Riding Camp Part 1

The Airbus was a massive plane and it would take Blake to Sweden. She pressed her nose against the cold window taking in the large engine and the plane’s wingspan. She was very excited for this was her first time flying and it would be a long flight from Idaho to Stockholm. She picked up her backpack and went over to a vending machine where she bought a bottle of water. Leaning against the wall she watched the other passengers waiting for the flight to leave. It was a mix of old and young. Several were Swedish students who studied at universities in the area. She knew she was not university material, and her parents knew it. What Blake lacked in school work she made up in beauty and riding. She had been riding as far back as she could remember. Not a day had gone by, rain, snow, or sunshine, she would be on a horse whenever she could. Her parents had bought her one when she turned seven and it became her best friend. She didn’t care about the people at school or the kids living at the other farms around, she was with her horse, Lily as much as she could.

“We are now ready to board, please have your boarding pass and passport ready,” a voice said over the PA system. Blake picked up her backpack, finished the water, and threw the bottle in a bin. Her adventure was on its way.

Several thousands of miles away, Sonja Andersson flicked through a manilla folder. “Dan, when is Blake arriving? I get confused with the time differences.”

Dan, a tall man with thinning hair and grey eyes took the file from her and flicked through it. “Shit, she is arriving in three hours!”

Sonja laughed. “We suck at this.”

Dan put on his jacket while speaking. “It’s the first time we bring in someone from so far away.”

“True, but what’s on paper makes Blake the best rider in the world in her age group, so we are lucky to have her teach over the summer.”

Dan quickly kissed his wife on the cheek and then ran to the Volvo estate car parked outside. Sonja watched him drive away into the dense forest surrounding the horse farm.

“Is everything okay?”

Sonja turned to the voice and saw Annika, one of the live-in instructors leaning against the doorframe. She was a pretty sixteen-year-old from northern Sweden. “Yes, dear, Dan went to pick up Blake.”

“Oh, how exciting. I’m looking forward to learning from her.”

“I bet you are. C’mon, the horses don’t clean their stables, off you go and take Anna and Lisa with you.”

Dan stood right outside the doors at arrivals. He had a sign that read Blake Harding. She had seen photos of her online so he was pretty sure he would be able to pick her out from the other passengers. She sure looked pretty with a big smile and wide cheekbones. Those dark green eyes staring back at him had given him the chills. He figured she must have some native American ancestry since her skin tone was quite dark, or maybe Latin. He was very curious but didn’t want to offend her by asking later on.

The doors opened and a flow of passengers began to come out. There must have been more than Blake’s flight that had landed he figured and moved closer holding up the sign at chest level. He craned his neck and looked for her and when he saw her his jaw dropped. She made her way through the crowd and smiled at him when she was a few feet away.

“You must be Dan. I’m Blake.”

She was taller than she looked in the photos, and her hair was raven black. She wore it in a pony tile quite high up. Her black leather jacket ended just where the blue jeans started and behind it, he made out quite large breasts which had bounced seductively as she approached him. Her cowboy boots were polished, and they added a couple of inches to her height.

“Hi, welcome to Sweden. My wife Sonja and I are so happy to meet you finally.”

He took her suitcase, and they walked towards the parking garage. “it’s about a two-hour drive to the farm. I guess you are tired after the flight?”

“No, it was quite exciting. I have never been on a plane before.”

Her voice was soft and quiet, not quite a whisper, but he had to strain his hearing to hear her over the sounds around him. She walked fast, with long steps, and her boots clicked against the floor. In the elevator, he stole a look at her in the mirror. She stood proud, head high, and a straight back. Swedish people often look down and slightly hunched forward, trying to avoid others. Not Blake. She smiled at the other people on the elevator and said hi. No one said hi back.

Blake looked out the window. It was raining a little and all around her was the forest with tall pine trees, mostly mixed with a few trees with leaves. Everything was green in different shades. She had read about Swedish culture and the trolls that supposedly lived deep in the forest. Now seeing it, she thought the stories may be true.

“I’m sorry, but I have to ask. Are your ancestors native American or Latin?”

Blake smiled while looking at the road in front of him. “I get that question a lot, so don’t worry about it. I’m a Shoshone, but I was adopted as a baby by a white family who I love. I have two sisters and a brother. Even though we are not blood relatives, I see them as if they were.”

Dan was very excited. Holy shit, he was driving a real Indian in the middle of Sweden. How amazing was that? he thought. “Sonja and I don’t have children. I think that’s part of the reason we started the riding school. To be around young people and see them grow up.”

“That’s nice. Are the students live in?”

“Most, but not all of them. We also work with the social welfare system, so we get mostly girls that come from broken homes.”

Blake turned to him. She liked the man already. “I think that is great. I wish there were similar programs where I come from.”

They drove in silence for a while and then Dan said, “I got you your little cabin so you don’t have to share with another girl.”

“That’s very kind of you, but if you need to, I can share.”


Sonja was in one of the stables when she heard the car pull up, so she called to the other girls to follow her out to greet the new instructor. She was not ready for what Blake looked like when she saw her.

“Holy shit, we have a model,” she said in Swedish, so only the closest students could hear her, and they giggled.

“Everyone, this is Blake. That’s Annika, Lisa, and Anna. They are also teachers.”

Blake shook hands with them, and then Dan showed her to her cabin. To the right was another but bigger one, where Annika, Anna, and Lisa lived. The front faced the stables and behind them was the forest. Dan opened the door and stepped aside to let Blake in.

There was a bed, a dining area, a small kitchen with a gas stove, and a door where the bathroom and shower were. It smelt clean and fresh.

“I love it, thank you so much,” she said.

“If we need to, that bed has another under it that can be pulled out, but we would have to move the dining table.”

“No problem.”

When Dan was gone, Blake began to unpack, putting her jeans in a drawer and hanging her shirts and T-shirts on hangers. Socks and underwear went into another drawer together with her bras. She opened the tiny fridge and was happy when she found a bottle of water, which she drank while opening the door. She sat down on the steps and took in her surroundings. It was a very pretty place, and those pines were so tall.

“Hi, how do you like the cabin?” said Annika, and sat down next to her. She was a petite girl, almost a head shorter than Blake.

“It’s great. I’m very excited to be here.”

“What do you do back home, apart from riding?’

Blake turned to her, and Annika almost drowned in the green pools which were her eyes. “Nothing. I don’t date, I don’t go to the movies. All I do is ride, or at least work, with the other horses on the farm.”

Annika swallowed and looked away; afraid she was staring. “I guess you don’t have a boyfriend?”

Blake scoffed. “Who has time for boys? All they want is to touch your boobs and ass, if not more.”

Annika nodded. “Yes, you are right about that. But the few boys we have here are quite nice and respectful, so you won’t have any troubles.”

Blake looked away. “I’m not here to meet boys. I’m here to teach you guys how to ride.”

 Dan was up early the following morning. As usual, he made a mug of black strong coffee and went outside to sit on the veranda of the cottage, he and Sonja lived in. In front was a large field several hundred yards long and wide. The forest was on the opposite side. He drank from his coffee and then drew smoke from his cigarette, enjoying the morning. There was a light fog coming from the ground on the field and birds were chirping away in the bushes in the garden. He was just about to take another sip from his glass when he heard a sound he had never heard before, except in movies as a child. Then he saw her.

Blake came galloping from his right across the field at a neck-breaking speed. Dan strained his eyes to see what horse she was on and when he did, he also noticed she was riding bareback. It was Viking, a three-year-old stallion. White like snow.

He put the mug down and began to run towards the field, screaming for Blake to stop. Viking was not easy to manage and he didn’t want his star teacher to fall off.

Blake pushed her heels into the horse and felt how the animal began to move even faster and she let go of another scream. She loved the horse’s muscles working under her, her hair flying free in the air and the wind in her face. From the corner of her eye, she saw Dan waving his arms at her. She didn’t stop but continued to the end of the field and then came back in a trot, letting Viking cool off before coming to a stop in front of Dan, whose face was red.

“Morning, Dan,” she said casually.

“What are you doing? That’s not safe.”

She looked down at Viking and patted him. “He is a fantastic horse. What’s his name?”


“Good name, strong horse.” In one smooth motion, she was off Viking.

It was now that he realized she had ridden without not only a saddle but also without a bridle. He sighed. “Blake, what you are doing? Riding without a saddle, bridle, and bit isn’t how we do it here.”

She laughed, and he thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. “Of course not, but I went for a ride by myself, see, no students around.”

She nodded goodbye and began to walk towards the stable. Dan was about to tell her to get a bridle so she could take Viking with her, but to his surprise, the horse followed behind Blake like a dog.

Sonja sat at the table on the veranda, eating cornflakes when she saw Blake come from the field. She stopped eating and stared at the young girl. She wore a black T-shirt and blue jeans with her boots. Her boobs bounced, but that wasn’t what Sonja was surprised about. It was Viking who was walking just a few feet behind her and in step. She had never seen a horse, less Viking do it. She kept on watching and when Blake came closer to the barn, she turned and spoke to Viking. The horse lifted his head, neighed, and then walked into the stable with Blake following behind. Sonja got up and quickly followed them inside. Viking went into his stall.

“How did you do that?” asked Sonja.

“Oh, he is such a good boy. We had a great ride together.”

“Only Dan can ride him,” Sonja said with suspicion in her voice.

“Not true. Anyone can ride him if you talk to him first.”

Sonja laughed. “Like in the movie The Horse Whisperer?”

Blake went into the stable and began brushing Viking who nuzzled her. “Something like that. Horses are very sensitive and if you make the right connection, you become one with the horse.”

Sonja was skeptical. “I know that horses are sensitive, but Viking is a darn bad boy.”

“No, he’s not. He just needs a good talk.”

Sonja laughed and left them alone. Outside, she met up with Dan and they went back to the cottage for another coffee. He told her what he had seen, and she said, “Honey, that girl, she is not like the others. We have never had, and most likely never will have, someone so attuned to horses like her. Let’s learn, both of us.”

 Karl was sixteen years old and horny as a motherfucker, like most boys his age. He sat on a fallen tree trunk in the woods maybe fifty yards from where the girl’s cabins were. He was stroking his cock slowly, and in his mind, Annika was sucking it slowly. Her pink lips taught around his shaft and her pink tongue played with his cockhead every so often. He had no idea if Annika had ever sucked dick, but in his fantasy, she was amazing. It didn’t take long before he shot his load, which landed on the soggy ground between his legs. He took out a few napkins from his pocket and wiped his dick clean before standing up. He shared a cabin with four other guys around his age who were live-in students. There wasn’t much privacy and Karl liked to jerk off at least once a day.

He looked around, making sure the coast was clear and then slowly and on light feet, made his way out of the woods. He had to pass by the smaller cottage where the American girl lived, so as he got closer; he was even more careful, watching where he put his feet. As he pushed his back against the cottage, I peered around the corner to make sure no one was in the yard which he had to cross. He was about to start the walk when he heard a shower staring nearby and realized the sound came from the cottage where he was. He slowly moved back from the corner and stood on his toes, peering in through a window. His eyes were just above the window frame. He almost lost his balance when he realized what he was looking at.

Blake stood in the shower and had one leg bent and resting on the toilet seat. Her right hand was between her legs, and the other was caressing her right boob. The fingers of the hand between her legs moved fast in and out of her pussy. She leaned her head back and Karl heard her moan and groan while she fingered herself. Karl had never seen a naked girl this close before and, using one hand, he pulled out his cock, which was rock hard. He held it and used the other to keep his balance.

Blake closed her eyes and got ready for the orgasm. She loved to start the day with a ride and then pleasure herself in the shower. Who needed boys when she could do it herself? Her knees began to buckle and then the hot waves of her orgasm washed over her. The orgasm was ebbing when she heard something like a bump against the cabin wall. She ignored it and began to soap herself.

Karl squirted his load against the redwood of the cabin and was about to put his dick back when he heard someone clearing their throat behind him. He swung around, dick still in his hand, and was facing Anna. She tilted her head and her eyes focused on his limp dick.

“Nice cock you got there. How long have you been doing this, like watching us and jerking off?”

Karl was scared, nervous, and ashamed of being busted. “This was my first time.”

Anna laughed. “I don’t believe you.”

“I swear.”

Anna made her way past him and peered through the window. She was taken aback by how developed Blake was who was now standing in front of the mirror drying her hair with a towel. Her boobs were large, almost D cups and round. Her ass was pert and round and her legs were long and firm. Anan turned and faced Karl. “Dude, don’t you ever do this again or I’ll tell Dan and Sonja. Do you understand me?”

“I promise, I’m so sorry.”

She smiled as he blushed. “Hey, let me touch your dick. I’ve never done it before.” She felt powerful now. She had him by the balls, so to say. He would never dare to tell on her because no one would believe him.

Karl didn’t have time to answer before Anna had his dick in her hand. “Wow, it’s so soft, like isn’t supposed to be hard?”

“Uh-huh,” Karl moaned and felt himself go hard again.

“Oh, fuck, that’s so cool. So, if I do this? It feels good?”

She began to stroke him fast and with a groan, Karl came again. The little cum he had left trickled over Anna’s fingers.”

“Wow, it’s so warm. Remember what you promised,” she said before running away towards the cabin she shared with Annika and Lisa. Carl put his dick back in his pants and made his way back to his cabin. He had a grin on his face and was very happy.

Anna burst through the front door to the cottage, slamming the door shut and leaned against it. She looked at her right hand, which still had Karl’s cum on it.

“What’s happened?” asked Lisa, who came out of her and Anna’s room.

“I just busted Karl peeking through Blake’s window and masturbating.”

Annika put her teacup down and said, “We have to report the little creep.”

“No, no, let’s not. Look.” She held up her hand for the others to see.

“Uy, what is that?” said Lisa after looking closer.

“That is cum. Karl’s cum. I jerked him off.”

“Bullshit, I don’t believe you,” said Annika and got up. She came closer and grabbed Anna’s wrist in her hand. She turned her hand by the wrist a few times, inspecting the whitish liquid on her fingers. “I’ve never seen cum, except in porn, but I guess it looks the same.

Anna sighed and went to the bathroom, where she washed her hands. When she came back out, the other two were waiting for her, looking impressed. ‘What?” she said.

“You are the first of us who has jerked off a guy. Congratulations!” said Lisa and hugged her.

The thing with riding girls was that people assumed that the only thing they cared about was horses, but that was far from the truth. Just like any girls their age, their hormones exploded and their curiosity grew. Riding camp wasn’t the best place to meet boys because 99% of the students and instructors were girls. Lisa had an older sister who was an avid sailor and had been to sailing camps for a few summers. She had told her younger sister about all the stuff she and her friends had been up to.

Anna blushed and looked at her watch. “We better get going or we will be late for Blake’s class.”


Blake looked at the five girls and one guy standing in front of her. Annika, Lisa, and Anna already knew, and she had been introduced to Mike and Helena, who were both instructors but came in for the day. Mike was a cute guy a couple of years older than Blake, but he was gay. She had sensed that the moment they had shaken hands. Most guy’s responses to her presence were stares at her face, followed by lowered glances at her boobs, and most like the same at her ass when she turned around. Mike had kissed her on the cheek and didn’t stare at all. Helena was Blake’s age. A regular girl with a mousy look to her who seemed quiet.


“So, here we are. You all know how to ride so we can skip the basics and move on to the fun stuff, all right?” she said and smiled. The group nodded eagerly.

“Back where I come from, a horse is not only a friend but a tool, it’s used to hunt and work with. We don’t jump hurdles in fancy outfits. We ride and we ride hard. As you can see, Dan has helped me put out three barrels in the form of a triangle in the field behind me. The setup is called a cloverleaf.” She pointed behind her with a thumb. “You will gallop as fast as you can to the one to your right first coming around on the left side, then continue onto the one which is ahead and take that one on the right side continuing to the point of the triangle where you will round that barrel on the right side and then came straight back. We will do a few practice runs first and then we will time you. The winner gets a free pizza. I will go first.”

This time Viking had a saddle on and Blake swung herself onto it with such grace the others sighed. She took the horse back almost to where Dan’s and Sonja’s garden was before she turned and faced the barrels.

“Are you sure this is such a good idea?’ said Sonja with concern in her voice.

“C’mon, this is a great way for them to learn new types of riding. It will be fun, trust me,” said Dan, not being able to take his eyes off Blake.

She hollered and stuck her heels into Viking, who shot forward and then she was flying across the field up to the first barrel. She took the turn perfectly, heading toward the second where she took it into a too-tight of a turn, so she slowed down before shooting off towards the third and last barrel.

“There you go, see it’s easy,” she said when she stood in front of the instructors. Anna slowly shook her head. “We have never done anything remotely to that,” and the others nodded.

“C’mon, live a little. You don’t have to go that fast the first couple of times. It teaches you to control your horse and you also find out how agile he or she is. Mount up, Anna. You are first.”

Sonja had to close her eyes. She was so worried. But when she heard the cheering from the others and Dan next to her, she opened them and, to her surprise, Anna was doing very well. The second time, she was much faster than the first. When she came back to the group, her cheeks were blushing, and she had a huge grin on her face. “Holy shit, that was fun!”

One after the other, they all practiced and after about an hour, Blake began timing them. They did the best of three tries and in the end; it was Lisa who won and Mike came in second. They took the horses back to the tables and gave them sponge baths, water, and food. When they were done, they went back to Dan’s and Sonja’s to eat pizza.

Blake, being impressed with the group, paid for pizza for all of them but made sure that Lisa was recognized during a short speech. The girl beamed and smiled from being happy and proud of her achievement.


Karl and his friend Johan leaned against their cottage and watched the group in Dan and Sonja’s garden. They had watched the competition and were mighty impressed.

“I want to try that,” said Johan.

“What, the pizza?”

“No you idiot, the riding, of course.”

Karl laughed. “You’d fall off before you came to the first barrel.”

“No, I wouldn’t. I’m a good ride. My mom says so.”

“Right, your mom. What about Annika and Lisa? Do they say you are a good rider?”

Johan looked down and kicked a stone. “They say I need to get better.”

Karl put his arm around his friend. “See, you keep on practicing and one day, maybe five years from now, you can give it a go.”

“Asshole. Let’s go and watch some porn.”

They made sure the door was locked before sitting down, Johan on the sofa and Karl in one of the chairs at the dinner table. Their other roommate, David, was at home sick and wouldn’t be back for a couple of days. The boys often watched porn together on their phones, sharing what they saw and discussing how it would be to be with a girl.

“What are you going to watch?” asked Johan.

“Not sure. Maybe Native American porn,” he said and laughed.

“Fuck yes. Blake is so hot. I wonder if they fuck like Swedish girls?”

“You haven’t fucked any girl yet, so you have no reference point.”

“Neither have you, dickhead.”

Johan thought back to his encounter with Anna and wondered if she could fuck her. If she would let him that is. He could still feel her warm hand around his dick, and the thought made him hard. He got on a porn site and did a search for Native Americans and, to his surprise, several video clips showed up. He was a bit disappointed because as far as he could tell, they might as well have been from Latin America. He picked one that looked hot and began to watch it.

Johan scrolled through the different thumbnails and picked one that looked promising. It was a cute blond chick with a massive black dick in her hand. There was something about big dicks that excited him, not that he was gay, it was the way they stretched the pussies they fucked.


After the pizza, Anna and Lisa went for a walk. They were full and needed to stretch their legs a bit before heading back to their cottage. Blake and the others were talking and laughing. Anna led the way to the stables, where they checked on the horses and then they went down a small path that took them into the forest and then around up behind the boys’ cottages. They talked about what they had done and how much fun it was and wondered what Blake would teach them the next day.

When they arrived at the boys’ cottage, the path made a right sharp turn and then another left up onto the driveway leading to the stables. Anna walked first, and Lisa a few steps behind her. Lisa stopped to adjust the riding boots she was still wearing. While trying to keep her balance on one leg, she thought she heard something from inside the cottage. She whistled and Anna turned. Lisa pointed at the window and both girls peered inside.

Johan was on the sofa, stroking his cock slowly and staring at the screen of his phone. Karl was at the table doing the same thing. The two girls put their hands to their mouths to quench a laugh and then looked back inside. The boys continued jerking off, oblivious to the two girls looking at them.

Lisa signed for Anna to follow her, and they made their way to the front door. Lisa tried the handle and swore under her breath when she realized the door was locked. Instead, she banged on it several times and shouted. “Hey, Karl, Johan, drop your dicks.”

The two girls laughed hysterically and then Anna also banged on the door, shouting, “Have you come yet?”

There was some noise inside, like chairs being moved, and a few seconds later a red-faced Johan opened the door. “What the fuck?”

The girls pushed by him, and inside where Karl was standing at the table, looking shocked. He was worried Dan or Sonja or any of the others had heard what the girls had been shouting. Anna saw his concern and said, “Don’t worry, we are too far away and they are too busy to hear us. So, how’s the jerking off going?”

“Fine, I guess,” said Johan.

Lisa walked up to him and looked down at his shorts, which had a bulge at the front. She felt brave and wild as she cupped his balls and cock. “Oh, feels good. You try it, Anna.”

Karl stood still and just waited for Anna to do the same thing to him, which she did, and he sighed when she gently squeezed his bulge. “It’s so warm,” she said and cupped it harder, making him wince. “Oh, sorry. What about this? Does it feel better?” She stuck her hand into his underwear and released his dick. “Hey, what..?” he said, but then stayed quiet because she began to stroke it.

“Lisa, try it out. It feels so cool.”

Her friend pulled down Kar’s shorts, exposing his cock, which was semi-hard. “Oh fuck, it feels funny. It’s hard but soft at the same time.”

No one spoke a word after that. The four of them had just taken their first steps into adulthood and it felt exciting, scary, and wonderful. Anna was the braver, and it didn’t take long before she gently pushed Karl onto his chair and knelt before him. Without a word, she took him in her mouth and sucked on the head.

“Oh shit, that feels so good, Anna. Holy shit!”

Lisa, who had seen her friend, didn’t want to be any less brave and soon had Johan’s dick in her mouth. He was incredibly hard, and she had never realized dicks could be that way. She bobbed her head up and down and didn’t care her teeth got in the way a few times and he moaned from pain. Then he tensed and a hot fluid shot into her mouth. Completely unprepared for it, Lisa fell back on the floor with cum in her mouth. She spat it out and said, “That’s god awful. Wow, just nasty.”

Johan felt bad and tried to say something kind while the last drops ran down his shaft. Anna, who had seen what had happened, pulled back and then used her hand to make Karl come. He shot quite a large load that landed on the floor next to her.

They sat in silence for a moment and then Karl asked in a quiet voice. ‘Anna, could we like, you know, fuck?”

Anna blushed. She had had the same thought. While sucking him, she had felt her pussy become all juicy and ready for him, but she didn’t want to be a slut.

“Maybe, not sure. Let me think about it. “Lisa, let’s get out of here.”

On the way out, Lisa stopped at the kitchen and used a towel to wipe cum off her face before following her friend out leaving the two boys behind them.

“Dude, that was amazing. I never thought it would feel that good,” said Karl.

“I fucked up, I should have warned her.”

“Don’t feel bad, it was your first time. I’m sure she will forgive you. I bet Lisa will let you fuck her. She seemed horny.”

Johan smiled and said, “Yeah, she sure was. Who would have guessed?”

An hour later, Blake made her way back to her cottage after saying goodnight to Viking. She and Annika had helped Dan and Sonja clean up before going to the stable. Annika had gone back to her cottage directly while Blake wanted some time with Viking. She had spoken to him in her soft, soothing voice and then left him.

When she came closer to her cottage, she heard excited voices coming from the other girl’s cottage. They spoke in Swedish, so she had no clue what they were talking about, but something was going on. She knocked on the door and Annika opened it.

“What’s happening?” asked Blake as Annika ushered her in and closed the door behind her.

“Those two sluts had sex with Karl and Johan,” she said, pointing a finger at her two friends.

“We aren’t sluts, it just happened, ok,” said Lisa to their defense.

“Tell Blake about it.”

When Anna had, Blake laughed. “I don’t get it. What’s the big deal? Many of my friends back home have boyfriends and have sex. I just prefer to hang out with horses.”

“See, did you hear that, Annika?” said Lisa.

“Fine, it’s not as bad. At least you didn’t let them fuck you.”

Anna giggled. “I sure wanted him to. God, I was horny.”

Blake took a seat by the kitchen table. “What was it like to suck dick?”

Lisa giggled and said, “Amazing. Like, I knew it would be hard and all, but it was so soft at the same time. The head is like velvet in your mouth and so fucking hot.”

“What about the cum?”

“Uy, that shit is just nasty, I swear.”

Anna said, “Maybe because you weren’t ready? I have heard girls at school saying they like it.”

“Yeah, maybe if I was more prepared, like if the bastard had told me before shooting his load.”

The others laughed, and then Blake said. “A friend of mine told me that if you pay attention, you can feel how the head grows a little just before he shoots, also his breathing and moaning changes.”

“Yeah, you are right, now that you mention it. Just before he came, his head did swell,” said Lisa.

Annika picked up her phone. “Should I call them?”

“Who?” said Lisa?”

“Johan and Karl, of course. I bet they are ready for another round.”

The girls giggled, and Blake nodded. “Sure, I’m curious about all this sex stuff. Being here in Sweden, I can do what I want without my parents or friends judging me.”

Annika texted, and fifteen minutes later there was a silent knock on the door. Annika opened it and let Johan and Karl inside.

“Hey guys,” said Anna seductively. The girls had used the fifteen minutes to undress and they were only wearing panties.

Karl and Johan took in the eight pairs of tits surrounding them and they thanked the Lord for giving them this opportunity, even though neither believed in God.

“We have to be quiet. Dan was sitting in his garden drinking wine,” said Johan who could hardly take his eyes off Blake’s boobs.

“Don’t be shy, come here and feel them,” she said, feeling brave being surrounded by her girlfriends. It was funny how numbers changed the power play. If she had been alone with a boy, she would never have felt so brave.

Johan came closer and when he was in front of her, placed his hands on her boobs, squeezing them gently and Blake sighed. Her nipples became hard, and he kissed them in turn. “Oh, shit, that felt good. Do it again,” she whispered.

This time he sucked on them and she held him close while closing her eyes. She loved caressing her tits when she masturbated, but this felt so much better. She opened her eyes, wanting to see what her friends were up to. Anna stood behind Johan and opened his shorts. Annika and Lisa were kissing Karl, and Lisa was working the buttons on his shorts. They soon dropped to the floor together with Johan’s and Lisa and Anna now had a dick to play with. Meanwhile, Johan’s hand had moved from her boob to between her legs and she adjusted the way she was sitting so he could reach better. He gently pulled her panty to the side and sighed when he saw her shaved pussy.

“I’ve never touched one,” he whispered.

“That’s okay, I’ve never touched a cock either. Go ahead,” she said.

When his finger touched her clit, Blake drew in air and then let go of a long sigh as his finger worked itself inside her. Johan kissed her deeply, and she responded by putting her arm around him and pulling him closer. She was so wet by now she could hear her pussy while he fingered her.

“Do you want him to fuck you?” Lisa asked in a horse voice.

“Yeah, I do.”

Lisa grabbed his dick and put it against her pussy and he gave one long thrust and he was in. “Oh fuck, it’s so wet and warm,” he gasped.

“How does it feel?” Lisa asked Blake, who had her head tilted back and her mouth half open.

“Amazing, he is so hard, so fucking hard.”

Johan began to fuck her, slowly and deeply, and she responded by holding him tight. Her nails dug into his back through his T-shirt. Lisa played with his balls from behind and when he began to moan, she grabbed his hips and pulled him back. There was a wet sound when his dick slipped out and he protested a little.

“I want you to fuck me too, so relax a moment,” Lisa said.

Anna had watched them while making out with Karl and now she turned so her back was facing him and then leaned over the short end of the table, presenting him with her ass. “Karl, I want you to fuck me now.”

He responded by ripping off her thin thong and then using his foot to widen her stance. He must have seen that move in a porn flick, she figured, just before she was filled with his cock.

“Oh my, oh, oh, fuck, that feels good, good damn!”

“Quiet,” whispered Annika, who stood next to her staring curiously at how Karl’s dick slid in and out of her friend. “Dan or Sonja might hear us.”

“Right, ah, ah, oh, fuck,” Anna moaned through clenched teeth.

Karl grabbed her hips and fucked her even harder, loving the sound of his balls smashing into her pink pussy. It was so much better than he had ever thought. His balls began to contract. “Oh shit, fuck, almost there.”

Annika didn’t want to be left behind, so she pulled his dick out and then went down on him. She had learned from Lisa’s earlier mistake and was aware of how close he was to coming. She took him as far back as she could and made a circle with her thumb and index finger around his cock and began to move them back and forth.

“Yes, oh, fuck, that is so hot, Annika,” said Anna.

Her friend’s eyes grew wide as Karl emptied his balls far back in her throat, but she didn’t spill a drop. When he pulled out, she got up and Annika asked, “How was it?”

Annika swallowed twice and then opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue, before saying, “A piece of cake, nothing to it.”

Anna laughed, and they hugged while Karl tried to compose himself after coming so hard. There was a long moan and a quiet shriek from where Blake, Lisa, and Johan were, so the three friends looked over just as Johan pulled out from fucking Lisa from behind and shot his load over her lower back.

“Shit, that was a lot. Is it always that much?” asked Blake.

After taking a deep breath and composing himself, Johan said, “It depends, I guess.”

“Shit, it’s almost ten. We need to go to bed before Dan comes around to make sure we are in bed,” said Lisa.

The boys quickly grabbed their clothes and put them on before scurrying out the door and keeping to the far right of the open space in the shadows. That way, they were less likely to be seen by Dan.

Blake went back to her cottage and took a long shower. She still felt Johan deep in her pussy, and she wanted more of that cock as soon as possible. Annika, Lisa, and Anna got ready for bed and turned the lights off.

“Honey, you need to go and check on the girls and boys,” said Sonja from the door. Dan was sitting in the garden drinking wine. “Right.” He got up and made his way to the first cottage. He knocked and heard Anna say it was open. When he walked in it was dark and he said, “Is everyone in bed?”

“Yes,” the three girls answered.

Dan was about to leave when he smelt something. He wrinkled his nose and drew in air through it. There was no mistake. It smelt pussy and cum in the living room. He smiled and left.

“Are you in bed, Blake?”

“Yes, Dan.”

He hadn’t opened the door to her cottage since the bedroom window was toward the front. “Did you have a nice day?”


“Did you also fuck the boys?”

There was a silence.

“C’mon Blake, I smelt the sex in the other cottage.”

“Yes,” she said in almost a whisper.

“Good, maybe next time, you will invite me to your party so you get to try some man’s cock.”

He chuckled and walked away towards Johan and Karls’s cottage. He would give them a hard time about fucking the instructors.

Blake lay in the dark, and her head was spinning. If Johan’s six-inch dick had felt so amazing, what would a bigger dick feel like and someone who knew how to use it? She turned onto her stomach and in her mind; she presented Dan with her round ass, looked at him from over her shoulder telling him to fuck her.