s nodes can regulate her temperature, and Mira always has it set to the Queen’s temperature. There are no “cold feet” on Mira, even in human form, the temperature is consistently maintained throughout her nodes.

When Mira molts, the excess runs off the Queen’s bed into concealed drains in the floor and is collected and saved. Mira has a vast storehouse of her inherent material. Doctor Nayfel constantly produces more nanite-fluidic polymers that Mira also combines with. Mira loves sleeping with the Queen, and to blanket the Queen in her inherent material, sensing the Queen’s electrical pulses from Her nervous system, heartbeat, breathing, dreaming, even twitching, and swallowing. It is if they become one to Mira.

The android’s nanites mimic many of Mira’s abilities, like shaving (hair removal), cutting, or styling hair, removing fluids after sex, even exfoliation, and more. The android’s nanites are efficient at common tasks, but not at total body cleansing like Mira. The Queen only bathes in water when Mira is away or recreationally for play. Mira can totally envelop the Queen and clean Her better than mere soap and water.

There is never a dead layer of skin on the Queen, or unwanted hair, dirty fingernails, cuticles, split ends, oily or dry skin, pimples, bumps, blemishes, wrinkles, etc., even maintaining the Queens eyes for perfect vision. Mira’s nodes feed on organic matter, and the nanites can process and produce nutrients for the Queen’s body. It may seem gross, but Mira also cleans the Queen’s mouth, teeth, urethra, vaginal canal, bowel tract, intestines, ears, nose, throat, wherever she can penetrate the Queen to remove waste, contaminates, or unwanted growths. Mira has vast medical knowledge stored in her satellite drives. There is no one in the universe as healthy as the Queen.

“My Queen, I am sorry to wake You. The Pope has just landed,” informs android number one.

Mira knows what the androids know, but she lets them do their job. Mira is the Queen’s secret consort; the Queen does not like for Mira to perform common tasks.

“Grab that third tiara from the right in the cabinet number one…baby, can you fix My hair,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Love,” and Mira does so.

“Is the Pope alone,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen, his pilots have stayed in his transport” responds number one.

“Hm, must be something clandestine, see him straight in,” remarks the Queen.

The Queen is naked, and She walks over to a cellarette where an android is pouring some wine for Her. Mira reforms into her perfect female form and is naked as well, lying on the bed. There are no foreign substances on the Queen’s floors, walls, ceilings, or anywhere in the castle. Even if you were to walk into Her castle with dirty feet, the nanites in the floor would remove it. The Pope enters the Queen’s chambers, and the Queen asks:

“Your Holiness, why are you surreptitiously visiting Me?”

“My god woman put something on,” exclaims the Pope!

“You are the only person in the universe than can talk down to Me, but I don’t have to comply. Maybe I can loosen you up by sucking your Pope pecker, maybe relieve your frustration from looking at our naked bodies,” asks the Queen?

“I have an errand request; I do not have time for Your games Dianne.”

The Queen walks over to the Pope, and She rubs his crotch, and his dick is erect, and She says:

“Hmm, little pope wants to be heard too.”

The Queen lifts the Pope’s robes and moves his undergarments, and She begins to suck his dick. The Pope sighs and moans, and after a few minutes, the Queen stops. She leads the Pope over to the bed. The Queen gets on all fours with the Pope standing behind Her, and She says:

“You can pick which ever hole you want. I don’t have any boys here today for you. You should have called first.”

Mira fingers the Queen’s ass with her lubricant. The Pope drives his 6” pecker into the Queen’s asshole, and in short order he cums, filling Her asshole as he squeezes Her ass cheeks and moans in pleasure. After his release, he withdraws as Mira envelops his genitals and cleans him and the Queen.

“Damn it Dianne, I did not come here for sex.”

“Okay, ‘Holy Father,’ you should have stopped yourself, what is it you want?”

“We need somebody eliminated,” says the Pope.

“Why are you coming to Me, your Jesuit assassins are proficient?”

“He wants something, a black mass, performed by a high order.”

“Really? It’s Me? Lucifer wants Me. Are you sure,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, the prognosticators say so.”

“Who is the sacrifice,” asks the Queen?

“Cardinal Leon Salas Alano of Mexico. He is becoming a problem. He is very charismatic, and he is leading people astray by mixing doctrine with the enlightenment Spiritualism nonsense of the Mercurians,” explains the Pope.

“It’s not nonsense, they have supernatural powers. I have been in contact with a Mercurian female telepathically,” informs the Queen.

“Makes no difference, it is not our faith, and he does not want the masses to rise higher than their sins. He wants them serving their sin, thus serving him. He wants us to forgive their sins, so they can return to sin, and perpetuate the cycle of deception. If the masses figure out they have to forsake sin to be saved, he loses control,” says the Pope.

“Will he bless Me if I do this for you, ‘Holy Father,’” asks the Queen?

“Yes, it must be either You or me, he demands a high order sacrifice. It must be in three days, during the full moon, between the hours of 3am and 4am Vatican time. You need these.”

The Pope reaches into a bag and hands the Queen a black scrying crystal, 6” in diameter, and the dagger of Tutankhamun.

“You have to cut the Cardinal with the dagger, and his blood has to drip on the crystal live, his heart has to be still beating. The crystal will change color at the least. There have been those who have communicated through the crystal, maybe You will be fortunate. After the crystal manifests a change, and it returns to its black appearance; You must remove the Cardinal’s heart using the dagger, and then bring the heart back with the crystal and dagger. You must do it all Dianne; it cannot be done by Mira. After this, Mira needs to totally remove any sign of the Cardinal, he must just disappear, and his circumstance remain a mystery.”

The Pope leaves, and three days later Mira has concealed the Queen away to Mexico. Mira has abducted Cardinal Leon Salas Alano, and he hangs naked upside down above a bed sheeted in Mira’s matrix in private cottage. The Queen removes Her mantas attire, and She is nude except for Her Royal Crown.

The Queen places the scrying crystal under the Cardinal, and She attempts to cut across his forehead, but the dagger is dull. The Queen puts Her weight into it, and She draws the blade down the Cardinal’s chest hard. He screams muffled through his gag, and the blood drips onto the black crystal. The smooth flat surface of the crystal changes into a mirror clouded with a red mist, and a voice is heard:

“Who has summoned me with pure blood?”

“Queen Dianne of your kingdom, are you the prince?”

“I am.”

“Are you the prince of the Powers?”

“I am of many names; I am the prince of the Powers.”

“Will you grant Me continued rule, prosperity, and blessings in your kingdom, and protect Me and My agents from the powers of the air?”

“Complete Your virgin sacrifice Queen.”

The Queen did not know the Cardinal was a virgin. The Queen stabs at the Cardinal’s midsection with the dull dagger and rips and saws at him as he screams muffled. The Queen rakes his intestines, stomach, and kidneys out sawing and cutting. The Cardinal lets out a death moan and dies.

She cuts through his diaphragm using Her hands and the point of the dagger, working into his chest cavity though the bottom of his rib cage. She tears though his lungs and saws the arteries, muscles, and ligaments around his heart until She removes it from his body. The Queen is covered in blood and dirt. She kneels in blood and guts in front of the crystal holding the heart. And the voice says:

“Drink Queen,” and the Queen holds the heart over Her mouth as blood drips onto Her tongue and She drinks it in.

“Mighty prince of the Powers, grant Me your prosperity, protection, and blessings in your kingdom, and those who serve you through Me.”

A red serpent forms in the mist of the crystal mirror, and it bites the Queen on Her inner right thigh. The Queen yelps, and She rubs the bloody heart down Her breast as the serpent releases its grip. The serpent penetrates the Queen’s blood covered cunt with its head, and moves in deep, and back out a number of times as the Queen moans. The serpent dissolves back into the red mist of the mirror, and the voice says:

“Queen, You must keep the crystal, the dagger, and the heart stored together. My essence is in You now, and if my followers command You, You must use the crystal on a full moon at the time You were told, providing Your own blood drawn forth by the dagger. If my followers command a sacrifice for the crystal and dagger, You will do as they command.”

“Yes, My prince, I faithfully serve your kingdom.”

The scrying crystal returns to its black appearance. It is 3:57am Vatican time. Mira seals the crystal, the dagger, and the heart in a solid container chest of her matrix. Mira then removes any trace of the Cardinal, including the blood and dirt on the Queen. They immediately return to the castle and the chest is stored in the wall of the Queen’s bed chamber. Today is the fifth day since the Bovine Research Center break in…

Two weeks later, the Pope returns and enters the Queen’s chambers. The Queen is Royally attired in black, and Mira is with Her, as well as Her six android guards. The Queen says:

“Holy Father, you are back unannounced, what do you need this time?”

“I came to retrieve the articles You were supposed to bring back, the crystal, the dagger, and heart. Where are they?”

“Lucifer told Me to keep them.”

“He spoke…to You, through the crystal?”


“What did he say, exactly?”

“He told Me to keep the articles, and if he commands, I was to use the articles to contact him, or do the bidding of his commands in relation to the crystal.”

“How did he say he would command You?”

“Through his followers, your prognosticators will know what he meant.”

“I will leave the articles here for now, until I talk thaumaturgists.”

“Did you know the Cardinal was a virgin,” asks the Queen?

“No, they always claim to be, but most have done something in their youth.”

“Maybe that is why, when your prognosticators were seeking permission to eliminate the Cardinal, they understood it had to be a high order sacrifice,” informs the Queen.

“I will pass that along to the thaumaturgists as well,” says the Pope.

“I was expecting you for some time, I have a surprise for you if you want to indulge yourself ‘Holy Father?’ Number one, have the boy sent in. You better remove your holy garb Father.”

The Queen has a 13-year-old boy in a white robe sent to Her chambers.

“What do you say Father, want a taste? He has never had an ejaculation,” says the Queen as She removes the boys robe and Her attire, and She and the boy are naked?

The Queen sits on the bed with the boy sitting between Her legs. The Pope is naked now, and he kneels on the floor between the boy’s legs, and he begins to suck the boy’s developing dick, and it gets hard. The Pope sucks the boy’s dick for about 10 minutes, and the boy has his first ejaculation moaning, and the Pope swallows it.

The Queen turns the boy around, and Mira lubes the boy’s ass, and the Pope forces his 6” dick into the 13-year-old boy’s tight ass as the boy squeals. The Queen rubs the boy’s face and says:

“Does the mean ole man’s tiny pecker hurt you little boy?”

The Queen kisses the boy and consoles him, as the Pope fucks him viciously. The little boy continues to squeal, and tears are running down his face. The Pope cums in the boy’s ass, squeezing his fingers into the boy’s ass cheeks tightly. After a minute, the Pope withdraws, and the Queen says:

“Mira, tend to the boy, make sure you repair any tears that are bleeding,” and Mira does so, and the androids remove the boy from the Queen’s chambers.

The Pope and the Queen attire, and the Queen says:

“Did you enjoy that, ‘Holy Father?’”

“I cannot curse You without cursing myself, but to play on my weakness the way You do is not a means of controlling me.”

“I am not trying to control you. I know how hard it is for you to satisfy your weakness given your position. I want you to know that you can release your frustrations here. It is better for the world and the kingdom if you are not pent up inside. It allows you to think clearer. You feel better now, right?”

“Okay, I am going, I need to report what happened with You to the thaumaturgists.” The Pope leaves.

…The sixth day after the Bovine Research Center break in, The Queen and Mira were in the lab with Dr. Nayfel and Dr. Jamie Dawdens. Doctor Nayfel has completed some creature testing with the formula they stole. The parasites that wiped out Mira’s species, were the first test subjects, because they have a gestation period of 12 hours and 24 hours to maturity. The Doctor had retrieved samples of them from Mira’s home world. It took 6 days (four generations of parasites) to get to the desired size. Mira is mad:

“What the hell Doctor, why did you use those as your first test subject,” asks Mira?

“Relax, the sample parasites I have are not infected with the disease that killed your species. I used them because the males do not have a baculum penis, and the penis resembles a human male’s penis. Also, the slimy liquid they secret in order to swim around and feed on your nodes in your fluid state, and their mouth suckers they use to eat your nodes, have no effect on humans. I did it for the Queen’s pleasure. Normally these things only reach the size of a fingernail, [the Doctor illuminates a glass wall behind which are modified parasites in a room] but these are as big as a German shepherd,” explains Dr. Nayfel.

There are two of the male alien parasitic slugs in the room, and their bodies are mostly blue, but they have a wavey flat appearance (their wavey design helps them swim in node fluid) and they have yellow and black edges. The creatures have four legs, and translucent wings that lay flat on their body. They have a tail, and the male’s penis is sheathed in his tail. In this large form, their penis erect would probably be around 10 to 12 inches long, and similar in thickness to a human male’s penis, except there is no head and it is red. The shaft has a soft nipple point where ejaculant passes. The creature’s head is somewhat flat with two flaps on the side, and the mouth is on the bottom of the center bonce. The mouth open is round and about 3 to 4 inches in diameter.

In its original form, the parasites fed on Mira’s species’ nodes by sucking, there are no teeth. The Doctor uses an intercom, and a door opens, and Dr. Bethany Hylton enters the room naked. Dr. Bethany Hylton is a surgeon specializing in neurological surgery.

Doctor Bethany Hylton is 39 years old, and 5’ 8” in height and her measurements are 34DD-26-35. She has a light brown triangular hairy pussy that the androids trim below. Bethany is a sexy hot dirty blonde milf. The Queen asks:

“Is Bethany going to fuck them?”

“Yes, when me and Jamie started modifying the parasites, I told Bethany what I thought they would do. That is when I found out that Bethany is rather kinky, she wanted to try it. She has already fucked these things five times yesterday,” explains Dr. Nayfel.

The Doctor continued to explain that the parasites (which he called dragon ticks), lived in a symbiotic relationship with the Nodians (Dr. Nayfel’s name for Mira’s species). Before the parasites became carriers for a disease, the Nodians actually enjoyed letting the dragon ticks feed on their excess nodes. The ticks have multiple feelers in their mouth that tickle a node to make it secrete, and like Mira enjoys a female’s vaginal fluid, these ticks enjoy it too. The ticks also figured out that stimulating a woman’s pussy makes her secrete more vaginal fluid. The ticks are good pussy eaters.

Bethany lays down on a narrow bench in the room, and one of the ticks immediately sucks down on her pussy. The flaps on the side of its almost flat head suck down on Bethany’s thighs, locking the tick’s mouth to Bethany’s pussy. The Doctor explains that the tick’s mouth tentacles are probing and sucking up Bethany’s vaginal fluids, and it is agitating her clit to produce more fluid as the tick extracts it. The ticks also figured out how to stimulate the “G” spot, and yesterday, Bethany squirted, and the tick was shaking Bethany’s thighs with his flaps in excitement. As the spectators watched, Bethany orgasms in 3 minutes.

Getting the ticks to fuck you was hard at first. Normally the female tick sucks her mouth to the male in sort of a missionary position, and she rubs her tail on the side of his tail until his penis protrudes and gets hard. The penis itself moves to find the female tick’s vaginal opening about halfway down the inside of her tail. The penis guides itself in, and the tail thrusts and ejaculates in less than 5 minutes. It moves really fast. Afterwards, the female tick eats the male by secreting an acidic digestive enzyme (that only she possesses) into his mouth.

Bethany fiddled around and figured out how to get the tick to fuck her pussy. Bethany runs her hands under the side flaps on the tick’s head and it loosens its grip on her thighs. She then pulls the tick’s head up to her mouth, sliding the slimy tick across her body. She is careful not to let the tick suck down on both her mouth and nose. The tick sucks down and begins probing inside the moistness of her mouth.

Bethany rubs the tick’s tail with her foot, and the tick gets aroused, and his cock starts coming out of the inside of the tick’s tail where it is sheathed. When it is fully erect, it starts looking for a hole, and bam, it enters Bethany’s pussy. The tick’s tail starts thrusting fast, and you can hear Bethany’s wet pussy sloshing, and Bethany moaning as she pushes the tick’s head off her mouth. The tick has wrapped her with its legs and body. At this point, the tick is in reproduction mode, and the pleasure from fucking takes over, and in about five minutes it ejaculates. It holds its cock in Bethany’s pussy for another five minutes, and then withdraws.

Bethany tells them that the five minutes after ejaculation feels good too, because the tick’s cock throbs really fast like a vibrator. The fluid that is ejaculated is syrupy and sticky. However, if you let the tick eat your pussy again, it will remove it. Bethany is also covered in a clear slime, which the tick secretes. Rubbing the tick up and down your body feels really good, because they are slimy. The Doctor notes that the ticks are getting smarter, and that they have learned what is pleasing to Bethany, and they do not have to be coaxed into it as much.

The Doctor has injected other animals for testing, but he must wait until they give birth. The formula has no effect on parents, only offspring. He has to wait another 25 days on the rabbits he is testing. The Doctor also believes that the formula could mutate a human, and he is wants to inject a female and male and have them conceive. Testing has begun, the time factor is the gestation periods of the subjects.

EPISODE CHARACTERS (Reoccurring Sexually):

Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Dr. Jamie Dawdens (INTRO) 45 yrs. old, 32-24-33, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Dark Brunette Long Straight, (CUP) 32DD Natural – Beautiful Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Trimmed Landing Strip Bushy, (BODY) Light Tan Complexion Fit Soft Milf, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Alexis Fawx, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive Milf, Beautiful Pink Pussy Interior, Firm Round Ass, Nice Thighs, Legs, Sexy Feet and Toes

Dr. Bethany Hylton (AKA) (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-26-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Complexion Fit Soft Milf, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Cherie DeVille, (COMMENTS) Very Hot Attractive Milf, Very Nice Body and Curves Just Right, Soft Round Ass, Nice Thighs, Legs, Sexy Feet and Toes

Dragon Ticks (AKA) Tik & Tok, (INTRO) Formula Enhanced Alien Parasitic Slugs the size of an Adult German Shepherd, Bodies are Mostly Blue, Wavey Flat Appearance (wavey design helps them swim in node fluid), They have Yellow and Black Edges, Four Legs, Translucent Wings that Lay Flat on Their Body, They have a Tail, the Male’s Penis is Sheathed in His Tail, the Formula Enhanced Version has an Erect Penis 10 to 12 inches long with no Baculum, Similar in Thickness to a Human Penis except there is No Head and it is Red, the Shaft has a Soft Nipple Point where Ejaculant Passes, the Creature’s Head is somewhat Flat with Two Flaps on the Side, the Mouth is on the Bottom of the Center Bonce, Mouth Open is Round and about 3 to 4 inches in Diameter, In its Original Form, the Parasites Fed on Mira’s Species’ Nodes by Sucking, there are No Teeth.


This Episode is the first that strays from Greg’s imaginary science fiction world. All sexual content in the previous Episodes was also my addition to Greg’s sci-fi work. I penned this Episode entirely, and I added the new characters the Pope, Dr. Bethany, and the dragon ticks to my changes from a king to a queen in Greg’s work. The next Episode is Greg’s last contribution creatively, but he does provide technical contributions after that for most of the pseudo-science of the series.

This series has story that needs to develop. As such, there may be times when an Episode seems more like story than sex. I promise there are Episodes that are sexually centered and kinky with aliens and fantasy creatures. I was bored with just writing sex scenes, and I wanted to develop characters using sex to add to the action, not be the only action. So, Greg and Max talked me into using Greg’s sci-fi world of lasers, and I added lust.

I did not subscribe to the Porn Persona inclusion for my characters by my boyfriends at first because they are only remotely similar. I used my sex circle of friends for a lot of the characters, but then used porn actors for the rest at the behest of my friends. Now, when I write sex segments, sometimes it motivates me to watch the Porn Persona person first. It may be worth watching to help you visualize the characters too (or at least view their pictures). I wish we could find Porn Personas for every character, but sometimes our imagination is better than the real thing.

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