The Ellie Chronicles

I was so excited when I saw her sister start to suck her bf’s dick

I was 10 at the time, my friend Boba, her nickname, was 13. My mom had big boobs and when I was 10 I had more boobs than Boba. We did kiss sometimes, kinda liked it, she was my first kiss and I liked boys but liked playing with her to.

It all started one day when I was at her house after school, Boba is pretty, she has the cutest toes ever and laid in her bed and kissed.

Boba– have you ever seen a blowjob?

Me– no, I cant watch stuff like that

Boba–do you want to see one? my sister Kay and her bf will be home soon

Me– is she going to blowjob him?

Boba–Yep, I hide in her closet and watch, her bf is Kyle, dont you crush on him?

I did crush on Kyle, he was cute and even tho he was 16 he always said hi to me.

Me– I wanna watch, can we hide in the closet?

Boba–sure, but you have to be naked.

Now Boba was bisexual, more into girls than boys, but I wanted to see Kyle and his dick, so I agreed.

I got naked and I could tell she was enjoying it.

Boba–I love your tits, they are perfectly round, you lucky bitch.

We went to the closet. She sat down with her legs straight and I sat with my legs crossed between her legs, up against her. She started rubbing my arms and then her hands went to my tits, I did love her touch. I had never done anything before, never touuched my boobs or my pussy, her hand on my boobs got me hot tho.

Kyle and her sister walk in, they kiss and Kyle starts to get naked, he had a nice body and a nice dick. He sat on the end of the bend and her sister goes to work on his dick, licking and sucking it. As I sit amazed at what I am seeing Boba has her left hand on my boob and right hand playing with my coochie.

It felt amazing, she whispered that I was so wet and her fingers knew where to touch. A few minutes later Kyle said he was cumming and I watch him cum and her sister swallowed before liucking his dick some more. When he came Boba stopped rubbing my coochie, she kissed my neck and said the show was over. We heard them leave and front door shut.

The show was over but my coochie wasnt over, I was horny, cant just make me so wet and say its over.

Me- why does it have to be over?

Boba–oh do you want more? want me to lick your pussy?

Me- yeah, I have never done anything and this feels so good.

We went to her bed room, she kissed me, kissed my boobs, my nips, licked my pussy up and down a few times, it felt amazing.

Boba–do you like my tongue?

Me- yes I do, are you going to make me cum?

Boba–I can, if you let me tie you to the bed.

Weird request, but I was horny, so I said do whatever you want. She tied my hands to the bed posts, had to run a rope under the bed to tie my legs open. Then she went to work, her magic tongue, on my clit, my pussy hole, damn. I was loving it so much, my cum was building, my first ever cum.

I was lost in the moment, didnt know her sister was back.

Kay- well whats going on here, seems you have another victim

Another victim? Boba did this to other girls before?

Kay- let me have a taste

Kay gets between my legs and licks my coochie, Boba suck my nips as I moan.

Kay- should we get daddy out and use it on her?

Boba–idk if she is ready for daddy, she has never cum or even been touched until today.

I was like daddy? their dad? didnt want some old dude to see me naked.

Boba- lets try daddy, she will love it.

They both leave and come back with a vibrator.

They untie my legs, plug the vibrator in and lay it between my legs on my coochie. They tie my legs together.

Kay- make sure her legs are tight so daddy doesnt move.

They turn it on and it feels so great. I feel the vibration on my clit and its better than a tongue.

Boba–how long are we leaving it on?

Kay- an hour or so, lets just enjoy the show.

They lay in bed beside me, playing with my tits as the first cum hits me. I loved it, felt amazing and then it didnt stop. I felt daddy vibe me to another cum, they kissed me as I begged them to turn it off.

Kay- bit sensitive I bet

Me – yes, can you turn it off? I cum twice and its hurting

Boba–no chance, we love to watch you struggle.

I lost count, I think it was 12 cums before they took daddy away. I was sweaty and sore, I never wanted to cum again.

Kay- should we icy hot her?

Boba–great idea.

Well it got worse, having icy hot rubbed on a sore pussy was very painful, I felt the burn as they watched me beg them to untie me.

They left me there, tied up for about 2 hours before they came back.

Kay- well I called your mom, told her you wanted to sleep over tonight.

Me- what? I dont want to sleep over.

Boba–chill, call your mom and say you want to sleepover or we are going to icy hot more than your pussy.

Fuck me, I was sleeping over.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅