Sex Education from Mom – Son-Mother Incest

I was just about to climb on top of a naked super model, a group of them had insisted that I stay with them for the weekend, when I learned the true meaning of that old saying, “In your dreams.” For that was when mom decided to call me to wake up for school. I thought that was the high point (almost) of the day, but boy was I wrong.

I opened my eyes to the realization that there was NO super model in my bed and I had one raging hard-on. I planned on taking care of that hard-on but first I wanted to slip off my boxers so I stood up, or rather, I tried to. “EEEEEEEEEEEEE… OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”

“Dave. What is it??!?? What’s the matter??!??”

My mom came running into the room and found me dancing around on one leg hollering and when she finally got me calmed down and sitting on the bed I noticed that another part of me had gone down also, the thoughts of naked super models long gone.

“Dave, talk to me, what is it??!!??”

“As soon as I stood up, mom, this pain shot through my foot and up my leg. I think maybe I stepped on it wrong and twisted something. After I rested up a little I tried to get up again, at least for breakfast, but as soon as I added weight to that foot the pain came back. Sorry, mom, but I don’t think I’ll even be able to make it in to breakfast.”

“O.K., Dave, you rest your foot. I’ll bring you something.”

(While mom’s getting something I’ll take this time to tell you a little about us. Mom and I have been on our own now for as long as I can remember. She and dad had married early and I was born about a year after they were married. I guess that dad tried but he never should have gotten married in the first place and he ended up splitting and after the legal time was up mom got a divorce. She had dated over the years and came close to marriage several times but, although a good looking 35, she never did make it to the altar. But so much for the information, back to the story.)

When mom returned to my bedroom she had a tray stacked high with food.

“Mom, I’ll never be able to eat all that!”

“You better not. I brought some for me, thought I’d join you, that is if you don’t mind having your old mom in bed with you.”

“Of course not, and you’re far from old so don’t put yourself down mom.”

Saying, “Why thank you sir.”, Mom sat, leaned over, and kissed me. But this wasn’t like her usual kisses, this one was soft like the others, but on my lips and maybe it was a horny son’s imagination but her kiss seemed to linger a bit.

I have to admit that over the past several months I had been noticing mom more and more as a woman and not just my mom. She was still a young-looking lady and at 35 she had kept herself in good shape and looked many years younger. Why, I had even overheard (when they thought I couldn’t hear) my school buddies remarking how hot she looked.

I have to confess here that one day when I was passing her door I had seen her changing and stopped to watch. She was just finishing up brushing her brown shoulder length hair when she stood and removed her robe and I got my first good look at her naked body. I already knew that she had great looking legs but now I could see that they were topped by one great looking ass and as she turned I got a good look at her 34 inch tits and great looking nipples and as my eyes lowered to the hairy bush between her legs I felt my cock begin to harden and when I saw the pink lips there I had to get it out before it poked a hole in my pants. I was taking in the “sights” when it suddenly occurred to me that if I could see mom then all she had to do was turn this way and she would see me so I headed off to my room and stroked that hard-on till I was spraying CUM all over.

But enough of the ramblings of a horny teenager and back to our tale.

The pain in my foot had subsided enough that I started noticing my surroundings more and more and I noticed as mom climbed onto my bed that under her loosely tied robe she seemed to be wearing nothing but a tan and as she got herself situated next to me she allowed that robe to ride up and flop partly open so that I got a great view of her leg up to her thigh.

Once she got settled she started to laugh and I thought that she had caught me looking but when I asked her what was so funny she told me that now I could honestly say that I had bedded my mother.



“But mom, I’d never thin..err……. Do…err…… want to……”

She laughed again and then said, “Never?” And when I paused for the longest time in answering her she smiled and again leaned over and kissed me on the lips. This time it was most definitely not the motherly kiss she usually gave me and this time I relaxed and enjoyed it and even returned it a little.

“Down big boy, we have breakfast to eat!”

“I’m sorry mom I got kind of……”

Mom stopped me and said to never mind, that she had kind of enjoyed it too.

“You did!!!?”

“Eat your breakfast Dave.”

“Yes, m-o-m.” 🙁

As we sat there having breakfast mom’s robe kept flopping open and shut more and more as she moved and I got a good look at her body, why I even saw one breast completely.

Things seemed to be going nicely as we ate but then we finished and mom got up, again letting me see a good deal of her nude body. (I was sure of that in my mind now) As she left the room with the dishes I thought that there goes probably the best chance that I’ll ever have of seducing my mother. (And now I had become sure that’s what I wanted to do)

But luck seemed to still be with me as mom came back into the room, plopped back down on my bed and informed me that she had called in sick today.

“I just thought that I wanted to spend some time with my son today if you don’t mind.”

Not mind, this was like a dream come true, here was my good looking (and she was allowing me to see a good deal) mother sitting up against me in MY bed. I thought all that but said in a calm (I hoped) voice, “Naw, mom, I don’t mind.”

“Dave, I’ve been worried lately.”

“About what mom?”

“I’ve been concerned about what the doctors would call a ‘lack of a male role model’ for you.”


“You know, some man in your life to pattern yourself after, after all, you just have your old mom.”

“Now mom stop that, you’re NOT old!! And I think that you’ve been doing a great job.”

Again she softly kissed me and this time when I returned the kiss she did not stop me and we kissed for some time but then she backed off a bit but was still holding on to my arm and was, if anything, cuddled even closer.

“I’m just worried that there are areas that you may not feel as comfortable talking to me as you would a man.”

“Such as, mom?”

“Well-llll… sex, for one. One thing that I noticed when I came running in here at first was that my Dave has really grown up… in more ways and places than one.” Here she nodded toward the bulge in my boxers that was again growing.

“M-O-M!!!!” (Snappy comeback, huh?)

“Now see, that’s just what I mean. We should be able to talk freely about such things as your growing ‘problem’ without you blushing, you would never do that with a man.”

“I see what you mean, but it feels odd talking to my mom about those things. But there seems something else on your mind, what is it?”

“I’ve been wanting to have that talk with you but I’m not sure a mother can do it right.”

“If you mean the sex talk then let me put your mind at rest, I already know……”

“Yeah, I know, you already know all there is to know, I thought the same thing when I was your age… then I grew up and found out I knew next to nothing. I’ve been thinking about this and think I’ve figured out a way to do this so here goes nothing. What I’m going to do is use myself as a sort of ‘visual aide’ if that’s alright.”

Alright, what more could a horny teen hope for than to be in bed with his gorgeous mom while she used herself as a “visual aide” about sex. OH YES, it was V-E-R-Y A-L-R-I-G-H-T!!!!! Of course I tried to conceal my glee at this but the silly smile on my face and my swollen cock kind of gave me away,

“O.K., Dave, we’ll start at the top and work down. I already know that you’re a good kisser, nice and soft and gentle but what about tongue?”

“You mean like a French Kiss?”


“Joan let me do that once but mostly we just do ‘regular’ stuff. I don’t think she likes sex all that much.” (Joan is my current girlfriend… I think)

“Well, son, you relax your lips this kiss and just let me do all the work.”

“Yes, mom.”

Mom put her hands on my head and drew us closer. At first I felt her warm breath but then our lips touched softly and sweetly but then I could feel her running her tongue tip over my lips and then parting them. I opened my mouth enough to let our tongue tips to touch and then her tongue began to play with mine as she held me tighter. This kiss lasted far longer than our previous kisses but when she parted from me it seemed far too short a time. She only backed away an inch or two and asked me, “Like it?”

“Aww. Mom, you know I do.”

“Good, you try one now.”

I smiled and put my hand to her head (God, but I never thought that her hair could feel so good) and drew her till our lips were again touching but this time it was me parting her lips and my tongue tip searching for hers. And when I found it we again played for a long time but she pulled back again and took a breath and told me, “Now let’s try it with both of us tonguing.”

We again kissed and this time I met her tongue before our lips even touched and it was… GREAT seems a mild word now.

Eventually mom pulled back a bit and said that she thought that I had the hang of it but just “to make sure” to kiss her again. We must have spent a good 10-15 minutes “just making sure” but finally she did pull back (not quite back to where she was before all this started though) and told me that as great as kissing her son felt, there was more.

“Dave, I don’t know how far you’ve gone with Joan, and don’t worry, that’s your business, only tell me if you want, but I want to show you how to behave with a girl so you don’t come across like some sailor on shore leave for the first time in years.”

“Well, mom, Joan and I have kissed some and she lets me feel her up a little but that’s it.”

“O.K., Dave, we’re still working from the top down so the breasts are next. I noticed you getting a good look at mine before.”

“Uh… mom, I didn’t……”

“It’s fine, don’t let it bother you. With your mother in bed with you and with my robe flapping open and shut I’d be upset if you HADN’T noticed. Besides, I kind of like showing off for my son.”

“YOU DO!!!????” (I’ve got to tell you that if my cock had any softness left in it, when I heard that it was history)

“Yes Dave, but let’s get back to our lessons.”

Mom took my hands and put them on top of her tits but outside the robe and right away I started to maul them.

“Easy, son, this is what I meant by coming across as too harsh. Slow and gentle feels. Is this the kind of feels that you get with Joan, or is it under her blouse?”

“It was all like this, I tried opening her blouse but she said no.”

“When she does say yes you better have an idea what’s under there.”

Mom then pulled the top of her robe open and I got an “up close and personal” look at her 34-inch tits. The mounds were all creamy and they were topped with great looking reddish-brown aureoles and nipples that were a little darker.

After several minutes of staring open mouthed at them mom laughed and said, “You are allowed to touch them you know.”

I did just that, gentle like she taught me, and was running my fingertips around them when I managed to choke out, “Mom, they’re beautiful! This may sound weird, but I have this tremendous urge to kiss them… may I?”

“Dave, you not only may, but I was just going to ask you to do just that for me.”

I started on the right tit and kissed lightly all around the mound and up to the aureole and then ran my tongue around that but when I kissed the nipple mom moaned. I stopped and asked her if I was hurting her.

“No, son, I’m alright, V-E-R-Y alright!!!!”

I then did the same thing to the left breast and got a few more moans from mom but by now I knew that these were good things. I was in the process of switching back to the right tit to start all over when mom stopped me by pulling me off and kissing me. This time there was no pretense of a motherly kiss or a “lesson” but just one long HOT kiss from lover to lover. When mom broke that kiss she reminded me that we still had more to do and this time there was more of an urgency to her voice.

“Dave, I want you to feel comfortable around a nude woman so……”

She quickly stood up and dropped her robe. Slowly turning she told me to get a good look… and I did, trust me, I DID!!

“Mom, I said that your tits were beautiful but the rest of you is even more so.”

She got right back in bed and snuggled right up to me with that body and kissed me to thank me.

“You keep that up, mom, and it may be quite a while before we get to more of this talk”

“MMMMM right, so let’s get on with it, it’s your turn now.”

“You mean…?”

“Right. Lose those boxers and let your mom see how big her son has grown.”

I was up out of bed and naked before she could blink but when I started to get back in bed she stopped me. She moved over to the side and sat with her legs spread wide so I could get a good look at her pussy. My V-E-R-Y hard cock ended up mere inches from her face.

“Now let me see how my son has grown… today”

She started to “examine” my cock and balls intently as I stood there, my weight mostly on one leg, but then she just said, “Oh. I can’t help myself son.”, And covered my cock with her lips and started to suck. Her “talk” had made me so horny that with a few sucks and pumps of my hard-on I was shooting CUM in my mother’s mouth.

“OHHGGGHHHAA, mom, suck your son’s CUM!!!!”

When I had finished CUMMING I started to apologize for being so “quick on the trigger” but she hushed me.

“Dave, think nothing of it. I have a secret to tell you, I sort of planned it that way, I figured a young man, a naked woman all over him would all equal a quick CUM for him and I am being selfish, I want you to have a longer time when you next CUM. Besides, your CUM just hit the spot, I was getting a bit horny there myself, but now I can wait more.”

“But mom, I’m soft now.”

“I have a feeling that won’t last long. Here you trade places with me, I got a pussy I want to show you.”

I sat down (glad to get off that sore foot, although a mother’s lips on my cock seemed to have a great pain killing effect) and mom stood before me and opened her legs.

“Now, Dave, I don’t want you to have to go rooting around when you do get a girl naked and ready to fuck so I’ll give you the quick tour.”

“YES MOM!!!!”

“Now the pussy has a set of lips just like a mouth does, except vertical instead of horizontal but it has one difference (at least) and that is that it has (here she opened her pussy wider) a second set of lips inside. Also, up here near the top is the clitoris. It’s kind of hard to see but feel here (she used one of my fingers) and you should feel a lump. Now, you’ve made my clit hard already but if it’s soft you go gently till it hardens.”

“Got it mom.”

“That reminds me Dave, whenever you finger a girl down there ALWAYS make sure your fingers are moist first either with saliva, CUM, her juices, like I did, or something. That pussy is a pretty sensitive place and we wouldn’t want to risk sticky fingers or… OUCH!!!!”

“Cock too?”

“Right, but between the two of you, you should put out enough pre-cum and juices to see to that. Now scoot over in bed, it’s about time we put your lessons to the test.”

“You mean……?”

“Yes, son, I want you to slide that cock into your mother… and FUCK her!!!!!!!”

I noticed, as I was moving, that the soft cock that I had been worried about was hard and throbbing again. Mom lay down on her back and spread her legs and drew her legs up so that her knees were up.

“No sense getting fancy with positions this time, the ‘missionary’ will do just fine for your virgin fuck. O.K., Son. You get between my legs, on your knees and we’ll take it from there.”

I got out of bed only to walk to the base and crawl right back in like mom said, between her legs. Now I could see plainly how her pussy was spread open and glistening with moisture.

“Dave, take hold of that big cock (God, but it was big, I don’t think that I had ever been this big or hard and by now the pre-CUM was oozing out) and touch the head of it to my pussy.”

I did this eagerly and the sensation of touching my first pussy this way, and one I had lusted after, my mother’s, was like an electric spark to my cock causing an involuntary twitch.

“Rub the cock head… OOHHH… up and down the slit and… OOHHH… Mix our juices together and then up over the swollen cliT-TTTT!!! OHHHHHHHHH, SONNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!”

I managed to choke out that I had this urge to do just that before she told me.

“OOHH, I think you’re going to be good at this, VERY GOOD!!! Dave, I know you must want to shove the whole thing in, and I want it there too, but first push just the head of your cock in and pause for a sec…… UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA…… YessssSSSSSSSS, like that!!!”

I pressed the head of my dick into her wet cunt as directed. (As if she had to urge me at this point) She was warm and very wet and I was loving every moment of being back inside my mom, although the first time had been for a nine-month visit.

“After your pause…… OOHH… AAHH… Start sliding it in but slowly this time, inch by inch till your balls are touching me. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY… YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! That’s it!!!!”

As mom asked, I pushed in inch by inch feeling the walls of her cunt smooth and warm around my cock. I now knew what those magazine stories had meant by tight. It was like a hot, soft hand holding my entire cock at once and gently squeezing.

“Now that you’re in. Pause again and lean down here and take your weight on one elbow and with the free hand feel free to feel me up anywhere, suck my tits, or kiss me but now FUCK MOMMY!!!”

I was more than glad to do as mom asked and leaned on my left elbow and palmed her tit and nipple as she wrapped her legs around me. Then, being the obedient son, I did as mom asked and FUCKED her.

At first my cock thrusts were long and slow but as her cunt walls rubbed my cock, things changed to faster strokes. I felt one of mom’s hands between us to making sure her clit got stimulated fully. Then I felt mom’s other hand playing with my ass cheeks and, although I had never given this much thought, it felt good… VERY GOOD and I told mom this.

She just smiled back at me and her hand went between my ass cheeks and her finger started circling my ass hole. I was thrusting in and out of her all this time we she spoke.

“Oh Dave, my son, you’re going to make your mommy CUM, I can feel it starting.”

Mom’s legs and arms tightened around me Then she started tossing her head from side to side and calling out.


I could feel mom’s spasming cunt walls as they tried to milk my cock and they brought me to the very brink of my orgasm but it was mom suddenly shoving a finger up my ass that sent me over the edge.

“Oh, MOM!! Oh MOM, I’m going to CUMMMMM!!!!!!!”

“Oh yes, son, yes!!! Shoot your virgin sperm into me!!!”

I felt myself go rigid as I arched and drove my cock deep, right up against her cervix and the greatest feeling came over me as I shot my own mother’s womb full of CUM.


All I could do after that was to just collapse on top of mom with my deflating cock still in her but she just held me as I rested my head on her tits.

“Son, that was all that I had hoped for and more.”

“Mom, you mean you wanted me……”

“Of course I wanted you, ever since you used to suckle at my breasts but I knew that I had to pick a time that was right for you, and today’s little sex lesson seemed the right time.”

“You know mom, as great as that lesson was, I just MAY need some ‘refresher courses’ every now and then.”

Mom smiled a big smile and said, “I was hoping that you’d say that. You can have as many ‘refresher courses’ as you want and there are other things that I have to share with you…”

I felt my cock growing harder within her and asked if we could “go over that material” again… NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Mom just laughed and pulled me to her and……

As you can see, my day turned out a BIT better than I thought it would at first. And the days since have not been too bad either.